Chapter 313 - I am the storm that is approaching!

Sorry about not posting. The reason is because I feel lost in how to continue the story and how I can make it entertaining.

I decided to quicken the pace a bit and just make side chapters for some characters if I think they deserved a screen time.

I'll try to write as much as I can along with the Epic of Apophis. I don't want to rush the story and just post because I need to since it would end up in a bad chapter. Anyway, once I get the hang of it again, I'll post as much as I can.

Ps. College is a b*tch in the as*.


Having time manipulation and someone who is connected to the upper cosmos, Ryuu had taken his devil's daughter of Lilith, Agrat Nammah and Eisheth who had taken a hold each hell domain within his personal world that continuously grow and he let them manage it as the world provide him nourishment. They had been creating their own army and kingdom rather easily with their powers to submit beings and had the trait of their father who manipulated the flesh of their servant.

Being omnipresent, Ryuu kept them company every moment since he wanted to regain a bit more of his past memory but they seem unable to completely remember things from the upper cosmos. They are avatars and vessels with weaker and limiting power that is enough for the lower world to withstand their power.

Ryuu realized how busy his life was going to be with his other self going to heaven and had met Yesh along with Barbelo. Among all his women, Yesh and Barbelo are the one he does not lust merely love them for it uses their aspect.

Ingvild, Valerie and Asia had been fast friends after arriving at their school who had been helping each other. Ingvild was fortunate since she was being treated like daughter by Lilith while Valerie and Asia were treated like Daughter by Kie who let them take care of his daughter, Hiromi along with his other daughters.

As for Himeno, she's been quite active with Ryuu everytime she was with him and had been intimate with Ryuu clearly seeing how attached she was. Though Ryuu gave up thinking that it's not brainwashing but vowed to treated the best he could.

Her physiology as Transcendent Ghost or God of Ghost shows an amazing prowess giving her the psionic abilities and manipulate the undead and soul. She had fun with her power which was just manifesting beer and cigarettes which prompted a scolding from Trese and Tawata.

It is worth noting what a transcendent means to know the full extent of it. These are individuals who possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings, specifically deities or gods as well as other divine and otherwise god-like entities.

Most have surpassed the restraints of the material world and transcended their worldly limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. They achieve this either through literal transcendence, summoning or transforming into a godly entity, or already being a divine being in the first place.

Though the form and physical capabilities of transcendent beings are inconsistent, most have beyond superhuman physiques, and to a lesser extent, mental capabilities. Their personalities, hobbies, thinking, etc. usually aren't that different from humanity as a whole, though some are portrayed as having more refined tastes, ideas, and philosophies.

Such entities usually have an extremely high level of power, authority, and status. Most have a specific sphere of influence, either over a certain concept, trait, object, location, or race. They have supernatural and transcendental dominion over what they have influence over, more so than other superpowered beings/superhumans in their verse (i.e. a God of Water would have more authority and control over water than a person with water powers). Otherwise, they could simply be immensely powerful to the point they are recognized or no different from theoretical divine beings.

Most of the time, users are worshiped by lesser beings, sometimes even drawing power from their acts of subservience. Some Gods might also only have power over those that worship them, most of the time found in gods of a certain race or species.

Transcendent beings in a verse have numerous differing traits and attributes. Some operate within logical boundaries, while some are inconceivable and illogical. Some verses have one god, some have millions. Some gods are rulers, some gods are the literal embodiments of something. Some gods are good, some gods are evil. Some gods look like humans, some don't even have a physical form. Some gods stand atop everything, while some gods are everything itself.

In simplest terms, a transcendent can be considered a god with varying divinity. Ryuu's own divinity is far too weak and still needs time to restore his true power.

Anyway, Himeno got to know the others quite well, having enjoyed being around the children and was especially liked by Magna. As for what his others had been doing, Erza had used her reward from her mission and had been training with Ji Ning from Desolate Era verse who Ryuu knows from Yaldabaoth's memory.

He was someone who can be considered the best and apex user of the sword that is unmatched. Elsa and Anna had been helping at the Vampire faction since the two had knowledge in running a kingdom. The place was slowly prospering due to Ryuu's influences as their god gave a unified banner.

Ryuu could already guess what kind of headache Rizevim was feeling while Lilith was eager to be the one to punish him along with her sisters, Einsheth, Agrat and Nammah. Agrat was the one who wanted to torture him while Ryuu stop her because it was not yet time.

"Well, are you ready for our date?"

At the current moment, Ryuu is split from going to Heaven and trying to find the rogue hero faction like Cao Cao and Orion who he can predict was planning something. From the story, Orion had been an arrogant prick who tried to force himself on Artemis which prompted her to hate men as a way to cope from the trauma. Humans obviously change the tale since Orion was their hero.

