Chapter 256 - I miss you~

Fubuki was unconvinced at his words and confused why he refused to take the easy route but decided to give up and try her best to do what she can to help since her action would be rewarded handsomely. Not to mention, she didn't intend to let him do the work for them and was merely curious about it. Looking at his expression and gaze made her feel strange, enticing her to know more about him but knew it was his power that attracted him. She still had her free will and he merely had more charisma over her. Fubuki thought that it doesn't mean she'll actually join them and fall for him when he has so many women around him and knew that they might be some problem in his relationship.

She views him as nothing more than a playful lifestyle that is ideal for the woman around him. Though, she'll eventually come to understand that those women were having the best time of their lives and happy how things are. Perhaps it might have started with his charms and enticement but their love is real and Ryuu had been extremely careful when he treated them.

He spends enough time with them using his omnipresence and stops everything he is doing for them. Ryuu might be cheating with his powers but it's nothing more than a tool for him. Fubuki sighs and nodded before saying.

"Very well, our first course of action is to find more information?" Ryuu shook his head and said.

"For the most part, yes. However, that doesn't mean we'll sit ideally and want to at least take the moment to train your psionic powers. Don't you want to stand by your sister's side in equal terms?" Fubuki knew her limitations and despite everything that she had done but was unable to grow and reach the heights of her sister which is why she created her group to balance her shortcomings. Hearing his offer to get stronger made her wonder if it was possible as she tried everything yet unable to grow but she would do anything to be acknowledged by her sister and asked.

"Do you think I can reach my sister's heights? I've tried my best but the gap between us is something I can't hope to achieve." Ryuu chuckled at her doubts and insecurities making Fubuki frowned and asked.

"Is there something funny?" He shook his head and said while rubbing chin.

"Not at all, I can see why you haven't reached your true potential. You do realize that your power is greatly linked to your emotion and mind and because of this you unconsciously limit yourself back. Think of it as a mental block." Fubuki was particularly interested and his words looked at him as if saying 'Continue' and Ryuu resumed his explanation.

"You were too overwhelmed and kept comparing yourself with stronger opponents and in turn always mentally thought 'I can't reach that!' and with a little encouragement and removing your self doubt then you'll probably reach the absolute level of psionic abilities. I mean despite how haughty and arrogant your sister is, this only solidifies her psionic abilities making her extremely strong and gifted." The mind is powerful tool as it can make someone break the human limits like Saitama who had indomitable human spirit and broke the limit of a normal human

But for esper, they're mind is able to manifest those thoughts through telekinesis. Though the level in which they use their psionic is nothing more than the basic principle as it was possible to rearrange and construct matter using their thoughts by using telekinesis and binding the atoms around them. Fubuki was baffled by the revelation of the nature of her powers and never expected it to be this way and thinking harder his words held merits and said.

"Are you saying that I just need to think 'I am strong' then I'll be strong?" Ryuu chuckled and shook his head once more and said.

"If only it was that easy and no it isn't how it works. Rather, you need to have a goal and motivation that you'll do everything to achieve by removing your doubts and insecurities. You are like an artist who often compares themselves to other artists, you and your sister are two different people and you should have your own path and style. Actually let me show you the level of what you can achieve by training under me." Fubuki watched as Ryuu held out the palm of his hand and watched as the pysionic energy began to churned letting her feel the immense power coming from the palm of his hands and watched it slowly condoses into a spherical object that seem to galaxies and was confused what it meant as Ryuu smiled and said.

"This is a pocket reality that I created purely using my psionic abilities." Fubuki mouth dropped dumbfounded at what he just said and kept looking back and forth to Ryuu and the galaxy while Iroh didn't understand what's going on and continued to drink his tea. Rias and Lucifer giggled seeing her reaction while Erza was surprised but didn't pay it much attention. Ryuu nodded seeing her reaction and said.

"It is by manipulating the world itself and bending with single thought that would allow you to reach this level but obviously it will take time and effort. At least I can assure you can reach the same level as your sister in no time." Ryuu sent the pocket universe to his cosmology of Elysium and Fubuki finally regained her composure and said.

"Y-You have to be joking!? A normal human can't possibly achieve that kind of power!?" Her words were the truth but in rare cases it was possible for mere humans to acquire the power of god, Ryuu said.

"Like how humans shouldn't have esper powers? Or how normal humans shouldn't have blinding speed like your hero association? Though, I can't say everyone can achieve but I'm willing to guide and help you." Fubuki doesn't know what to say and feels there is a catch since she doesn't have anything to offer beside herself but that is not an option and Ryuu smiled and said.

"I know you're thinking about repaying me and thought I wanted you to join my harem then no. I'm not scum to force myself on women unlike scum che." Fubuki heard some poison in his tone and said.

"Who's scum che?" Ryuu shook his head and said.

"You don't need to know. As I was saying, you don't repay me and just offer my help. If you don't want it then feel free to decline. You can think about it while you familiarize yourself around town." Fubuki thought hard while Ryuu changed his attention back to their plans.

"Back on topic, Rias am I going to meet your brother after this or do we have scheduled to meet him?" Rias nodded and said.

"You can meet him tomorrow." Lucifer perked up heading this and said.

"Then I'll be going with you darling, I'm curious what kind of devil this brother of hers is like." Ryuu sighs knowing what she was planning but lets it go since she might be able to be an asset in the discussion while Rias was unsure about it knowing how Lucifer can be but Ryuu reassures her that if she brings trouble then he'll discipline her making Lucifer to shudder. Ryuu then turned to Erza and said,

"What are you going to do for the time being, Erza?" She quickly replied with.

"Explore the place and familiarize myself. How about you?" Ryuu nodded and said.

"I'll be taking Rias for a date for the time being. I'm sorry to ask this but can you accompany uncle Iroh since he doesn't know much about modern technology." She nodded and turned to Iroh who smiled softly as if looking at her granddaughter and said.

"Then this old man will be in your care!" Erza nodded and after a while the group dispersed with Fubuki heading out to familiarize herself in the surrounding handing her money since the currency she has is different from the Japan she was in. When they were gone where only Lucifer and Rias were left immediately wrapped his arms around their waist and pinned down to the bed looking at their bodies and said.

"Don't think your the only one who miss this moment!"