Chapter 190 - Endgame 5

Everyone witnessed as the gate endlessly  poured out countless monsters that some had the same power as Kamish. They were all sweating bullets and gripped their weapons tightly. The Hunters began to rush towards the monster, slicing through the hordes of weaker monsters while those stronger ones were killed by their stronger allies. 

The loud explosion sent a ripple through the city shattering the city windows while violently shaking the entire ground. It hadn't been even a minute yet the entire battlefield appeared like it was the end of the world.

Everyone then sensed a massive magical surging through the battlefield as three women showed their power. They were scarlet red, crimson red and black with red outline burst into the sky before they vanished and became nothing but a streak of light at how fast they moved through the battlefield.

A streak of shadow could be seen rushing towards the stronger monster slicing them like butter even the humongous breasts were easily sliced to pieces. This was Trese who gripped her dagger tightly and ran through the battlefield like a silent killer. 

The monster falls like flies while the hunters watch in disbelief that someone was capable of killing the monster who had the same power as Kamish. 

Everything seems to stand still as Trese rushes through the battlefield, easily cutting them to pieces with her dagger and manipulating the shadow to sprout sharp darkness that moves according to her will and slices through the monster who is on the ground. 


Once she was surrounded in the corpses of the monster began to turn them into a shadow soldier bearing their fangs and weapon fighting alongside her. They easily fill up and grow stronger with every passing movement.  

She leaped into the building sprouting shadow wings and flew into the sky while imbuing her dagger with magical energy and slash at the flying monster getting more and more levels. 

Another destructive explosion occured as the crimson streak rushed towards the monster with destruction orbs behind her and imbued her entire body with immensely powerful energy that destroyed everything. 

She held out arms blasting endless waves of destruction orbs that absorbed the monster and the building as well. Rias held out her arms and began to conjure a powerful destructive blast akin to the dragon monarch's breath obliterating numerous monsters.  



Rias flew into the sky sending more attacks that disintegrated the monster with ease and little resistances. She then took one of the destruction orbs and turned it into a stuff then began to churn a massive magical energy that soon created a powerful blast that could be seen from miles away. 

Her control over destruction was always on par with her brother but still a long way to go in reaching his power.

While she gave her best to dwindle the number of monsters, another streak of light rushed into the battlefield and saw Erza in her Nakagami, The armor is composed of a short revealing robe that is tied together with an intricate ribbon at the waist. The armor features large pauldrons over each shoulder, bearing the image of a lion with an open mouth, and decorated greaves that match the motif of the armor. 

The entire set is complemented with a rhombus-shaped tiara and a large sash which loops above her head with the ends hanging out towards the ground with a bead on each end. The armor comes equipped with a large halberd possessing a circular hand-guard at its center.

It was able to dispel magic and easily slashes through the hordes of monsters. She didn't have the armor and only got it from using Gacha and even gained most of her armor from the end series. 

She was going all out but made sure to leave a trump card behind knowing that it would be best to take things with caution. 



The sound of weapon resounded through the battlefield as Erza swung her spear and killed the monster with ease seeing everything in slow motion. Her speed was vastly different than it was once and easily reacted much faster. 

She then threw her spear at such a high velocity that it became a missile that obliterated the monster upon impact and leaped into the air before changing into her [ Heaven's Wheel] armor and swung her sword while controlling the swing that flying in the air and slicing through the hordes of monster. 

The hunters were pushing slowly pushing back the monster slowly feeling that they actually have a chance in winning against them only for it to be squished when a massive explosion obliterated miles of land killing numerous hunters and monster alike while those who were far away from the blast were sent flying. 

( How pathetic, is this all you have? )

Those who survive saw someone releasing a massive magical energy that makes their body crawl while behind the person was massive dragon conjuration. 

The person was an old man with gray hair, light red eyes, and a blood-red blob symbol on his torso. He wore a tattered blackish-purple hooded cloak, a pale yellow bone-like mask over his mouth, and two metallic horn-like objects extending from his upper back where his eyes glowed pinkish-purple. This was Yogumunt, the Monarch of transfiguration. 

