Chapter 296 - Sleeping Beauty


Draconic Deus. 

Underworld. Unknown Territory. At the same time As Gaia and Alaya.

Walking down the streets were filled with people busily doing their daily task seemingly appearing human if it weren't for the fact that they were devils and the sky was clear in indications that it was not something people typically see. Ryuu stride alongside Shinobu who was clinging to his arms nonstop while they had their date since they is no need to rush when saving Ingvild and he wanted to pour his attention first to his woman

From what he recalls, the underworld was within the Dimensional gap having been created by the original Satan as homebase until they're death. The Underworld is roughly the same size as the Human world, but with a much larger landmass, as there are no oceans, just lakes. 

The sky was originally purple during both the day and night, but the current Four Great Satans adjusted the flow of time to match it in the human world for the sake of the reincarnated Devils. They reproduced an artificial moon using Demonic Powers and made the night's darkness the same with the human world. 

This is the place where the devil resides as the typical myths about the underworld are from different sections of the Underworld. In the Upper cosmo, the underworld is more akin to a place where dead souls reside and spend their time for all eternity. It is no different than living in the world. 

They are not only one Underworld but many in each religion and pantheon taking the poor soul in the underworld as a neutral plane where neither is able to ascend to heaven or descend to Hell. The Underworld is loose term for all non-Abrahamic realms where people are judged and where the sinners are punished by the deities and demons of their own religions and theologies. The entities that reside within the Underworld are regarded as Chthonic. They are connected to the circles of Hell, though are not considered part of "Satan's Kingdom".

This meant it was not truly Hell that people were familiar with. As the Hell was not created by Satan nor God but the counterpart which is "Is Not", or Ayin, whose name is "Is Not". If God or Yesh is everything then she is the opposite. 

Regardless, Ryuu didn't see any difference from the Underworld that he made for his daughter of Lilith, Agrat, Nammah and Eisheth. The "Prime Humanity" often confused them which led to them being labeled as Satan, Lucifer, Samael or Any of the demon kings. He was eager to wipe them out when they wrote to but stopped by Sophia giving them mercy yet still felt bitter about it.

He just let his daughter take the soul of those who ridicule them for fallen information since most of them are corrupt zealots. Ryuu shook his head recalling unpleasant glances to his second wife who was as radiant as the first time they met. He never expected that she would bear his children and be his wife.

Ryuu still hadn't proposed to them or began their wedding but he was planning on it in the future. It would be a splendid event where his brother would be there to celebrate with them. Shinobu noticed his gaze giving a soft smile and said.

"What is it, Ryuu-kun~?" He widened and said.

"I was just mesmerized by your beauty. Even after becoming a mother you retain your beauty." She giggled and squeezed her chess into his arms and said.

"That's because you've been feeding nonstop with your delicious milk~" Ryuu saw her lick her lips making him frown, chopping her lightly making Shinobu pout and said.

"Why did you hit me? I'm right." She playfully giggled while Ryuu rolled his eyes while keeping his smile and said.

"How is our Ayashi?" Shinobu thought for a moment about their son and said..

"He's growing quicker than a normal infant. You've already made our personal world to remain at the same time as the outside world we currently reside in and he has grown enough to be 1 to 2 months old now." She continued describing their son and said.

"Ayashi started to develop interest in medicine and even saw him once unconsciously use his divinity." Shinobu works for the health department of his empire and supervises every medical field. Though, her divinity is poison still had a small part for the opposite namely the Antidote and Cure. 

Ryuu smiled hearing things about his son and often spends time with him but doesn't spoil them too much. Though, it still ends up dotting on his children quite often, even some were quite demanding like Annabella (Angron) who often cried for attention but Ryuu slowly helped her temper. 

"Hahaha I can already see our son becoming a fun doctor." He paused for a moment thinking how he's basically going to the Chinese parent route and shook his head.

