Chapter 294 - Morning Service~♥️ +18


Draconic Deus. 

Yesterday. 10:00 AM. 

Kuoh, Kazuno/Cinco Residence.

After saving Asia, Ryuu let Jin-Ah and Nezuko help her unpack and settle in their residences. Everyone asked about his reward and told them that he gained a new powerful weapon turning them into humans while Justine snicker and crossed her arms and said.

"Let me guess, the weapon turns into sexy hot girls?" Ryuu smirked at her remark and said,

"You know me well hahahaha." Justine frowned and struck him causing a small gust of wind having the force to make even the heavenly dragon squirm in pain but for Ryuu he just playfully acted as if he was hurt and said. 

"Jeez no need to hit me that hard. Can't blame me for sticking to my desire." Justine rolled her eyes but then smiled and said.

I know but still can't stop me from hitting you. That aside, do you intend to purge the Vatican?" She was eager to demolish the entire place for their hubris, action and hypocrisy. Justine dislikes the injustice that Asia suffered and even though Ryuu is hypocrite since he is also able to sense every part of human suffering and pleading for help yet didn't try to help them and willing to give his hand to Asia just because he knows from a show. 

However, Ryuu has no obligation to help everything and only acts upon what his instinct tells him. He is a guide not a savior. He'll give them the tool and path, it's up to them on how they use it. The same goes for Amihan who is a Goddess but she doesn't go helping every single being despite her kindness. Their nature and thoughts are extremely complex that it is hard to fathom by people who haven't experienced what they experience. Trese frowned at Justine and scolded her.

"Justine, despite having the same wish as you, I don't think it would be ideal to act without careful consideration of the factors. For one, we can trigger a war from the faction from our action and even if I don't doubt Ryuu's ability, I don't like him abusing it to such a degree and should take responsibility if we are going to act upon our emotion." 

Trese, a Lakan or leader of humanity who acts as a bridge between the supernatural and protects them when needed. She knows her title and caiton could trigger war, especially her prophecy that many mythical creatures from her world Believe as she is supposed to destroy Afterworld, Underworld and Skyworld( Amihan and other gods' domain) but obviously, Ryuu changed when he appeared and took her. Char Hae-in who close by nodded and said

"I have to agree, we can't use Ryuu like a undo button and mister fix it all. It's best if we think things through before taking action." Justine grumbled hearing their remarks rifling her hair and leaned back on her seat.

"Alright, alright! I can't win, can I? Still can't blame me when you made me a war Goddess, my impulse is killing me." Indeed, she was a battle junky and her divinity made her prone to war and conflict but fortunately it is not the senseless type. Amihan giggled and said.

"You have a lot to learn in being a goddess, Little one. That aside, dear consort, what are you going after this?" Ryuu rubbed his chin then said.

"Well, Me, Gaia and Alaya will head to Athens to get their clone while also meeting the Greek pantheon and forming some kind of meeting. Though, I severely dislike those gods but their version may be different unlike my homeworld one." Ryuu recalled those gods from his world and shook his head in disappointment then continued.

"After that, I'll work in Asia, Nezuko and Jin-Ah enrollment, then head to save Valerie and head to the underworld to find Ingvild as well help take Kuroka under our custody while I clear her name. Once that is all done, wait for either Grigori or Heaven to ask about me." 

They all nodded and moments later, they sense people arrive and turn to find Shinobu, Kanae and Mitsuri having brought groceries looking at Ryuu asking what happened and Ryuu told them they should have lunch for now as everyone nodded gathering to prepare their meal while told them what had happened having varying degrees of emotion and frowned after hearing how the Vatican acted. He nodded seeing their reaction while Ryuu turned to Shinobu and Kie and said.

"Shinobu, you'll come to find Ingvild while Kie you'll come with me to find Valerie. I believe your expertise is needed in helping them." 

Obviously, he could easily do the job himself but Ryuu wants to take the moment to spend time with them even if it's considered a mission. Shinobu had the essence of a mad doctor that allowed her to concoct any potion she desired because it increased a person's potential to heal any ailment.