( Hymn of Strengthening! Hymn of blindness! Hymn of fire-)

He cast a magical spell causing the hunters to be weakened, severely coughing blood in the process. The last spell was intercepted by a powerful blast forcing him to cast shield blocking the attack then stepped back when a shadow appeared swiftly moved, slashing at him but he evaded every attack. 

( A sneak attack? As expected of a fake Shadow monarch. Hymn of Fire Dragon! Hymn of protection! )

Trese conjured shadow blades as she stepped back landing into her fit into the building then proceeded to hide entering the shadow itself and evaded the enemies attack.

She threw the blades towards Yogumunt but they were easily dispelled with his magic and summoned more magic blasting her with an onslaught of attacks. 

Trese then changed her tactic and summoned shadow fire elemental then turned them into dark flames and sent towards Yogumunt who was shocked to see the flames and countered with his own magic.

This is one of the key differences between her and Jin-Woo as she is able to turn anything into a shadow soldier. She imbued her dagger with magic sending sword slashes toward Yogumunt cracking his shield making him evade and the attack resulted in cleaving an entire building with ease. 

( I should have expected this, you are different from the Shadow Monarch.  But no matter what, it doesn't change anything. )

He said confident in their victory then cast yet another barrier where Erza appeared changing her armor once again but this time it was Wind God armor, that appears like a tribal-type robe that covers the wearer's upper body in a dark yellow waistcoat-like garb. It gave her the ability to use Wind magic and ready her sword.


She then slashes her sword into the barrier causing a powerful gust of wind and sends Yogumunt flying several buildings. 

Afterwards, Erza vanished from her spot appearing where Yogumunt stood up unharm yet extremely enraged and sent powerful flames towards Erza who dodge and charged her swords sending wind slashes towards Yogumunt who intercepted it with his own magic. 

Her movement then changed her armor into lightning empress armor and proceeded to cast lightning attacks that began to push back Yogumunt who cast more spells destroying even more buildings in the process but she was too fast and evaded every attack. 


Yogumunt saw the spear moving towards him and he erected a barrier thicker than earlier but it was instantly shattered, surprisingly then felt it pierces a large part of his body. 

He was surprised that a human was able to wound him expecting it to be the shadow monarch or his army. 

Yogumunt then proceed to use Spiritual Body Manifestation turning into his true monarch forms where he grew younger and ditch his orbs while wielding a scythe smiling at Erza and before she could react Yogumunt appeared with his scythe about to slash her but was intercepted by Trese who appeared and kick him to distance themselves. 

( I am impressed that human are capable of fighting us but this is nothing bu-)

A powerful blast then sent towards him that disgrated a large chunk of where Yogumunt was standing and had his body heavily wounded by the attack before using his magic to heal himself and saw a woman shrouded in crimson armor emanating with the same aura of the most powerful monarch. 

"Are you alright, Erza?"

Rias was worried that she might have been wounded but she shook her head and changed her armor standing beside Rias.

She now wore a beautiful, white revealing gown with a hem sprouting from it and a red collar, being tied with a red and gold belt that resembles an obi. The upper part of the dress includes red and white shoulderless sleeves and a rose decoration on the user's left hand, while the foot wearings are a pair of red and gold knee-high heel boots. 

In addition to all of this, the armor consists of swords being used for various purposes, albeit primarily as wings, adding to the peculiarity.

"Ataraxia Armor!"

Erza used one of her stronger and latest armor. The blade wings had the ability to bypass normal attack and took another sword, the length of the blade was 2m and the width was 80cm. The thickness was 8cm. The length of the handle was set at 40cm. 

It had the form of a blue shark and its appearance was lively enough to give off the illusion. The transparent blue shark-shaped greatsword was amazing.


She acquired in the Gacha the legendary sword Failure that was perfect for her. It was a great sword and despite its size the weapon was extremely light. In addition, due to its material of Blue Orichalcum, it grows stronger in the dark. 

Trese then stood beside them shrouding herself with darkness as well and imbued her dagger with more power making it sharper than before. She manifested her Aura like a death itself that made Yogumunt feel fear for the first time as her eyes glowed with red outline. 

"Let's finish this."