Chapter 211 - Fustration

The centaur and son of Poseidon was taken aback when they heard someone speak and turned to find a handsome young man that had a serene and mysterious atmosphere as if untouched by the world itself. He sat with his legs crossed and arms up, sitting down as if he owned the entire world.

Chiron was shaken, feeling overwhelmed by his presence and ended up falling to his knees due to the fact Ryuu had domination over every known beast including centaur. It made his body crawl just standing before him, sensing that even thinking about someone is a death will and the only thing he could do is absolute submission. Percy Jackson could feel his aura but not the same level as Chiron and was able to speak. 

"It's you! From last night!"

He exclaimed while Ryuu smiled at his words and said.

"Indeed I am, feel free to speak, Centaur."

He gave his permission which allowed Chiron to breath easily as his air was too suffocating for a beast like him. It is worth noting, Grover who was Saytr didn't feel his presence as he was still young compared to chiron. 

"W-Who are you? Are you a god?"

Chiron asked as the atmosphere around made it clear that he was no mortal, not even mentioning how he appeared out of thin air without being noticed while Percy was surprised to hear that he was a god and Ryuu nodded and said.

"Indeed, In the past I loathed my existence but now I have come to accept it. Boy I haven't told you my name did I?"

Ryuu stood up recalling the words that Styx said about his name and decided to use it to introduce himself. He acted more serious or rather more chuuni since he couldn't deny it sounded really cool. 

"I am the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth. I am that which slithers into the darkest abyss. I am he who was born of true light and darkness. I am that of which the heathen gods tremble at the mere mention of my name. I am the Shadow of God. His dark self. But unlike Him...I am not merciful."

He released a bit of his energy to make Percy feel his presence, making him gulp as he continued.

"I am the God of Evil, Flesh, plague, Depravity, Blood, Twisted minds and many more. I am the devouring god who consumed the Divine. Though this title is intimidating, I am not Evil, I am The Evil."

Chiron doesn't know what to do since someone like him can easily decimate the whole camp half blood while Percy doesn't know what to do since he let his mother be taken by someone claiming to be evil. It was then a laughter was heard as he released his Aura making the two breaths easy and looked at him who said. 

"Sorry sorry hahahah I couldn't help it! Seriously lighten up a bit, I am Evil but the reason is because I loathe Evil and unable to harm those who are good like you, Boy."

Ryuu said while Percy and Chiron looked at him dumbfounded that someone who was extremely terrifying earlier suddenly became lax and acted like an airhead. Chiron, who gained his bearing, decided to speak.

"Yaldabaoth, I thought you were a myth?"

Chiron knew a bit of the other faction and knew about Yaldabaoth but most are mere myths. Ryuu shook his head and said.

"I will not answer your question. Ask a different one."

He nodded still felt intimidated by his presence and asked.

"Why are you here and what is your purpose?"

Ryuu simply smiled and said.

"That water boy over there, he has strong fate or rather plot armor in this case. I need to train him and end the possible war that is soon to come. Another purpose is to find the one who stole the lightning bolt and I already knew who it was but I am not going to confront them until the one backing them up appears."

Chiron's eyes went wide and was shocked that he knew who stole the lightning bolt and asked.

"You know who stole it!? Tell us so we can end the possible war between the two main gods!"

Ryuu nodded at his word since he does not like unnecessary war unless it is against wild and mindless beasts then it is fine and said.

"A camper named Luke Castellan, Son of Hermes stole the lightning with the help of Ares the God of War hoping to cause a massive conflict between the Olympian gods and once both sides are weakened would allow Ares to overthrow the two and claim himself as the new God Head."

He gets more powerful and gains more understanding over his power of being the Evil Embodiment. Ryuu is extremely power that the Job System became redundant and the chat group as well but doesn't care since it reminds him for a fanfic called "In the multiver with two golden fingers"

Where it had a chat group but it is extremely redundant if he was being honest. The protagonist was op and had countless women that included women from against the gods. Ryuu hoped he could help those woman and stopped the stupid protagonist who likes to r*pe.

Chiron realizes how deep this conflict goes and how it would affect the future of their faction. If he gets a hold of the power over Olympus then it would cause a massive shift and war would be more adamant in the world. Case in point, the war between certain countries.

"Then this is urgent! We must stop them before things get out of han-"


A simple phrase made Chiron unable to speak looking at Ryuu who frowned and said.

"You're getting ahead of yourself. I'll handle Ares and the Lightning bolt while also training that boy over there for at least the whole week. Not to mention, the Olympian gods broke an Oath to the river Styx and I am going to be the one who brings retribution to them."

Ryuu had spoked with Styx and found that the oath made by the Greek gods but she unable to bring punishment to them and only their children recieve it. He frowned hearing those words and thought how the gods just avoid parental obligation. 

He told her that he'll handle the gods and even receive another mission that had another reward. 

[ Side Mission ]

[ Description: The Gods had broken an oath and the goddess Styx is unable to bring retribution upon them.

Objective: Punish the petty gods.

Reward: Essence of the Primarch (Female) Caretaker. ]

Ryuu didn't need the mission because of his hatred over all gods because of how manchild they can be.

"Remember this, I hate the heathen and petty Olympian gods for they are nothing but a bunch of manchild who abuse their power far too much. They don't do their responsibility to be a parent and that damn horn dog Zeus can't keep it in his pants!"

He cursed the Olympian gods who shivered unaware of the reason while Ryuu was invisible from their clairvoyance. Zeus is a misogynistic rap*st who ruin lives and the only god who is decent is Hades who does his job well. Chiron can't deny his words since it is true but felt obligated to defend them yet unable to speak his thoughts.

"Boy, listen well."

Ryuu turned to face Percy who had been quiet listening to their conversation and said. 

"Do not forget your roots as humans, they may be weak but that's what makes them better than gods. Fighting over the odds and overcoming them. Do not let fate bind you and continue the path where you think is right. For I am once a human like you."

Percy nodded, affected by his words and heard him continue.

"Good. Because seriously, why the hell does Zeus immediately point to war instead of I don't know, SEARCH for his lightning stick!?"

He yelled out his frustration at the immaturity of the gods in the olympus and said.

"That aside, I am also the new consort of Styx which is why I must punish them but don't worry I won't kill them. As I am man of my words, I won't harm your father, Percy."

Chiron looked at him, taken aback hearing him claim that he had become the Goddess of the River Styx and hatred Consort! He almost pitied the Olympian gods on what was about to happen. Ryuu then continued to speak

"Anyways, why don't we start your training boy?"