Meanwhile, Kie is the Life goddess allowing her to heal anyone even the soul of a person and considering Valerie had her sacred gear abused by Rizevim and her brother Marius Tepes. He glanced at Cha Hae-In and said.

"Want to come with me to meet the fallen angels?" 

She nodded since Cha Hae-in will always take the chance to spend time with him. She nodded without hesitation and soon enough their food was done where everyone began to eat, inviting Asia who anxiously sat down with them and Ryuu introduced the new people where Mitsuri calmed her down with her divinity showing her sisterly love making everyone feel completely with each other. 

Asia was still shocked with everything but Ryuu told her to take this slowly and not feel overwhelmed as they began to eat chatting with small topics especially Asia who was amazed by the meal and Nezuko continuingly praising Ryuu making the poor nun blush.

They gotten to more each other giving Asia a welcome arms until everyone finish eating where Jin-Ah and Nezuko took Asia to teach her some common sense girls their age while Ryuu sat down cuddling Mitsuri on his right and Trese on his left while Justine sat on his lap and Amihan in her little chick form and sat on his head. Kanae and Shinobu were in front of them breast feeding his children while they watched some show.

As they were resting with them, his other self finished talking to Erza and looked at the girls around him before telling them about what Erza told him, making Justice frown while Amihan playfully laughed and said.

"Another set of heroine fufufu~. As expected of my Consort. Are you planning on visiting their faction in the future?" He nodded with an awkward smile and said. 

"I am, and can't deny my curious extent to seeing those girls." 

Ryuu playfully said acting like perverted but in truth he's not that depraved enough to only think with his dick. He was curious if these heroes can be reason with or be a threat to other supernatural beings. 

The term Rogue heroes pop up and likely those who he considered a threat to the other faction. He aims to take care of them in the future and for the time being he'll set up a meeting for them once he finishes meeting with the Angel and fallen angel faction. 

He did hate the fact Cao Cao wanted to eliminate other supernatural while allying himself to a terrorist group is the real threat to humanity. Though, things might change seeing that this world is an alternative universe.


[ A/N: Feel free Skip if y'all don't like FUTANARI. ]


Draconic Deus. 

Outside time 11:00 Am 

Greece, Athens. 

Ryuu woke up from his nap after having quite an eventful session with Gaia and Alaya. He was still in his female form naked then felt something wet stroking on his member and looked down to see the two women hungrily lick his throbbing member as it was covered in their drool. Gaia took the tip twirling her tongue while looking at her father and said.

"Shope Yhou donsht mind, fascther. (Hope you don't mind, father. )." 

Ryuu nodded, sitting up upright and sat on the chair while spreading his leg and let him serve him. They were still in small pocket dimension and had been molded into roman bathhouse as Ryuu watch as Gaia shoved his entire member into her throat wrapping tightly at his member making him grunt before removing it and letting Alaya have taste both lick the tip of his member and the side of his shaft before sucking each other faces giving him a show. He then went to ask Judecca some questions.

'Judecca, how was our audience outside?' 

{ They are currently waiting outside  the dimension. }

'How many are there?'

{ Two individual, one is Zeus and the other is Poseidon. }  

Ryuu frowns at hearing them since he still hates them with passion but he can't judge them and might be different from his old world gods. He didn't even care about Zeus' past from his homeworld and punished him for being an amateur on how he handled his lightning thief situation concluding to war rather than searching for his weapon. A petty action that needs correction. 

He wondered if Ares and Zeus learn their lesson after he strips them of his power and would only return if they learn humility and mature like MCU Thor. Ryuu didn't care much for the Greek goddess in his homeworld and was eager to see if there's any beauty provided in this world. Elanor then spoke and said.

'Should we kill them?' Her sister scorned her and said.

'Kill them? Are you out of your mind? That is too easy! We should castrate them if they try doing anything.' Ryuu shook his head after hearing his weapon eager to slice their enemy and said.

