Chapter 219 - Swept by the wind

The Primordial Goddess of the wind, Amihan looked at the young man emanating a dreadful aura around him that she felt suffocated from just being near him yet drawn at the same time. Ryuu walked closer resting his forearm on the ledge looking at the sky world, finding the realm to be vastly superior to the Olympian gods. 

The place felt empty and had numerous family drama while this place had more life to it and order. Ryuu then began to speak without looking at Amihan.

"I'm just wondering since you are a Primordial Goddess of the wind if you know anything in the past? My consort, Styx told me some of it but I'm unsure if the same applies to you."

Amihan became intrigued hearing the name of the goddess and said.

"Styx huh? I know her well and I am surprised she is your consort, god of evil." 

Ryuu shrugged and said.

"Got lucky, I guess." 

Amihan laughed at his words and said.

"Luck? I doubt that is the case. Also for your question, indeed whatever she told you holds true. All Primordial gods, no matter how old, came from Khaos and the great war as well as the situation of every pagan god."

Ryuu became intrigued and continued to listen.

"I cannot tell you because only the oldest Primordial god knows the answer, namely Uranus and Gaia."

He was expecting her to tell him about everything but was disappointed and Amihan saw this only made her laugh and said.

"I apologize for making you disappointed, God of Evil. Though, I can't provide you with information but I can at least take you where to find Gaia."

Ryuu perked up hearing her words and Amihan continued.

"She is in hiding and I am the only one who knows where she is. I am willing to bring you there if you wish."

He nodded and said.

"Perhaps another time, I have my own agenda a few days from now."

Amihan nodded and said.

"You are a human turn god which should be extremely difficult due to the fact that normal humans often turned into God slayer or Campione instead of a god."

Ryuu tilted his head and said.

"God slayer? Campione? Can a normal human kill a god?"

From his understanding God cannot be killed as it is extremely difficult and they can only be harmed by divine weapons while Amihan nodded and said.

"It is rare and a massive resource is needed to accomplish such a feat. Gaining a Divine weapon is one thing but actually contending with their strength? Only way to gain that kind of power is through extensive training or a blessing from another god."

Ryuu was intrigued and nodded since he wouldn't be able to fight gods without his abilities. Amihan then asked him a question.

"I am curious, God of Evil. What is your goal?"

She noticed how the humans began to worship him and how they're lives are improving. Ryuu rubbed his chin for a moment and said.

"Unity and guide humanity to a better path."

Amihan was amused at his response and asked.

"But you know that humans will always, always be ungrateful even after the blessing you've gifted?"

Humanity often takes things for granted once they are used to things. They all became entitled and spoiled knowing that someone or something will provide them with everything. Ryuu nodded and said.

"I know but I'll build the foundation and the rest is up to them. Most humans are lost from having too many leaders divided by their own ego. Humanity needs a Lantern to guide them in the boundless darkness."

Amihan grows more interested in the god before him and far different than what his divinity foretells. He seems calm and good natured.

"Then you want to be a lantern that shines through the darkness?"

Ryuu nodded and turned to face the primordial goddess and said.

"Indeed, humanity is divided by men on the top who only sought after their own interest or the interest of the rich. Though, I'm not as ambitious to remove all evil since as long as the concept of good exists then evil as well."

Not only is Ryuu immortal as long as the concept of evil exists but Good as well. He is not ambitious enough to be humanities babysitter since he knows they are able to do things on their own and he is just removing the plague of society by infecting them with his own. Amihan was impressed by his views on humanity while Ryuu continued.

"Still, I am not going to be some kind of hero and always be there and frankly I don't have a reason for doing this but thought of it on a whim."

He shrugged considering there is no point of doing it when he is already powerful. He thought it would be great and fun since he's like Darkeseid but does the opposite. He wants to rule the universe or multiverse and has the power to do so yet still make armies and subordinates. Amihan giggled and said.

"You are quite the interesting god, god of Evil…no, what should I call you?"

Ryuu rubbed his chin and said with a smile.

"Just Ryuu would be fine, Ami."

Amihan raised a brow when he heard him and said.


Ryuu awkwardly smiled and rubbed his neck and said.

"Oh, sorry It slipped out of my tongue."

He apologized while the goddess of the wind shook her head and said.

"I do not mind, Ryuu. It is only fair to call me what you wish as I call you by your name."

Ryuu smiled at her words and said.

"Is that so? Well I think it is a cute nickname for a majestic and beautiful goddess such as yourself."

Amihan was amused by his compliment and said,

"You think I'm majestic and beautiful even in this form?"

Ryuu nodded and said.

"Normally, I dislike birds because when I was child they kept chasing me which resulted in trauma. Though I'm not afraid anymore, my opinion of them hasn't changed. I prefer dragons and other beasts than a bird but…"

Amihan was curious about his next words and continued.

"You are beautiful from the golden feather to your serene atmosphere coming from you. If I was a bird and I saw you then I'd fall for you in a heartbeat."

Amihan saw his smile that didn't have any flirtatious tone and only shared his true feelings. Ryuu was even planning on getting more women since he hadn't gotten the girls what they wanted like Tawata who hadn't done the deed. Jin-Ah is still young and can wait a few years. Not to mention, he'll be a father soon.

The goddess of the wind nodded and spread her wings shining in bright light surprising Ryuu but remained stoic watching as a strong gust of wind swept over him and the light formed into a woman emanating with divine wind and ancient power wearing gray clothes with golden ornament and cloak hood over her head. She had blonde hair and a body that can be described as perfect and stared at Ryuu before leaning closer where she placed both of her hands on his cheek and said.

[ Image here ]

"God of Evil, I don't know why but those words of yours seem rather captivating and I decided to declare myself as your new consort. Consider this a contract between our faction."

She pulled him taking his lips and felt his tongue move into her, surprising the ancient god but let it be while The two were being watched by Trese who couldn't believe her eyes.

'This guy is getting more and more dangerous. He spoke to her more than 3 to 5 times yet she was already captivated by his charms.'

She couldn't help but shake her head seeing Ryuu gaining another woman. Normally, she should feel jealous since her boyfriend is kissing another girl yet strangely doesn't mind it having this feeling that he won't ever betray him. She had been with Ryuu for some time and knew that it would be the very last thing he would do is hurt them. 

Though, he failed in the past because of immaturity but his improving himself. Many argue that he manipulates them with his [ Essence of Harem protagonist ] but it is just a tool and Ryuu vowed to use it appropriately, he could only accept the fact and protect their feelings. Ryuu finished kissing glancing at Trese who just rolled her eyes and said.