Chapter 291 - Who to pursue

Ryuu knows that her power can easily overpower most if not all of the spriggan and now that she was growing even further from copying Sacred gear made it clear that she'll eventually be able to have proper chat with her mother. 

Though, he somewhat understands why she doesn't head directly to her mother since he hasn't even confronted his brother and talked to him about his adventure. He doesn't know what to say nor ask. Erza nodded and said.

"I will once I return but the problem is that my action might cause events to change making it hard to predict the future." 

Her reason was quite shocking but the most obvious one considering the narrative of her world doesn't like it being changed and thought her life change doesn't mean her world would. Not to mention, there is a cause and effect that might change the future events. Ryuu took a moment to think using his high speed thought processing and spoke to Judecca.

'Does my Pseudo Meta luck affect my woman?' Judecca quickly responded and said.

{ Yes, all are connected to the Master therefore their fate had been changed. } Ryuu inwardly nodded and heard Isla speak.

'Master, you can always use me to sever them from fate and make them fateless.' 

Everything among the scale of the megaverse, multiverse and universe with the endless narrative there is predestined fate for all creatures. Though, higher dimensional entities or conceptual entities aren't affected by it since they are the concept itself only given thoughts. Ryuu liked the idea and said.

'It's fine, I'll do that at a later date but I was thinking about fusing her with the hidden dragon bloodline that she has.' 

Having been conceived by Irene for a number of years in her dragon form made it clear that Erza isn't just a normal human but a dragon that hasn't manifested yet. The word fusion pop and Elanor chimed in.

'Leave it to me, Master! I'll handle everything!' Ryuu inwardly chuckled and nodded as Erza noticed his silence and said.

"Are you talking to Judecca and the others?" He nodded and said.

"I was just thinking about manifesting your dragon bloodline that came from your mother." Erza perked up and said.

"Ah, are you going to? I don't mind having it now or later." Ryuu patted her head while he leaned back and said.

"Let's do that at a later date for now." Erza nodded and said.

"Umu….Ryuu." He perked up as Erza began to speak.

"I'm curious but who is the woman you're interested in having into your harem? And be honest, don't try to hide the truth." Ryuu can't lie but that doesn't mean he can't hide the truth and felt a bit hesitant to answer since it was an immature thing on his part but said.

"Well, if I'm being honest then I've gotten two catergory, Slaves or maid and potential lover. Slaves are those who are enemies turn into maids since it would a waste to kill them and can't deny I'm after their body not their personality but that could change if they change." Erza nodded at his honesty and continued.

"In this world, Akeno because she's fun to be around when teasing and her vibe is kinda nice." Ryuu recalled how she was intimate with him but acted differently than her usual Ara~ and playfully competed with Rias's even though both don't mind having the same man. And add her body to the mix then it is difficult not to have her but that is if she were to like him romantically. 

He is prone to his desire and emotion but Ryuu isn't Madness to forget his control and slowly pursue those who are interested in him. This doesn't mean he'll pass the chance to have more women but it still depends on the woman. Ryuu then continued and said.

"Kuroka is on the list because I want to save her and if she ends up liking me, not because of wanting to restore her clan but my personality then I don't mind her joining. Even so, her sister is another sorry since I don't plan on pursuing her unless she also ends up liking me." 

Kuroka is like Akeno who is playful and fun to be around but also a dependable and stronger woman who is willing to do anything for her family. However, he doesn't take what he reads at face value and often treats them as strangers only until he gets to know them does his demeanor change. Ryuu then went to the list and said.

"Asia, Xenovia, Gasper, Yuumi, Valerie and Ingvild are unknown since I'm not sure if I'll pursue them romantically or or just familia after I save and help them. But Yasaka, Grayfia and Venelana I'll likely pursue due to the fact I like older women." Erza giggled hearing his taste in women and didn't mind it considering Ryuu was the type who enjoyed the mature type and conquering them in bed. She pressed her chest into his and began circling her fingers and said.

"Does that include my mother?" She had a cheeky smile while Ryuu fell silent and gave a dry laugh since he can't lie nor hide the truth.

"I am. Don't get me wrong, if you're not into that then I won't pursue her. Having you is enough for me." Erza softly smiled hearing his voice and said.

"I doubt you'll actually stop pursuing another woman when Khaos told you to gather a hundred women before meeting her."

She giggled afterward recalling how every woman part of his harem receive a voice from her telling them that it was way for Ryuu to stop holding back and return to his roots but Khaos told them to ensure to manage the harem placing some systematic hierarchy to control it which Justine and the first generation of his harem had made namely the Harem Council. 

Justine is the leader while Shinobu and Kanae are second in command since Mitsuri is too friendly when it comes to people being the goddess of love. It was ironic that the Embodiment of Khaos wanted a systematic hierarchy. Regardless, they didn't mind it and Ryuu can be with them at any given time. Erza finds it strange that he is willing to let him have more women but doesn't mind and only wants what is best for his man and that's what he wants then she doesn't mind so long he maintains her needs of intimate moments like this. Erza then continued and said.

"That being said, I think my mother deserves a man like you and be happy, even give me a little sister down the line and let experience what it means to be a mother." Ryuu doesn't know what to say and was somewhat expecting it but didn't anticipate how accepting she was. He wondered if it was his luck, power, or whatever influencing them.

{ Master, it is not because of your power. Do you wish to use it to know the answer? } 

Ryuu had Omni-Empathy which let him sense every single thing across the megaverse feelings but he shut it off since it included anguish, hatred, pain, and every negative emotion mixed with positive ones. 

Therefore, I didn't try to sense her feelings as a way to respect her privacy. He only has it select specific emotion like ulterior motives. Though, he also has trusty [ intuition ] that gave him the vague answer that he's looking for and said.