'Calm down you two. We'll be purging in the near future but for now, let's wait and see what they can offer.' They became quiet while Ryuu cut off their connection for now as he felt fingers inserted into his slit as Gaia worked on his female members while Alaya sucking his dick like whore where her face smother with precum.

Ryuu grunted at their action and decided to manipulate the space moving his fingers seemingly rubbing something while the two women moaned and gasped.

"Mmhmh~ Ha Ahn~♥️ Ah~! Daddy~! Ah~ Hyah~♥️!!" They felt their pussy being assaulted by his fingers as their body squirmed from the sensation. He smirked looking at their eyes before he created dildo and vibrator making them watch in anticipation as they continued to lick and rub Ryuu. 

He then proceeded to use the toys making them scream feeling the toys filling their inside. It wasn't the same as his dick but it was enough to increased their lust until Ryuu Gaia stopped lick his slit and pushed Alaya a bit as they place their large tits around his large member and squished inside as they began to soak it with their drool as they licking nonstop while Ryuu began to feel reaching his climax and told them making the two woman deepthroat him and giving a glorious fellatio. 

Ryuu then grunted releasing his load showering the two women with his hot semen as the two quickly took his essence licking them and filling their mouth before licking their face removing the cum before kissing each other sharing their reward while fondling their breasts. Once their father's milk was gone and swallowed looking at him while they turned around raising their ass and spreading their pussy where Ryuu smirked. 

They continued their session until they ended their fun having marked the two with womb Tattoo making the two women extremely happy as they washed themselves submerging in the water while Ryuu returned back into his male form as he cuddled them. Gaia then spoke while rubbing at her womb that was filled with his father's essence. 

"Father, you don't know how happy I am that we finally did it. Did you enjoy it?" 

Gaia was a mother goddess but she never bore children in the traditional sense and made them using her power via clay and divinity because she was preparing herself for her father. Ryuu smiled and kissed her forehead and said. 

"I did, I wouldn't have filled your womb if I didn't enjoy it." Alaya rubbed her body trying to get his attention and said. 

"How about me? I think humanity would find it funny how you technically plow the entire race."

She lightly giggled while Ryuu chuckled a bit since he can always say someone is fucked and it can be literal. Ryuu then said.

"Hahaha indeed but I think that rapist outside would run for his money." The two giggled knowing who he was referring to and Gaia then said. 

"Are we going to greet them or not, Father? How are you going to introduce yourself?" Ryuu nodded and pulled them closer and said.

"Let him wait, I want to enjoy this moment a bit more." They giggled and continued their moments until the group finished their bath and changed back their clothes before Ryuu changed to wearing some appropriate clothes wearing a mask that covered only his eyes yet it was able to disorient people to know them. 

Ryuu hasn't been able to do the same in Maou since he felt it doesn't matter but he'll at least disguised this way from then on. 

[ Image here ] 

Gaia saw his appearance and began to play with his hair enjoying how presentable his appearance was. Though, people might see it as someone who is cosplaying but this is a symbol and thought it doesn't hold any significance to many but this a way to present his image. He was an emperor and needed to act the part.

"You look great with his appearance. The color scheme captures your power and personality." Ryuu smiled giving a nod while Alaya also commented and said. 

"Yeah, you look amazing, Father. Well it's to be expected since anything you wear fits you perfectly." He shook his head from her exaggerated remark and finished up before creating a portal using Isla and stepped outside where the group greeted 2 individuals. They had immense divinity that was emitting from their presence looking at them with shocked expressions seemingly observing them head to toe and was confused at something.

Ryuu spotted an Old man with long White Hair going to his Shoulders and Blue Eyes. He also has a white beard and usually only wears a white tunic. Despite his old appearance had a muscular frame that held power and strength.

Meanwhile, the other was the same with long white hair and beard wearing a tunic with a muscular frame yet his demeanor was both calming and violent like the ocean's current. These two are Zeus and Poseidon as the former spoke and said.

"Identify yourself!"