Chapter 262 - I am a Calamity

They opened the door to be greeted by four individual one with wild green hairs seemingly inspecting their appearances and a bald haired one who seemed to trying to keep himself awake while a young petite girl with a large breast and ponytail wearing a magical girl outfit was looking at them emanating a bubbly air. The most eye-catching is the handsome young man with crimson red hair observing their appearance and was shocked to see the young woman beside them like the rest of the people inside. Lucifer was entertained to see their reaction but shivered when Ryuu looked at her ready to smack her any time. He sighed then introduce himself to them

"Greetings, it's a pleasure to meet the four Great Maou. I am Ryuu or you may call me Yaldabaoth which one you prefer." Lucifer mischievously smiled as she released her Aura as the demon queen that suppressed or at least affected other devils and said. 

"And as you have guess little children, I am the devil herself, the ruler of this plac-"


The intense atmosphere as she was introducing herself while the four Maou were prepared to fight her at any given moment was dissipated when she received a smack from Ryuu. Serafall couldn't help but light giggled seeing them act that way and had been eyeing on him with interest. Lucifer turned to face him and pouted and said.

"One more time then I'll turn your blood into vinegar!" Ryuu scoffed and laughed. 

"You could try. But putting that aside, I know it is quite tense but let me explain how, who and why we are here." They nodded as Sirzechs spoke and said.

"Then why don't you take a seat. I'm glad to finally meet my cute little sister's boyfriend." He laughed glancing at Rias who blushed and sat next to him while the other side was occupied by Lucifer. Ryuu then began to speak and said.

"I'll just transfer everything."

Ryuu didn't waste time and just transferred the information through his powers allowing them to gain everything in an instant. He only gave the necessary information that he knows and what the novel revealed leaving stuff that isn't important. It was faster to just give them what they need rather than have a long dialogue and the four of them were baffled from what they've learned that their other world like Ajuka and many others had theories. 

"My Maou! This is unbelievable….a multiverse is real!? And Trihexa…."

Ajuka exclaimed trying to figure out the possibility of traveling through other worlds while troubled by the news of a powerful beast that was about to be released by their mortal enemy. They learn how the God of the bible uses 'His' power to seal it knowing the danger it could bring to the world and place it at the end of the world and would soon break free due to Rizevim breaking the seal much faster than intended.

They learn how many of the faction leader would end up fighting the beast in seperate and sealed dimension trying to delay it until the newer generation are able to fight it. The news made them anxious for what the world will have to face in the future and it needed the unified force of every faction to even keep it at bay. They are also the ExE world that could possibly arrive in their world and wreak havoc but they first need to face it one at a time. 

Ryuu saw their expression and nodded since it was reasonable to feel overwhelmed by the news especially how much sacrifice is needed in order to prevent it and said.

"Though, I won't go all out in a fight, I'll do our best to prevent it." Sirzechs and the other maou nodded since they knew that he was powerful enough to fight their opponent but he continued and said.

"On the bright side, this can help establish peace among the other faction by fighting a common enemy. However it is best to find Rizevim quickly since the devil would likely hold uncountable to what is about to come." Ryuu words were reasonable since even if they aren't related to Rizevim action doesn't mean the other faction would think otherwise as they view them as one race. Sirzechs nodded and said.

"That is true, unfortunately, we are unable to find him as he has been thorough in his tracks." Ryuu nodded and said.

"It's fine, he'll eventually reveal himself. We have a lot of preparation for future events if we play our cards right considering time is always changing due to the Law of Cause and Effect." He can see the ever changing pattern of time like revealed in the river where single movement sends waves of ripples. Ajuka nodded since he theories about space and time and said.

"Indeed, it is best we take what we know as a guide but rely too heavily on it." The other nodded since everything is like a domino effect and when they act  then their enemy can shift and change their action. Sirzechs felt worried about the Naberius incident then turned to Serafall who handled the affairs at that time and said.

"Serafall, have you started investigating the Naberius incident?" She shook her head and  said.

"I was but they were refusing to cooperate." 

Serafall gave a defeated sigh in annoyances since she is the one responsible foreign affairs and would be a large scandal if it was known that the Naberius were doing experiments on a member of the Yokai faction. They can't afford to start another war when all sides are exhausted from the previous war. Ryuu rubbed his chin and handed the evidence that came from Rias and said.

"Here, this is the information about Naberius' involvement in the incident. It is not right for me to involve myself with this affair but if the Nabirus were to only receive a slap on the wrist once this comes out to the public then I'll be the one being judgment to them, not because I have any relation with the two because IT is in my nature." Ryuu  knew due to their status as devil noble house then they would just revive minor punishment and just continue acting the way they did. 

The four Maou saw his power manifest that they felt shivering that their chest Thad difficult breathing yet this was nothing more than annoyance since he has no intent to kill them especially Sirzechs is Rias's brother but it can't be said to Naberius clan who began vomiting and falling into their knees as the Embodiment of evil was unto them. Sirzech found him unreasonable yet knew that it was true that the old coat in the devil society would just turn a blind eye since they are not their devil worth spending their effort on. Falbium gulped and said.

"A-Aren't you being unreasonable?" Ryuu just glanced at him and shuddered under his gaze before speaking.

"No, let me ask if a natural calamity falls into the people is it being unreasonable or not? If you fall from the stairs, is gravity being unreasonable?" They were confused at his words since he's been acting rather arrogant and extremely unreasonable but then continued.

"I am the same, I'm a natural force that is within my reason to act upon them. It is just that Naberius didn't expect a calamity was upon them." Rias held his hand and said.

"Ryuu, I do understand your nature and I'm happy that you're willing to go this far for my peerage but hope you understand if you kill then it could cause a large problem to our society." Ryuu rubbed his chin and thought of another method and said.

"Fine, I won't do anything UNLESS they recieve slap on the wrist then I'll make sure that they'll receive their retribution." Lucifer smiled and said.

"If my darling won't do anything then I'll be the one to pass the judgment then. EVEN if I'm not the same Lucifer in this world doesn't mean I'm being unreasonable in punishing my servants." She evilly smiled making the four Maou couldn't deny his words as they could feel their blood coursing through her and she has lordship over devilkin. Sirzech then said.

"Very well, it is our incompetent that led to such incident and will take responsibility for it." Ryuu nodded and said.

"Good that you understand. I must also inform you that we'll be helping in the future that will soon come." They nodded since the Naberius is small compared to their future enemies.