'No, leave it be.' He turned his attention back to Erza and heard her speak.

"Not to mention, Justine told me you like having a mother and daughter pair in your bed." Ryuu doesn't know what to say to her words while Erza giggled at his reaction and said.

"We had some orgy and I noticed how you enjoy having Kie and Nezuko together." He can't deny it not because Ryuu dislikes lying but because it was obvious and said.

"I do but still if you are truly okay with it then I'm happy." Erza looked at him with a smile and kissed him gently showing her appreciation and said.

"Then do your best to make both of us happy." Ryuu smiled giving a determined nod while Erza turned around and leaned into his chest and said.

"So who else do you want in your harem?" Ryuu took a moment to give his answer and said.

"Well, Rossweisse because she is cute and fun to tease in addition to being a hardworking and strong Valkyrie who has to put up with that one eyed demon." He remembered how she often tease unable to find a boyfriend despite having a great personality and body. It was amazing that she's still single but Ryuu guessed that she was just too shy to pursue any romance. 

"Sona and her sister, Serafall. One is strict and stoic but has a kind and loving heart as well hidden cuteness like how she likes cooking and baking. Though, she'll be horrible at making it taste good. On the other hand, her sister is fun and bubbly who likes to have fun, especially her enjoyment in magical girls. Also before you say anything, Yes because it's a sister pair, sue me." Erza giggled and said.

"Then I need to find a good lawyer." Ryuu chuckled at her tease and said.

"Seekvaira, same reason as Sona but she's into mecha. Though, I don't know much about mech and technology since I can't make something complex only able to create techno-organic machinery but even then it can't compare to Mekhane. That being said, it might be impossible to pursue her since our interests are not aligned but I'll try and if it doesn't work then I'll give up." 

In addition to that, Ryuu never liked Mecha Anime and the concept of it always involves shounen and physical action rather than seeing robots fight. The only Mecha anime he truly loves is Gurren Lagann. He lightly sighs and at least sees if he could flirt with her.

"There are also Roygun Belphegor and Latia Astaroth but I'm not sure what fate holds so I won't say I'll pursue them." 

Ryuu does like the idea of having Roygun since he hasn't revealed the King piece to the devil as a way to use it as blackmail and he also has a lot of secrets that could overturn any faction from a mere whisper of his mouth. 

However, he isn't one who hides in the shadows and cower in fear.  He also likes the idea of appearing as a shota in front of Roygun and seeing how she reacts considering she's into young guys. As for Latia Astaroth, he doesn't know much about her and only uses limited information since he wants to enjoy the thrill of uncovering it. 

"But Misla, I wish to have her and shower that woman with love that she deserves having been stricken by misfortune after misfortune. Not to mention, I like her son's Character and would be a lot stronger if he knew more on how to properly utilize his abilities."

Misla Valper or known as Misla Bael is the wife of the current head within the Bael Family but due to her son unable to inherit their clan trait which was the power of destruction cause them to be outcast and made them suffer descrimination day after day with her son having achieved something extraordinary from hardwork and grown enough to be an heir despite lacking the key trait that vital for their family bloodline. It wasn't seen but she was a kind and loving mother having the air akin to Kie. 

"There is also Aika Kiryuu because of how carefree she is when it comes to perverted stuff and I can feel she'll be the one easiest to tease in bed." Ryuu interacted with her a few days ago and she's a fun young woman teasing her a bit when she acted perverted around him in his female form. 

"Hmmmm….That's about all the girls I can think of in this world and there might be more but I'll go with the flow and just enjoy the woman around me for now." Ryuu tighten his embrace to the scarlet head while she nodded with slight blush having some information to be shared with the council and said. 

"How about my world or the others? Are you intending to add Fubuki and her sister?" He sighed for moment and said.

"Aside from your mother, I want Mirajane because of gentle and sisterly personality." Erza frowned a bit since she was her rival and often bicker in the past but wanted to see who would be the first to lose under Ryuu which made her excited as she is competitive against her. 

"That's pretty much it. Don't know about others but she's the only one beside your mother I want." Obviously there are many great women in her world but Mirajane is one of his childhood crushes. Erza a bit surprised but nodded and listened as he continued.

"In Iroh's world, I'll take Azula since I like feisty women and she can change if I try. I also want Toph for the same reason since she's strong and dependable while Ty Lee because she's like Serafall and Nezuko having a fun and outgoing personality." 

Ryuu also wants Azula to help Iroh since he doesn't want her niece to go further down the rabbit hole and he doesn't want to pursue Katara cause she isn't his type and he likes Aang to be with her anyway. He is also not entitled to claim everyone his since he isn't an asshole. 

"And Yes, I want Fubuki and her Sister in addition to Psykos."

Ryuu won't deny his attraction is due to their body and his taste in them but he'll try to pursue them and if it doesn't work out then he won't mind it. He at least helped Fubuki with her sister since he can sympathize with her complex relationship with her sister. 

"In Lucifer world, I like Justice having the same type as Justine….yup try reading that without getting confused." 


"Nvm…As I was saying, Justice because of her awesome personality, Then Cerberus and Beelzebub. The former caused my taste with the fun and outgoing girls of Beelzebub because of her looks and the same atmosphere as Lucifer but more tame." Ryuu was unsure about the rest cause he liked The Helltaker for being Chad and took one thought of having harem and went to hell and gathered over 9 devils. Ryuu stopped and rubbed his face and said.

"Let's stop talking about me, how about you? How was your day upon meeting the Hero faction?" Erza took a moment before replying and said.

"Well, there are more people in the faction than we thought." Ryuu perked up having a vague guess where this was going and siad.

"Go on, I have a feeling I know these other people. Tell me everything from the start" Erza nodded and said.

"Well, as you have told me, I was there to investigate in search for potential place where they may attack and…"