He never met the upper cosmos Zeus and only met Chronos since Ryuu was sealed and defeated by the Daemon Sultan. They were so busy with the war that prime earth's own war went unnoticed.

"Life is full of strange things and you've been quite the help in training my powers." Fubuki said, wearing a beautiful dress as the two prepared to head to their date while Ryuu smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her waist, surprising her but didn't try to push him.

Though, it is strange how fast things are going, it didn't feel unnatural and Ryuu never took advantage of her especially when they train.

"You look beautiful in that dress."

"Don't you say that to everyone in your harem?" Fubuki tried to tease him while Ryuu just chuckled and said.

"You know I can't lie, right?"

"So I'm told. Well, you look charming in that suit." Fubuki's hands caressed his suit and felt its reliable form.

"Thank you, Jin-Ah chose it for me."

"She has great taste. Maybe, I can help you recommend some of my preferences?"

"Well, we can do that on our second date. For now our reservation is about to start."

"Then lead the way."

Ryuu smiled and nodded as he teleported themselves to five star restaurants on the top floor of Dubai. Obviously he chose a specific time and date where, funny enough, even if Ryuu decided to go to the future, he won't be there since his time is locked which means he doesn have the past nor the future.

Fubuki stepped out of the elevator and saw the beautiful fancy restaurant where they had tables near the window that showed the beautiful lights of the other buildings. Ryuu helped Fubuki on her seat making her smile at the gesture and he sat down looking at the menu where the waiter asked for their meal. He asked for a steak and Fubuki had a Pasta then their drink was red wine.

The waiter nodded as he left them be and Ryuu noticed Fubuki looking outside and made him smile before she turned to him and said.

"I've been meaning to ask. When you have so much power yet why crave more? I was the same but having seen you strive continuously made me realize that even how strong I can I'll never be on top. Perhaps in my world but I still wouldn't be on top."

Fubuki said recalling how obsessed she was to become stronger and prove herself to her sister but realize her effort was futile and eventually change her goal. Ryuu pondered a bit and said.

"I thought the same thing. Why do I crave something I know full well I cannot have? Well, the existence of Yaldabaoth had many incarnations throughout from a corrupt mindless beast who only knows to envy and sin to a neutral entity who is evil in the good and good in the evil. I cannot speak who stands before at the top of our infinite hierarchy of power as the strongest is subjective. Simpler term, your emotion, that desire, I am the manifestation of it."

Ryuu explained, making Fubuki eager to listen and continued.

"I crave because that is what I am. I'm an unquenchable and unsatiated being. I desired something I know I cannot have yet still never give up in the pursuit. In other words, if I were to stop then every being would stop craving and desire something."

Having desire is not necessarily a bad thing as we all want something to be rich, to be loved, to find happiness, etc. Ryuu is the manifestation of it and if he were to end and have his peace then all things won't have any meaning and the adventure would stop. One of his avatar and disciple, Desire from the endless would maintain it but his reach is limited.

Ryuu is both a blessing and a curse. He cannot change his nature for what he is. The waiter arrived with their red wine and poured into their glass as they waited as Fubuki twirls the content and said.

"Is that why you have numerous women? Your desire cannot be satisfied?"

"Yes but it is different being a mindless obsession. I don't chase skirts and don't take responsibility. I don't steal from women who have happy marriages. One of my women would be mad at me. Though, I won't hesitate to steal if that woman is unhappy."

Fubuki nodded, taking a sip of her wine while Ryuu did the same. She understands his nature a bit more from their conversation. Fubuki seemed satisfied that he is not someone who doesn't have self control rather it is just how he is. Ryuu knows his action and takes responsibility for it.

"What's our next plan then? I think you also head to heaven, correct?"

"That's right, Akeno, Lucifer and myself went to heaven. It was entertaining to see Luci annoying her sibling from another world."

"You know I'm always confused with all these parallel worlds."

"You'll get used to it. Every thought, narrative, even those within a narrative exist in some way form. Though, the Nexus existence is within the Upper cosmos. You can consider that place as the first iteration of the multiverse that expands into Megaverse until turning into an Omniverse."

".....the more I ask, the more questions pop up. I'll just stop right there. How about you tell me more about yourself? I mean your life before this multiverse dimensional nonsense."

"Well, it all started when I was born-"

"Seriously?" Fubuki looked at him deadpanned while Ryuu laughed seeing her reaction.

"Hahaha I can't help it. Anyway, let's start at my childhood then."