"Well, so long that's what they want. I don't want to force them on what path they choose, I'm not Yesh." Ryuu grumbled while Shinobu giggled and said.

"Whatever they choose to be, I believe our children would be great. I mean they are not normal children." He sighed a bit and said.

"That's what I'm worried about. I don't want them to be discriminated against growing up because of their heritage. I don't want them to feel they are living in my shadow because of what I am." Shinobu quietly smiled hearing her lover and said.

"Stop it, you worrywart. I believe as long as you do your best then our children have the best life." Ryuu smiled hearing his wife taking a bit of his burden about the future of their children.

"If you're worried about our children having no friends then it's fine. They will have their siblings and our lifespan will eventually outlive their friends." Shinobu feels saddened by it but that is the truth and they don't want to make everyone ageless just because they would feel sad. That is the beauty of what makes life magnificent.

It is fortunate to have something so hard saying goodbye. Though, once they become a spirit and live in the underworld or be reincarnated then it's not truly goodbye but see you later. Ryuu nodded, remembering the time how he told them that they will eventually outlive normal people and given the choice if they still want him and the answer was obvious.

They were glad that Ryuu has a harem because they won't feel alone because they have friends by their side and lived together forever. 

"I know, still can't blame me for worrying." Shinobu shook her head and said.

"You're too much of a doting father even though they haven't started talking. If you're so worried then why don't you use your clairvoyance?" He shook his head and said.

"Alright, I won't use it. And my clairvoyance is often blocked by our children as they are akin to a blank page of the narrative we are in." Shinobu was pleased that he didn't choose the easy way and acted like a responsible person who only uses his power when it is appropriate. Ryuu turned to face Shinobu and said.

"Regardless, our children will be great. Ayashi can be whatever he wants and I'll support him completely." The former Hashira shook her head seeing Ryuu acting like a doting father but she was happy non the less and said.

"Anyway, what are you planning for our date?" Ryuu smiled before continuing their trip around town where the devils were welcoming and friendly. They took the time to take photos and act intimate while arriving at a place where they serve desserts namely Crepe. Shinobu enjoyed their food and talked about their children and how they are doing. 

"I've been meaning to ask you but Justine is your first and childhood lover." Ryuu perked up while Shinobu inwardly added. 

'Even though I'm the first, but that's irrelevant.' she continued and said.

"Who is your first true lover from Yaldabaoth?" He paused for a moment trying to recollect the memories of Yaldabaoth trying to find the answer that he was looking for and said. 

"If we were technical then it would be Khaos who was my first consort but I was blind at the time and ignorant of my strength. I was often tricked by her into causing more chaos and destruction in her name. She gifted me with many things and filled my ego even more, However it was nothing but a facade. The term Simp would have been appropriate but we got better and made her truly mine after I met my true first love…Sophia, My mother, My creator, My truth." 

Shinobu heard his voice with utmost reverence and made her slightly jealous and was curious what kind of person she was and heard Ryuu continue.

"Her shimmering brilliant shine who's light cast immeasurable illuminations into me where in that moment the once blind and ignorant beast was no more as my amalgamated heart beat for the first time in an Immemorial moment. Her name was Sophia Pistis, the Aeon of wisdom and Faith. That is my first love." Ryuu softly smiled overjoyed every time he spoke her name and how much shame it brought him recalling of his ignorant and blind self. Shinobu smiled and said.

"Then we should hurry up and get you back on your feet. Sophia might be waiting for you then." He nodded and said.

"We will." Shinobu smiled hearing him include them rather than face it alone even though most of them don't have the confidence to fight against them. Afterwards, the two finish their food and head to find Ingvild which was quite easy using Ryuu's tenseigan and senses before creating a portal using his power since Yamato and his weapon are with his other self. Ryuu is omnipresent but not his weapon. 

They arrived in an isolated bedroom where the two found the person they were looking for. There on the bed lay a beautiful foreign girl who appears to be in her late teens with a "whimsical aura." She has long purple hair and orange eyes covered by the bedsheet. Ryuu frowned at how despite her sealed sacred gear it was somewhat affecting him. 

