Chapter 253 - Arriving in Draconic Deus

Draconic Deus, otherwise known as Earth was the world where it held many supernatural and wondrous creatures. This was the place where myths and legends helds true as well as gods walking among men. In the past several thousand years a great war occurred where Angels, Fallen angels and Devils fought among themselves in a meaningless bout. Anyone who read the testament would know the stories of Lucifer being cast by his father resulting after his rebellion. However, in this world, The Great Maou or Devil King wanted to usurp the throne of god upon knowing they don't have free will and wanted to defy him along with proving the most precious creation of his is nothing. 

He created 72 pillars of the devil clan using his consort, Lilith in their creation having used a special artifact to himself into a devil separating himself from an angel and a fallen angel truly defying his father like some emo and angsty teen in their rebel phase. Along with allies of Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Leviathan fought their brothers and sisters resulting in the world to be affected. 

They are also gods and other supernatural creatures that had been decimated because of their meaningless war resulting in an even more conflict among themselves. Eventually, the war ended when The God of the bible and the Four Great Maou perished in the great war where the leader of the fallen angel, Azazel, the first one who backed away from the war after realizing how futile it is and felt saddened at the death of his father as he did not intend him to die and only understand his action. 

In the end, the war ended with the devil having been divine retribution in form of a civil war where they were split from th Anti-Maou group who did not like the leadership of their previous master while the thr Maou group who still held some reverence for their leader. This resulted in even more deaths that only few remaining pillars survived namely. 

Meanwhile in heaven, the angels grief for the lost of their father and the eldest son, Michael step forward to take the role of the angel's leader and use the position to maintain the prayers of humanity along with the system called Sacred Gear System where his father created to give humanity a way to defend themselves that would later be used by the other faction for their own gain. 

Back to the Devil faction, the Anti-Maou eventually push the Mauo Faction back, gaining power over the devil and underworld. Though the problem was yet solved as they lacked a leader or symbol of power that was the four Maou and in the end made the title of Maou base from the four deceased Maou. 

The one who took the position where Sirzerch Gremory relinquishing his clan name and became Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Sitri becing Serafall Leviathan having fought the position with Grayfia Lucifuge while Ajuka Astaroth became Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Glasya-Labolas gain the title of Asmodeus. This four became the symbol and held some influences over the devil society.

For the past few years later till the present time, all the factions from Greek, Hindu, Shinto, etc. Had been on edge with each other and at times slowly integrated in the peace treaty and changed their ways. Though the lingering possibilities of war are still brewing it is not comparable to the past. 

In the current time within a private property, a cracked opened then churn becoming circular in shape glowing in multiple color as young man stepped out who had his arms on his back observing the surrounding and had his eyes widen then frown as the air around him became frighteningly dreadful and anyone who close to him felt their mind erode yet he was merely annoyed directing his attention those individual as they began to quiver in fear. He emanate a mysterious and profound arrogant as if his words are absolute while he occupied by his thoughts 

'They sully the name of my beloved! How dare they! The Vatican had been using her name in vain…'

This was Ryuu who happened to be Yaldabaoth and the consort of Yesh or god for the bible but this one is nothing than an avatar and disguised with reason unknown to even for him and wanted to visit heaven to see if there's anyway to revived the avatar and reconnect it to the original but that could wait and focus more on the surrounding energy and presence glancing at the people whom arrive while retracting his power a bit. 

The first one was an old man with thick beard and long hair giving an interesting smile yet the air around him was far too serene and mature that it almost dwarfed Ryuu's in terms of spiritually. He was filled with tragedy yet this tempered his mind and resulted in wisdom seemingly unmatched. He saw the young man and noticed how he was looking at him as if he was his grandson and began to walk closer to him and said.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Uncle Iroh. Can you give me your hand as I wish to gain your blessing as this is how my country's culture treats elderly people called Mano." Iroh seemed a bit surprised but his smile only grew and said.

"Hahaha is that so? Well what an interesting way to greet me, young Ryuu. I have to say you are more than what I anticipated. You still held a semblance of humility and kindness despite what you spoke of your powers." Iroh commented as Ryuu took his arms placing it on his forehead as this was traditional gesture in the Philippines that few use and often found in provinces who still use the old ways but Ryuu use this as gesture of view Iroh as a family member as he helped him through tough times when he was lost in the path of life.

Meanwhile, Iroh observed him and could tell that he was not innately evil and seemed to have set his moral stance when it came to how he viewed the world. Though, Ryuu is arrogant beyond measure when against who he considered his enemies. He began to think about how to set him up with his niece as he might help her and stop from walking a darker path. 

Iroh acknowledges that he had killed before and perhaps included the innocent but did not view him as evil as he, himself is previously a general who had killed many and did not view himself as the kindest person but did his best to be better. Once the greeting ended, Ryuu and Iroh patted his shoulder and said,

"Hope the life of parenthood has been treating you nicely." He smiled with a nod having recalled his daughters like Hiromi and Mai along with the rest of the Primarchs were more clingy to him and spend too much time with them but regardless he was happy how things turned out and then the two sense something coming and saw another portal and soon after a young woman with a curvy figure, chin-length, dark green hair styled into a bob, and her eyes are light green. Her main attire consists of a long white fur coat, a dark green form-fitting dress, thigh-high black boots and several necklaces. She had an air of elegance and class that held such a charisma that you can't help but follow her every command. The young woman saw the two and said.

" Presume you two are Mister Iroh and Mister Ryuu, correct?" Iroh chuckled and said. 

"There is no need for such formalities, Young Fubuki. Just call me Iroh." Ryuu nodded beside him and said.

"The same for me, unless you're my subordinate then it's fine to just call me Ryuu and it's nice to meet you, Miss Fubuki." He held out his hand which she interestingly shook and felt drawn to him interested why she felt that way but recalled how he had power to charm women and frown yet appreciate his honesty warning her beforehand. 

Though it is only a matter of time before he falls for him as Ryuu held some interest in her, especially her assets and wanted to help her grow stronger. Before long Erza and Lucifer arrive and the latter immediately goes closer for a kiss, surprising Fubuki making her blush.

Despite her body and mature air, she doesn't have any experience in romances or any sexual interaction before. She was taken aback by how bold Lucifer acted, who showed her desire for him and how much she missed him even though it was only a month or so. 

"Ryuu~! I miss you!" Rias soon arrived and leaped toward him giving him a passionate kiss while Iroh couldn't help but give bellowing laughter and said.

"Oh what a great day to be young!" Fubuki was blushing hard yet became more interested why they fell for him even though he told them about his charms while Erza felt her heart aching that was near its limits to give her heart to him but needed to think if she should take a leap of faith or not. Iroh saw her expression and placed her hand on her shoulder and said.

"You seem troubled, young Erza. If you wish for someone to talk to, feel free to have some tea with me and perhaps I might be able to help you." Erza heard his tone and recalled her master, making her nod as the group began to discuss their future plans.