Chapter 185 - Preparation for the war

Eight super-massive Gates all revealed themselves in various parts of the world. Half in fear and half feeling mystified by this development, people were filming these Gates and uploading the footage on social media. Breaking news poured in from all parts of the world.


The sound of Woo Jin-Chul swallowing his saliva rang out loudly from Jin-Woo's side. He didn't mind that and continued to watch each and every one of the video clips.

"H-Hunter Sung… Could these be also….?" 

Jin-Chul asked in a shaking voice.

"No, definitely not."

Jin-Woo quickly cut him off. He made sure to drill home the point that these new Gates had no relations to him whatsoever.

"…Can you gather all the representatives from the different countries in one place?" 

Ryuu said and the first time he spoke in a serious tone since he realized that his Enhance instincts are roaring at him in the upcoming fight.

He trusts all of his women would defeat one of the monarchs while he and Jin-Woo handle Antares leaving the other two monarchs to his woman while also letting his other army handle the rest of the canon fodder. 

Go Gun-Hee nodded and soon he managed to call every representative all over the world to discuss the current situation knowing dire it is. Everything took a few days until everyone was gathered. 

Ryuu went into the stage where he was about to inform these folks on what was to come about the arrival of eight great armies desiring the destruction of this world. Also, the fact that each and every one of these armies are made up of soldiers from the Chaos World, ones that humanity would find very difficult to fight against.


They were waiting for the official announcement with those anxious expressions etched on their faces. After learning the truth, though, what would their expressions change to next?

The tension tightening around their hearts was transmitted in full to Ryuu and his own expression stayed the same.


Everyone held their breath and listened to his voice. The auditorium might have been quiet before, but now, it was even quieter than ever.

"I know that things will become incredibly difficult for everyone."

His voice seemed to softly ripple within the eerily-silent auditorium. Ryuu's ears could pick up on the noises of representatives swallowing their saliva along with their violently pounding hearts. He calmly addressed his audience with these closing words.

"However, no one alive will be able to avoid fighting the upcoming battle. An army far bigger than the one that appeared in Seoul is going to appear from those Gates."

The hall was silent, no one was able to say a thing when they heard that, they felt their heart drop. Eventually, someone unable to beat back his fear-filled curiosity and shouted at Ryuu.

"Y-you, you expect us to believe that story?!"

How could anyone believe the story of horrifying creatures capable of destroying everything on this land creeping ever closer to this planet?

That voice of an elderly man was now filled with a palpable sense of desperation.

"Evidence…. Show me the evidence! Without that, I won't ever believe you!!"

"T-that's right!"

"Aren't your claims far too absurd to be believable?!"

"Out of the blue, you tell us that hundreds of creatures similar to Kamish will show up, but how can that even make sense?!"

Most of them were men as the women were just looking at Ryuu in a daze from the time he entered. When facing a reality that they couldn't deal with humans would automatically resort to denying it or get angry as their defense mechanism.

These representatives from various nations willfully forgot about the many miracles Ryuu had shown them so far, and directed their furious words of denial toward him standing on the rostrum.

"Shut up and sit down," 

Ryuu said and everyone closed their mouth and sat down albeit it wasn't of their own will.

'H-H-He…. What did he do?'

That was the question in the mind of everyone who was standing up just and shouting a moment ago. They looked at the red aura surrounding Ryuu as his red eyes shined and they sobered up realizing the person they shouted at.

"I believe you have calmed down, I understand the reason for your panic as I would be the same If I was in the same position as you who represent the lives of millions of people at the moment,"

 Ryuu said calming the panic in the hall.

"But it is not like we can't deal with this, if we didn't have any plans for this we wouldn't have called for this meeting," 

Ryuu said with a smile and calmed everyone down. And Zhigang raised his hand.

"Yo, Zhigang,"

Ryuu said with the same calm smile and casual attitude as he was meeting his friend on the street.

"What should we do then?"

Zhigang asked as he was familiar with his behavior he knew that Ryuu won't waste their time like this.

"The truth is…"

Ryuu then proceeded to create clones and gates with monster coming out kneeling down before him

"M-My god"

"A-Am I dreaming,"

"N-No I must surely be dreaming right now,"

There were eight more Ryuu on the stage standing behind him. Everyone in the room was too shocked to speak though the females had a different reason to be shocked.

"A-Are these….?" 

Someone tried to say.

"They are clones and monster that are under my command."

 Ryuu nodded affirming it.

"So will Hunter Cinco send them…."

"Yes, they will fight the incoming army that is about to come from the gates. These clones are connected to me and I am able to receive everything in real time which is why they will help assist each country. Though they are not as powerful as I am, they would still be an important asset in the fight." 

Ryuu said and the clones behind him waved their hands at the people as they smiled. This left the men in astonishment and the women in astonishment as well but for a different reason all together.

"Then where are you going to go Hunter Cinco?"

One of the female reporters asked.

"Oh, I'll wait for the boss to show up as he is the most troublesome," 

Ryuu said with a wide smirk.

"But there is one more thing," 

Ryuu said as he raised one finger causing everyone to look at him. 

As soon as Ryuu said that everyone listened to him with full attention concentrating on every word.

"Evacuate the common people as far from the gate as possible, because. These gates aren't stable, they can suddenly open at any time and I don't need to say further." 

Ryuu said and everyone was once again in a panic but they didn't shout like before but just murmured among themselves.

Although it is a lie it can be turned into reality if the dragon monarch wanted to start early, it was completely up to him when to start the attack. but it will take him time to gather all of his army and also order the armies of the other monarchs so that will give them some more time. David Brennon raised his hand and Ryuu nodded.

"Then how are we going to move so many people, when there is also the danger of the gates opening as you said," 

David said as he sweated.

"Of course, both me, my guild and Jin-woo will help you with this,"

Ryuu said as he pointed at Jin-woo who nodded. This made everyone more reassured as Jin-woo is well known for his massive amounts of Summons that can help with evacuating the people. One of the representatives stood up gathering everyone's attention.

"I don't believe this shit you can take your story and shove it." 

The Man said, causing everyone to look at him in shock as their mouths hung open.

'Does this idiot have any idea who he is saying that to. Even a National Rank Hunter raised his hand before speaking. Which ends do you think you come from?' 

Everyone sweatdropped when they saw the man. Jays Miller is ranked 17th in the world and the representative from Canada. 

The biggest gate among all the eight gates was in Canada; it was even bigger than the Seoul gate.

"You just want all the Prof-" 

Jay was about to continue but his words were cut short.

"I don't remember giving you permission to speak,"