It is not known but Yaldabaoth is partially a dragon. Not the traditional type of dragon but a dragon nonetheless. Though, her sealed sacred gear won't actually enslave him but it still registers to him. Ryuu could feel the apocalyptic beast bloodline flowing within her body and decided to check her status finding that she has not only a Pure blood devil bloodline but also the Leviathan physiology added. 

They are three apocalyptic beasts namely Ziz, the apocalyptic beast of the wind and Behemoth, the apocalyptic beast of the Earth. This creature is not truly the apocalyptic monster rather more akin to a guardian within the three domains of the land, sky and sea. Ryuu unsure if they still exist in this world since they are likely weaker than Tiamat since this was the case in the upper cosmos and might be the same in Draconic Deus. 

Regardless, Ryuu is curious how far she'll be able to control this power as she should be able to turn herself into the beast itself. Shinobu observed her condition and said.

"Can't believe that she's been asleep for a hundred years. I've seen Oni before and examined their bodies at the time but This is different." Ryuu glanced at Shinobu who examined the young girl and said.

"How is she? Can you make a potion to heal her?" She nodded holding out her hand forming a potion out of nothing and said.

"This is a potion that I made to remove any ailment or condition and restore them back to their peak or even unlock their potential if they are lucky. I'm still working on the flaws but I'm confident that she'll wake up soon after she drinks it." Ryuu perked hearing her words looking at Ingvild then back to Shinobu and said.

"How will she drink it? Do you intend for me to control her body to drink it? Or can you pour it on her and be done with it." He crossed her arms having his intuition telling him the answer and the moment Shinobu giggled he knew what she wanted and said.

"Or you intend for me to drink it and kiss her? Shinobu, I won't do it because that basically rape and I hate that more than anything." 

Though, they are some of his women who get off when they role play something like that but that's irrelevant. Shinobu just giggled and said.

"Oh come on, I believe that once you kiss her then you'll get new girls into your harem!" Ryuu shook him and said.

"What do you take me for? A scu-" Shinobu then immediately interrupted him and said.

"Yes." Ryuu speechless while Shinobu enjoyed teasing him and said.

"Just kidding. I know only to act like that when it's the kind of girl that needs discipline." He shook his head and said.

"Still, do you really want me to do it? I'm certain Ingvild wouldn't mind but….wait…don't tell me you want me to recreate sleeping beauty or Snowwhite….I feel like I'm that pedophile who show up randomly and kiss that naive girl." 

Though, Ryuu's true age is incalculable as he was firm before time was comprehensive to the mortal mind. However, chronologically he's at least 1 Gogol in terms of his age. Shinobu nodded and said.

"Just do it already! You're not going to rape her, you're just going to kiss her and no more…unless she ask-" Ryuu had enough and BOINK her and said.

"One day I'll summon the BOINK dog just for you and Kanae." Shinobu giggled while he shook his head and held out his hand.

"Alright, give me the potion and I'll do it." Ryuu took the potion and drank it before moving closer to the sleeping young woman leaning until he paused for a moment apologizing with his heart and took her lips before pouring the content within his mouth into her. 

It was instantaneous as Ryuu felt her drinking the potion that had sweet taste and glad that she started to regain her strength then was taken aback where she held his cheek seemingly wanting more and moving her tongue inside his mouth sucking him while Shinobu watching smirked and took a picture making Ryuu dumbfounded as their lips departed and Ingvild looking at him in daze and immediately blushed while Ryuu quickly step back and said.

"Wait! I'm sorry! Ahem…how do you feel?" Ingvild was still shocked at the ordeal but calmed herself and said.

"I-I'm fine but…who are you people?" She was confused with everything that was happening and felt a bit scared until Shinobu moved closer with a friendly smile and said.

"Well, it's a long story but…"