The two chatted while their food arrived and enjoyed their time while outside they were able to see beautiful fireworks which were breathtaking. Ryuu, despite seeing every mundane thing, still sees how special those moments are, especially seeing Fubuki at the spectacle. She turned to face Ryuu and went to give him a kiss on the lips surprising him but accepted it feeling how erotic her tongue moves yet still from his experience and made her crave more.

She moaned from the taste of his soft lips and amaze how great it felt even after their lips departed and can still taste it. Fubuki desired was open book to Ryuu and said.

"Are you sure about this? You do realize I won't let you go once we do it?"

"As if you weren't planning on having me. Justine told me how you like my body and often talked about how amazing my figure is."

Ryuu blushed a bit and didn't deny it with a few people who he couldn't see in his clairvoyance was his woman unless he tried hard enough since he placed some anti clairvoyance into them to hide them in case the daemon Sultan tried something.

"Well, true but you're now a real person and have feelings. I don't want you regretting it."

"You thought that when you took that woman, what was her name again...Himeno? That's right, Himeno."

"She's different and reacts differently than you."

"Are you going to shut up and do this or are you going to be a coward and leave a beautiful lady waiting?"

Ryuu paused then sharply looked at Fubuki and pulled her in, giving her another kiss and explored his hand in her as they left the restaurant making sure no one saw them and took her to the hotel room and pushed her on the bed and stepped back and said.

"Alright, don't think I'll let you go and regret accepting a scum like me."


Vatican City. Saturday. Same time as Ryuu's date with Fubuki, another Ryuu searching for Rogue Hero.

They were afraid of what kind of punishment that shall befall them. None could deny the divine presence that was before them and those who have conspired against their creator's teaching were now quivering in fear. It was a looming dread that speaking one word would be the end of their life. Ryuu apathetic from their fear and glances at the priest and other members of the Vatican.

"Tell me why have you gone and decided to banish a young girl who did not do anything wrong. Her name is Asia Argento and you dared abandon a little girl because of your ignorance! There have been many times you've committed sin but now this is your retribution."

The whole Vatican shook as his voice echoed while they tried to find answers and the one who had wanted to kickstart the great war decided to give his opinion and said.

"You! You can't be our lord!! We have done everything for our lord and surely you are fake!! That witch-"

He tried to speak while Ryuu glanced at him looking as if he was a fool and was suddenly pulled grabbing by the neck Ryuu shocking the other priest and nun.

'Who is this fool? Doesn't he know the situation he's in?'

Elanor pondered since it was idiotic to do so, especially when they are under pressure and affected by Ryuu divinity.

'Desperation makes a man into a fool, sister.'

{ Agree. Master, do you wish for us to eliminate them? }

'No, it's fine. I'm trying to show that I am not here to only bring judgment but also cleanse it.'

Ryuu spoke to his weapon while he had split mind working on the task hand and gripped tightly on the foolish priest before speaking.

"I am not your Lord but I'm here because of her. Remember this word, Yesh love everything for she is everything. She can't contradict herself and I am her way of judgment."

The priest struggled trying to free itself while the priest felt this is their judgment having known the corruption within the church but unable to stop it. Griselda watched in pity but knew this was needed in order for the Vatican to wake up from their delusion, having filled with hate and fear unable to see the truth.

'Ryuu can easily cleanse this place and no one can stop him wanting to show mercy to them…I can't seem to fathom how powerful he is.'

Griselda tried gauging his strength but was unable to and only knew that his power was beyond her understanding. The priest stared at his fear while his guilt was slowly eating his psyche but he managed to shout.

"M-Monster! A true god won't harm his people!!"

"A monster? The true monster is that maddening abomination who's name I do not wish to speak."

Ryuu mentioned to the creator of outer gods that speaking or mentioning him would cause him to influence the world, especially his presence.

"Anyway, this is the end. Those whose faith had been pure shall be blessed and for those who stray from the path shall face judgment. "

The corrupted priest couldn't run anymore and tried to attack him but was instantly defeated by Sandalphon and Uriel while Griselda joined in where they clashed against the corrupted Priest who roared in anger.

"This is madness!! An angel follows a false god!"


Ryuu eyes glint looking at the one who spoke while purifying the priest in his hands, turning them to ashes, sending them to hell and being judged.

"This is not madness but the calamity known as Rapture! Now repent!"

He shouted in anger as Ryu finally unleashed his wrath upon the land where he slashed at the corrupted Vatican priest as everyone watch in fear and awe while Ryuu stood glancing at Uriel and Sandalphon along with Griselda who was bewildered at everything that was happening.

"Urieal, Sandalphon go forth and remove all that tainted this land. Griselda assists them in differentiating those who have been devoted to my beloved's teacher. After that, we will begin the reformation of the Vatican."