Chapter 224 - Arendelle

The kingdom of Arendelle, a place ruled by monarchy and once ruled by the king and queen. The two had two daughters named Anna and Elsa where one had the same traits as their parents while the other had pure white hair akin to the winter snow. This was Elsa who had the power to control winter where she often used to play with her sister yet one particular day she accidentally harmed her and from that day onward. 

The castle gates would be locked, and Elsa's contact with people would be limited, including with Anna. The king had the two separated and moved Elsa and her belongings to a new room. Though Elsa appeared unhappy with the new separation, she realized the necessity of the situation and accepted it.

In the years that followed, Elsa's only contact with others was through her parents. Anna implored her sister time and time again to spend time with her, but failed at every turn. The King  worked closely with Elsa to help her attain control, giving her a pair of gloves to suppress her powers.

However, in spite of the gloves, Elsa's powers continued to manifest, and when she accidentally froze a portion of her room, Elsa was horrified at the increasing potency of her abilities and even refused her parents to come close, fearing she would hurt them.

When Elsa was eighteen, The King  and The Queen prepared to depart on a two-week voyage. Elsa formally curtsied them as they left, but, feeling worried, questioned them about the necessity of their journey. The King  assured Elsa that she would be fine and departed with The Queen. 

Unfortunately, the king and queen perished when their vessel capsized during a deadly sea storm. A funeral was held, but Elsa did not attend, opting instead to mourn alone within her bedroom; her emotions resulted in the room being completely overtaken by ice. Though Anna tried once more to reach out to her sister, Elsa did not respond.

Three years after the passing of Agnarr and Iduna, Elsa had finally come of age and was ready to embrace the responsibilities of being a queen. 

The castle gates were to be open for her coronation to accommodate the representatives from other lands who had come to witness the coronation. It was also an opportunity for the citizens of Arendelle to see their new queen.

Having hidden from the world for so long, Elsa was apprehensive due to the potential risk that her powers would be exposed. She practiced grasping the orb and scepter in the library while gazing at a portrait of her father's coronation, repeating the mantra he had taught her. 

Though she froze the candlestick and ornament with which she was practicing, Elsa reminded herself the gates would only be open for that day and proceeded to tell the guards to open them. She headed out onto a balcony that overlooked the courtyard to view the arriving guests before making her way to the chapel for her coronation.

For Elsa the day was filled with fear and anxiety while her sister, Anna was filled with euphoria on the day where she can finally see the world. The moment she found out that the day had come, Anna couldn't help but jump out of bed and put on her dress. She then raced out into the hallways, marveling at the sight of open windows and doors. 

The enormous prospect of the open gates quickly dawned upon Anna, and the princess realized that she finally had a chance to escape her secluded life by meeting someone special. When the gates opened, Anna was the first one to leave the castle grounds and cross the bridge over to the village square.

She began to explore the kingdom seeing the festivity and was empowered by the prospect of a new life and oblivious to her surroundings, Anna slammed into something hard and fell into the ground.  Frustrated, Anna prepared to berate at the person she hit, only to stop upon realizing the stranger was quite handsome and regal.

Anna was speechless as it was the first time he had seen someone other than her servants and observed his features. He had this air of serenity and stillness untouched by the world looking at her with his sharp blood soaked red eyes as wind swept his black hair like the starless sky. 

Her heart was pounding just staring at him and due to her lack of contact with people only reading stories made start to think it was love at first sight.

"Are you alright?"

He held out his hand making her flustered and took it as he helped her stand up as Anna replied with.

"Y-Yes! I just wasn't looking where I was going but I'm great, how about you!?"

Anna felt out of breath trying to speak yet felt composed herself while the young man nodded and said.

"Good to hear, I don't want a beauty like yourself to get hurt."

He elegantly spoke while Anna blush at his compliment making heart skipped a beat like a young maiden and heard him say.

"Before I forget, I am Adam Kadmon, a traveler of sorts."

Anna repeated his name in her head blushing everytime and introduced herself in proper etiquette of a princess and said.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle, it is nice to meet you, Adam."

The young man nodded and seemed unaffected by her title, surprising Anna a bit but enjoyed just looking at him and said.

"Oh, forgive me for not kneeling but I am just not accustomed to it as I only kneel before special people." 

Anna heard him apologize, became flustered and said.

"No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess. I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be-- yeash!`Cuz, you know…But, lucky you, it's-it's just me."

The young man, Adam smiled at her words and saw Anna just staring at him in daze captivated by his handsome feature and said


"...The bells. The coronation. I-I-I better go. I have to...I better go. Bye!"

She gave a wave looking at him as she slowly left the scene leaving the young man who just shook his head and inwardly thought.

'She's too innocent, even without my powers I can see that she already loves to strike. Her parent are just incredibly stupid thinking it's a great idea to lock them up.'

Adam Kadmon, or rather Ryuu who used another name of Yaldabaoth to blend with the people since having his eastern name is already a flag. He feels sorry for Anna who is too innocent for the world and Elsa who had been isolated that froze her heart. 

He began to walk his way to the chapel while enjoying the sight of the kingdom. At the chapel, Elsa was crowned by the bishop as Anna stood beside her. After Elsa grasped the orb and scepter, the bishop ordained her as queen, and Anna watched the crowd rejoice for the new ruler.

As part of the ceremony, she was required to grasp the orb and scepter, however she had to be prompted to remove her gloves. Though anxious, she continued the ceremony as directed, becoming increasingly worried about her powers being noticed as they traveled up the items.

As soon as the bishop concluded his statement, she replaced the items back on the pillow and slipped on her gloves. Regaining composure, Elsa turned to face the rejoicing crowd, giving a small smile. 

Following the ceremony, everyone headed into the Great Hall for the post-coronation festivities, where they danced and ate. After the butler introduced them to the guests, Anna and Elsa found themselves standing next to each other once again.

The two stole furtive glances at each other until Elsa finally greeted Anna. Taken aback, Anna awkwardly greeted her sister back, and though communication was slow at first, the two slowly began to find comfort in each other's presence.

"Forgive me for the interruption, but may I offer a dance with the queen?"

Standing before them made Anna wideen looking at the young man and exclaimed.

"Adam!? You're here?"

Elsa was surprised and looked at her sister and said.

"You already met I presume?"

Anna nodded while Ryuu smiled at her and said.

"I told you I am a traveler and have the task of meeting the new queen as the representative of a new kingdom called Imperium."

Ryuu gave a light bow and offered his hand but Elsa was hesitant to take it fearing for her power until Ryuu said something that drew her in.

'No need to fear, I know of you magic, your majesty. And I wish to help you control it.'

Elsa was taken aback when she heard his voice in her head and looked intently at him. She didn't know what to do but felt compelled to trust him and held out her arms taking it while Anna just smiled seeing his sister participate in the party.