Chapter 221 - The truth

Hearing the tragic love of Izanami made the woman pity the goddess while loathing the god for being a coward and obviously only loved her for her body if anything. Jin-Ah turned to face Ryuu and asked.

"Ryuu will you do the same for us? If we aren't sexy or of no use to you?"

They all faced Ryuu who was cooking and wondered what their lover's opinion was while he rubbed his chin and said.

"I'll be honest because I hate lying. Obviously I was captivated by your beauty but that is just infatuation and lust."

The girls grateful for his honesty since they would doubt if he says he'll love them even whatever shape they become and continue listening.

"But, I've grown to see past through that and my love is your personality. Take for example, Jin-Ah's energetic nature and always having time to make things fun or Tawata's stubborn and headstrong personality that has hid her cute side. I can list more but it will likely take an entire chapter."

The two girls blush hearing his words and Ryuu just thought about it since he loved them for their personality and having a great body is a bonus. Not to mention, his true form is vastly more grotesque than anything and worried that they'll feel disgust about it but fortunately they don't mind it. Amihan nodded and glad that she chose a suitable consort and said.

"Perhaps you can get her to join your Harem, My dear consort."

Ryuu felt speechless at her suggestion while the others girls looked at him and Justine said,

"Do it! That scum Izanagi doesn't deserve her!! If I can, I'll beat him to death."

The other girls agreed and wanted to castrate him but Mitsuri asked.

"Did Izami ever try to reconcile with her?"

Amihan mood darken bursting with killing intent and said firmly 

"NO, instead of calming down and understanding the situation he sealed the gates of the realm of the dead in order for Izanami to never escape. That scum was just a coward and ashamed of himself even after I tried helping him he refused. In the end, I often visit Izanami to ease her pain by giving her lies about her husband…."

She spoke more about her friend and made the girls listen more but Ryuu stopped them and said.

"Let's continue the story and eat up. I've made this from ingredients within a world of food."

They were disappointed and eager to know more but understood and looked at their dishes which were Oyakodon with a unique type of rice where the aroma was to die for.

"This is a dish I call [ Golden Dragon Oyakodon with 4 seasoned rice ]."

Everyone nodded and took the first bite that instantly caused them to squirm, feeling the mouth watering food as the meal had a perfect blend of flavor and the way it cooked was too divine that has no equal. Amihan was dumbfounded and kept eating while speaking.

"This is heavenly! You are indeed a perfect consort."

Ryuu scratched the back of his neck and said.

"I doubt that but I do try my best and not to mention this skill of mine is just given."

Amihan smiled fining his humble words because sometimes people become entitled because of their power but Ryuu who had been week that became strong and understood it's value and said.

"There is no need to be humble." 

After a while, they continued eating their dinner  before continuing their story in the living room. 

"Well, let us continue. After Izanami is stricken with grief, she continues to deteriorate her mind, forcing me to help her the best way I can. I've created stories and lies to keep her mind, even though it pained I still helped her. Perhaps, I can trick her into believing Ryuu is her true husband instead. Though, it would be a lie but it is better than the painful truth."

They were saddened by the story and how it became even more sad while their hate continued for Izanagi wishing to beat up. Ryuu couldn't help but shake his head and said.

"I dislike the idea but if it means helping her then I am willing to meet her but not now. I have many things I need to do first."

Amihan nodded and said.

"It's fine, she is currently slumbering and will wake up in a month or so. But please help my friend, Ryuu."

Her words and finally saying his name made him understand how serious it is and nodded. Amihan smiled at the reason and relieved that her friend's suffering can finally end.


The next day, Ryuu finally finished his personal world that he calls Elysium and his Empire would be the Great Imperium. He had diluted the time where humans repopulated and worshiped his woman and him as god for several generations as he guided them to advance where they're technology is a mixture of magic. They are no cyborgs as Ryuu's teaching was that flesh is divine and had molded the world even more, having sub-dimension along with other races.

This is at least a few thousand years after he created his personal world and humanity. Ryuu was happy and only intervened when they were in crisis watching them rise and fall, understanding more what it's like to be a god. But his empire is eternal while those who defy him end up kicked back to earth or punished by the Divine slate which is an artifact that helps punish criminals. 

He brought his woman to his Divine Realm where they instantly felt their body absorb the divinity and connected to the world where they have full control along with embodying what their magic and divinity is. Justine couldn't help but exclaimed 

"Good lord, I didn't expect to be an actual Goddess. This feels weird and memories for thousands of years of history hurt my brain."

They became vastly more powerful easily next to Ryuu with their Greater divinity but needed some time in getting used to.  Amihan smiled, feeling her own divinity flowing in the world and said.

"The air seems to be fresh and better than Terra Mundo. Gaia would love it here and perhaps won't mind joining you in maintaining the world."

Ryuu pretended not to hear it and said.

"Well, let me give you a tour."

They nodded and while he was busy showing them around another Ryuu was currently planning to tell everything to his parents about the situation. He already expects them to not take it too well knowing that their son had changed into a monstrous creature but Ryuu knew that rather than hiding and waiting it was better to tell as early as possible to experience less pain if they don't accept it.

"Hey son? You said you were going to tell us something?"

His father sat down beside his wife staring at his son who appeared anxious at what he was about to tell them. 

"Relax, dear, whatever is going to tell us we will be sure to understand it."

Ryuu's mother reassured him, yet unable to ease his anxiety. If someone else in his situation would they be able to bluntly say that their son had turned into a literal eldritch god whose power is plague and blood?

Perhaps they would do the same considering it was far too unbelievable. Ryuu knows that it would be a surprise that shunned him into thinking that their son had turned into a monster. He took a deep breath looking at them straight to the eyes.

"I believe you would faint at what I am about to tell you or rather what I'm about to show you."

Ryuu transfers some of his memory into them, witnessing his journey through and through showing the important details while leaving some of the gruesome things. Their faces jaw drop looking at their only child both horrified and awe upon learning he had turned into a deity. 

"W-Was it true!? You've gone and experienced all of that!?"

"Yes, I won't try if you two want me gone. Perhaps I'm not the son you know anymore."

Ryuu considered that after many changes was he really who he believed he was? It took a while to find the answer that he is who he is and there's no difference than a person maturing and growing old because no one stays the same. 

"That's why you asked that question…"

His father muttered looking at him still processing what he just said while his wife hugged Ryuu tightly and said. 

"Of course not!? Do you think we'll treat you like some monster!? You are only son and no one else."

He was surprised that his mother cried out seeing his expressions and after some crying and drama they all came down. Ryuu was slightly surprised how they were okay with everything that he said. Fujin, his father, messed up his hair and said,

"I mean we're your parents, we've noticed strange things about you and the subtle changes. "

Ryuu softly smiled and nodded while his father continued.

"I'm just surprised how you're willing to let me have multiple women."

His father smirked proudly at his son for scoring more women while Mia,  his mother asked.

"Can you show us your true face?"

Ryuu nodded and showed his face that was more mature and older, making his mother nodded and said.

"As expected of my son. It is not surprising that they fall for you and adding your personality is just a match made in heaven."

He smiled hearing his mother compliment while his father said.

"Well my genes are going strong hahahaha."

Fujin gave a bellowing laughed while his wife said.

"Can you bring us to them?"