Chapter 182 - I refuse

After Ryuu came back from a specific weak country who couldn't handle the S Rank Gate where his woman benefited from it resulting in Tawata to grow significantly stronger than before having level up and confidence at the upcoming battle. 

Meanwhile Jin Woo Solo cleared S-rank gates and wiped out the monster-infested region making his guild rang throughout the world making the impossible of soloing a S Rank dungeon. 

Their names were heard all over the world as people discussed about their power and 2 days after Ryuu came back, Jin-woo landed in Korea after finishing all the gates in Europe the only gates left in Europe was the two gates in England as America has finished their gates with Christopher Reed and Thomas Andre taking the lead with many S-rank hunters.

And the list of participants for the International Guild Conference was announced. The guild representing Korea was none other than Ah-Jin Guild, replacing the Hunters guild that was usually chosen.

Ryuu brought only Lucifer with him at this moment telling his woman to train for the time being while he headed to the press conference where he met up with Thomas and Zhigang. He hasn't leveled up as frequently and is currently facing another wall that halt his progress. 

"Well, well, look who showed up. Hope the hotel I gave suits your taste."

Thomas grinned while Ryuu smiled and said.

"Yeah it's great, thanks for the help."

"Come on now, I can hardly repay my debt to you for what you've done. At least treat this as a gift from a brother. Is she the only one you brought today?"

Thomas asked, looking at Lucifer who looked like his secretary, similar to how Laura is to him. 

"Yes, Korea I told them to finish up and continue the raiding. Few of them went to other countries to raid their gates."

Ryuu explains that Erza, accompanied by Trese and Justjne went off on her own to finish a S-Rank gate and will be returning back to Korea. He wasn't worried not to meet them since they is always the Dimensional Training room 

"Oh right, I heard that you are dating a Korean? Hey, spill the beans and tell us her name."

He went and played his hand on Zhigang Shoulder who felt embarrassed while The other two laughed. 

"Alright alright, her name is Gina. I met her when they're at Red gate."

"Oh I recall she from the Hunter guild and quite the stubborn woman. Right up your alley I suppose."

The three chatted and Jin-Woo soon arrived with Joo Hee accompanying him and Jin-Ho. 

"Expected of an Edgelord, always dressed to impress!"

Thomas smirked while Ryuu just laughed even though he also dresses like an Edgelord and always has tame and acts like Dante.

"I feel like you just insulted me."

Jin-Woo doesn't understand him since he was speaking English while Joo Hee giggled and translated it for him, making frown.

"What? He's right, you know."

"How come an Edgelord while you're not?"

"Let's see, you say 'Come forth' and 'Arise' while acting really edgy. I mean couldn't you loosen up and smile more? Don't you agreez, Joo-Hee?"

Jin-Woo was getting angry while his girlfriend giggled and said.

"I think smiling more does suit you, Jin-Woo. Even though you've become handsome I do miss your cute self."

Joo-Hee teases him making Jin Woo blush while Ryuu and his friend laugh at his reaction much to his annoyances. After a while the group head to the press conference where he represents himself and as an independent hunter that is not bound by any country. 

They all discussed the current situation of the world where the number of gates increased and awakened people. The Rulers are trying to go all out in reinforcing the world and help humanity survive the aftermath. 

After a while the press conference ended with Ryuu heading to have lunch being invited by Thomas and Zhigang leaving Jin Woo who was invited by the american to somewhere.


( Were you the one who summoned me? )

A giant shadow dragon that had purple eyes roared and asked the handsome Black-haired man in front of him. This was kamish and despite Ryuu stealing his bone a small part of Kamish was left in the facility since Ryuu wanted Jin-Woo to have it but there was something he didn't expect.

"H-Hunter S-Sung!!!"

A middle-aged man with light brown hair that he wears in a small ponytail, blue eyes, sideburns, and a neatly trimmed beard. In his first appearance, he wore a simple white collared shirt and a pair of gray-beige pants.


A woman with orange hair and Blue eyes shouted worriedly as she looked at the scene.

"Why are you so Panicked Joo-hee? Don't worry,"

Jin-woo said looking back at Joo-hee while she nodded reluctantly and everyone else inside the room was still dumbfounded.

"C-C-Chairman, H-Hunter s-s-sung t-turned…."

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes who was wearing a light blue business suit spoke in a shaky voice.

"….. God, He turned the calamity into one of his summonses,"

The chairman said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. And the blonde-haired man gulped but everyone in the room was looking at the man who did all of this talking to the dragon who was...

"S-Sir, A-am I seeing things, or Is Kamish W-Wagging its t-tail," 

The blonde-haired man asked with clear shock in his voice. 

"Sigh* you are right Adam, I thought that I was hallucinating for a bit." 

The chairman said watching the impossible and seeing how Kamish was revived by Jin-Woo's power and understood how strong he truly was. Ryuu often fights with his team which is why they only see him as another national rank hunter. As Jin-woo was talking to the dragon, suddenly.

( Found you, Shadow Monarch's Vessel,) 

A cold voice sounded in the hall and Jin-woo tried to back away but the body of the dragon burst open and then the Huge Shadow dragon vanished along Jin-woo. 

"Where am I?" 

Jin-woo said as he looked around to see a dimly lit place that had a marble floor and huge pillars.

Although it was dark Jin-woo could clearly see his surroundings. Jin-woo looked towards the right side as he felt a 

dangerous amount of mana from that direction to see a man sitting on a throne that was on a high platform.

(Looks like you finally noticed me.) 

A handsome middle-aged man with long red hair, a neatly trimmed red beard, and glowing red eyes. He also wore silver-red armor with a high collar and a reddish-brown tailcoat. And a handsome blonde-haired man stood beside him looking at the scene in silence.

"Who are you?"

Jin-woo said as his eyes glowed purple as he felt the threat from the man that spoke in monster language. He vaguely knew who this man was but it wasn't coming to his mind.

( You don't know about me, Shadow Monarch's vessel?) 

The man asked. Jin-woo didn't answer back but just looked at the man trying to come up with a plan in his mind.

(Then let me introduce myself, My name is Antares The Monarch of Destruction.) 

Antares said as he used his skill [Dragon's Fear] and the air in the hall became heavy.

'What? Why does my body refuse to move!?.' 

Jin-woo felt an immense  pressure bearing down on him trying to crush him.

'I can't…..move properly.' 

Jin-woo thought it was difficult for him to move but it wasn't impossible yet couldn help but sweat under the enormous pressure that was released by Antares. The pressure he was feeling at the moment was a violent and destructive one

"[Shadow Exchange]" 

Jin-woo used his skill to get out of this place he can move but he can't fight the person in front of him so he made a choice to retreat but….

"It isn't working. What happened?" 

Jin-woo said as he was confused about the failure of the skill because this is the first time it happened.

( Stop the futile resistance, you aren't even the real shadow monarch, but to be able to stand in front of me is commendable, Shadow monarch's vessel, why don't you join our ranks. ) 

Antares said as his eyes glowed in crimson increasing the pressure on jin-woo.

"I refuse,"