Chapter 254 - Interlude 1

Upon returning to the draconic Deus, Rias Gremory became the Destruction Monarch and the Queen of Dragons. Though, her strength and destructive power were close if not equal to the Heavenly dragons due to how the world suppressed any foreign things. The world itself is like the human body where it would have an immune system that will do its best to remove any foreign life and suppress their power to bring balance. Though, this all depends on how strong and solid the foundation of the world's law and will. Take for example, Marvel verse where laws are in constant fluctuation that adding a new foreign body won't change anything while a world with solid will and foundation would likely heavily suppress anyone. 

Unfortunately or fortunately, if these people are strong enough individuals capable of breaking through the shackle then it would be meaningless and can consider those foreign bodies as viruses or incurable diseases. In this case, Rias was a strong flu that was able to bypass the immune system of the world and the more she grows the more it affects the world. She is able to gain the experience and memories of the Dragon monarch with the countless worlds that perish in his wake. Though, as troubling the memories were, she didn't get any trauma from seeing them as she 'Destroy' the part of it using her newly acquired and perfect control.

Her brother was proud that she had grown more mature and stronger. The reason was a young man who did not judge her and walked beside her accepting her flaws, never judging her in his own standard and environment. Her lover never sees anyone as the same and for lack of better terms Equal. Even though Rias was envious at times with the woman around her, she never outright hated them and all of his women treated her like a close friend never judging her naive and childish past.  

[ A/N: Hate me all you want, but I like to do this and I'll add whoever the f*ck I want and yes I'll add Gabriel, Runeas, Misla, Seekvaira, Etc. ]

She wondered if those eyes of his can help her peerage that were all women despite how the show made few of them a guy while another trap. They're stories were similar yet different. The tragic past was all the same from her queen's mother's death to her rook's sister's betrayal. Though the only thing that changed was Yuuto Kiba, formerly known as Yuumi Kiba who lived as her twin brother as a way to repay for saving her. 

Rias wanted to help them but didn't want to come as force and even though bringing them to therapy made her wonder why she hadn't tried doing that to help them. However, it might end up making things worse rather better and wait until her lover arrives to swoop them. She wanted to have all of them join her including the future knight, Rossweisse and Xenovia but unsure about Irina as she might still be into Issei.

Speaking of Issei Hyoudou, she investigated him and learned a thing or two, namely that he was a genius and top of his class in technology and science having won many competitions. But she knows there's more to it that she can't figure out and despite this change doesn't seem to feel anything beside curiosity despite fated to be her lover. 

It seems Ryuu had planted a seed of love that would remove her fate itself. Regardless, she put a close eye on him but most information was blocked and unable to know more beside what he let them. 

'I already miss hubby~' She thought to herself walking back to the villa after making use she used her power to suppress everything knowing that Ophis or other Khaos brigade would find her and either recruit her or straight up kill her with the latter being the most probable. Rias made sure to remove her sense as a dragon and let the devil side remain knowing her rook would notice it. She soon arrived where a young woman emanating a rather alluring atmosphere having a similar busty body as her looked at Rias with interest and said.

"Where did you go, Buchou?" The woman was Akeno, her queen and close friend who asked curiously as it been a month ever since they began training and been steadily improving but obviously they still hold back because of their trauma like her and Koneko who refused to use her full power in fear of becoming like her sister who she thought killed their power from being corrupt by the power. 

Though the truth was tragic where she did it in order to protect her and act as the enemy to keep her safe yet remaining protected her from afar. Rias knows their past her unable to do anything as she knows it is not her that will bring them out but her lover.

Even so, her lover is someone who don't like to act like they know them and they use what he knows to his advantage but knowing him, it's just a matter of time that he acts and save them. Rias smiled upon seeing her close friend after some time and said. 

"Just to catch some fresh air. How about you, has your training gone smoothly?" Akeno giggled recalling how she electrocuted a stray devil to train and said.

"It was and I still can't forget how hot and bothered I was." Rias rolled her and asked walking closer to get inside and heard her giggled and said.

"Anyhow, I am curious what change, Buchou? It's been a month now and you still haven't told us why you suddenly changed." She knows her too well as they have been friends longer than the rest of her peerage and noticed the subtle changes happening. Akeno put her finger on her lips then teasingfully said.

"Perhaps You finally found someone~?" Rias rolled her eyes and smiled, surprising Akeno realizing they are actually someone that stole her king's heart and said.

"Ara~ Ara~ they often say that love can change someone, it is no wonder you've changed." Akeno trying to tease her but it obviously wasn't working but continued.

"How long have you been dating him? Why haven't we seen you meet him?" The two began walking into the hallway while Akeno tried to get her answer, curious what the man did to her that changed so much. Rias then thought of something and decided to set up her queen with Ryuu by saying.

"Why don't we have tea and have a little chat about it? I don't mind telling a thing or two since it's better sooner than later."  She decided to have made a little lie and set her up with him knowing that he would appreciate her setting them up. She recalled one time when they finished the session and asked what she thought of her peerage and his reply didn't surprise as he said.

"My opinion? Well, for the original peerage my first impression is I thought of Akeno as the onee-san and teasing type, Koneko the Loli emotionless mascot, Kiba the pretty boy of the group, Gasper as the timid trapped vampire that is basically Dio." At that time Rias couldn't help giggling at his words, unaware that the latter two are girls and continued with a soft voice.

"Each had a tragic life and was full of mishaps. I can't judge their action and decision for acting that way knowing the pain, grief, regret, anger and other emotion bottling inside them having create a facade to hide from like Akeno with her sadistic side hiding the loving and caring woman who only wanted to be happy while Koneko misunderstood the action of her sister and now live in fear who still remain acting that way knowing by telling the truth would bring more pain than good."

Ryuu words were honest as he dislikes lying and often tells the truth even though some lies are treated as the truth since he was Yaldabaoth whose pride has no equal. He continued to speak.

"Kiba is driven by vengeance like I did when I massacre drug syndicates which was a childish act and random as I was living in euphoria at the time. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked. His action was understandable yet it blinded him clinging to the past rather than looking ahead. I will not say not to seek vengeance, however, it is best that he knows that he's not alone and there are people by his side and by continuing the past he is walking then he will eventually lose what he has now."  Ryuu never judges someone for their action especially vengeance yet knows that Kiba path would only lead him to ruin. It is best to support him and let some closure in his past. 

If the events in the canon never happen then it is best to show that he doesn't need to burden himself and will find justice with the help of those around him. He then continued and said.

"As for Gasper, his trauma is also understandable and only lacks the motivation and reason to confront his fears. Perhaps by giving a reason to stand and fight, to live with confidence then he will surely overcome his trauma." Rias smiled at his words and said.

"Then how would you help them?" Ryuu rubbed chinned thinking for a moment and said.

"For Akeno, I would tell her that an entire race is not to blame nor does she need to blame herself for the tragedy that occurred. Instead, she should blame those individuals that wish harm to her family and her power is her own not the reason for what happened to her. Though, my words seem easy and obvious but this is the best thing I can think of. Koneko, I would first need to clear the name of her sister then I'll tell her everything that is strange about the incident like how their race should be an adept master in senjutsu and that it should be impossible to corrupt her." 

At the current time in Rias's office, the two were drinking tea while Akeno was in deep thought about the words that her king's lover told her. Obviously, there are some things she changes but the key thing was there and realize the things about these situations and her heart was in turmoil while Rias let her friend process it while taking a sip of her tea.