Chapter 241 - Husband ~♥️ +18

For someone who lived with no beginning and end, Ryuu never expected the situation that he was in considering that a woman whosoever body grotesquely decaying with maggots coming out from the wound in her body while she clung to him tightly. He knew that his divinity, charms and other antecedents have connections with plague, decay, Depravity, etc. Was affecting her eroding mind. Ryuu felt pity when she saw her appearance that it pained him. A woman like her suffered not only dying and unable to reunite with the person she loves but also the betrayal that he left her. Though, logically speaking it was a natural reaction and he can't blame izanagi for it but the fool didn't try hard enough to help his wife. 

Ryuu felt her cold body against his skin as she adorably rubbed her decaying face into his. He didn't mind the sensation and found it cute having a perfect contrast to her rotting body. She seems to have mistaken her for husband and Amihan already knew this planning to make her believe that Ryuu was her true husband. Amihan giggled seeing her close friend acting while Kagutsuchi at the side dumbstruck at how tame his mother was acting. He saw how Ryuu looked at her mother with care instead of disgust and started gently stroking her hair. Kagutsuchi turned to look at Amihan and asked.

"Auntie…what's going on." He was extremely confused at what's happening and Amihan just transformed into her human form and said.

"Forgive, child but I've decided to let her meet my consort knowing that she will likely think that he was her husband and in turn remove her obsession from that scum." 

Kagutsuchi knows that his mother was living a lie when Amihan told her everything about Izanagi who was trying to reconcile their relationship but in actuality he hardly visited and still feel ashamed from what he had done now he will suffer from getting green hat. Kagutsuchi doesn't know how to react but when he looked at how Ryuu was doing to her mother and saw how calm she became felt that it was for the best and said.

"I know, but are you sure about this? I do trust your judgment….I can say much about your consort." He has been observing Ryuu trying to see if he has any ill intent watching how he created something to sit on while his mother gets pampered. He was surprised when his mother was smiling while her hair getting stroked by Ryuu didn't have the slightest disgust and was filled with care. 

Izanami truly thinks that Ryuu was her husband and if he were to see Izanagi then she would feel nothing but hatred and disappointment. Kagutsuchi was speechless seeing how the two were acting like a couple and never saw his mother act this way. She would otherwise be crying and grieving or turning into a blood craze. Amihan smiled and said.

"Child, as you can see my consort is no ordinary god. I assure you that he will not do anything to harm your mother." Kagutsuchi still unsure but nodded and after a while Ryuu took Izanami into his lap seeing her blush even with her rotting face. He smiled, finding her air despite how dreadful it is, and had immense love and devotion. It's frustrating that Izanagi hasn't helped her completely. Izanami blushed and said,

"Where have you been, my Husband? I've been looking for you." Ryuu softly smiled, noticing that she was completely broken and the way she was looking at him it was clear she would end up as goudere, a type of Yandere who would do anything to please their man. Ryuu gave her a kiss on the rotting chick showing that it doesn't matter to him and said.

"I've been busy searching for a way to help you escape this place and heal you. Though, I must confess that along the way I've gotten myself a number of consorts." He spoke honestly to her with Izanami looking at him quite hurt for a moment until she learnt that he had been trying to help and quickly hugged him and said.

"I don't care about other women, as long as you don't leave me again then it's fine. Because my husband is the best and it is only natural for a flock of women to follow you." She kissed him on his chick making Ryuu chuckle and started to like her even more telling her to get off him for a moment and she stood in front of him waiting for his order and said. 

"I'll be healing you and help you leave this place." Kagutsuchi was watching from the sideline observing him then was amazed at what he saw as Ryuu snapped his fingers healing Izanami of her would with her appearance returning more human like with frightening and sinister still remains, with pale skin representing death, with dark hair and eyes with black sclera and golden irises, possessing an attractive and mature figure.

Her clothes are in the same Japanese style, like a kimono, but very worn, with several rips in the clothes exposing her skin. In her current human form, Izanami appears as a beautiful fair-skinned woman with very long black hair, possessing a very attractive figure. Kagutsuchi was speechless upon witnessing his mother having healed and returned into her beautiful self. Izanami saw herself in a mirror as Ryuu used his power to distort space, letting her see every inch of her body and saying.

[ Image Here ]

"How do you feel, My dear?" His words immediately made Izanmi's heart flutter and jumped, wrapping her arms around him and saying.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!!! I won't let you ever leave me!!!" Ryuu nodded, stroking her head then pulled back looking at him before her lips clash with his, surprising him a bit but quickly inserted his tongue into her making Izanmi grow hotter every moment while Amihan saw this made her seductively smile and said.

"You may go child, hope you understand what's about to happen." Kagutsuchi jaw drop knowing exactly what's going to happen and unsure if he should stop them since his mother is kissing a stranger that she thinks is her husband but this is the first time that her mother truly feels happy and doesn't want to ruin it and said.

"Auntie, I hope you know what you're doing. I don't want to see my mother to feel more pain than before." Amihan merely smiled and nodded as Kagutsuchi burst into flames before vanishing and then turned her attention to the two couples who finished their kissing session panting heavily. Ryuu distorted the space and took them into a Japanese style dimension where Izanamie was surprised but diverted her attention when Ryuu lifted her and placed her on the mat where he was able to see her in full view. 

Her beauty was indescribable, having a more mysterious and sinister air like the taste of bitter coffee that tasted mature. Izanami felt her body craving to feel his touch as he began to move and pulled her kimono revealing her breast that hung loosely since she didn't wear any undergarments. She looked at him as if begging and said softly.

"H-Husband~♥️" Ryuu was doing this for Amihan and helping her until she can think properly without using too much of his power and yet looking at her personally he doesn't hesitate to green hat Izanagi as he let small part of his true personality who desire more woman. He leaned closer before taking her lips where she sloppily kiss back tasting their sweet nectar while Ryuu hand's began to roam her body from her thick and succulent legs to her slender waist until it landed to her bountiful soft breast that his hand just swallowed by it. 

The feeling of her breast was unbelievably soft causing Izanami's body to squirm from the touch then moaning as he began to fondle it, pinching her nipples and pulling it making her gasp from the assault while Ryuu kissed her neck as Izanami panted heavily. He then moved and took the other breast into his mouth, causing Izanami to roll her head back from the sensations while Ryuu continued, then felt another mountain behind him and heard them say. 

"I hope you don't mind me joining your fun, My dear Consort."