Chapter 2

Veronica looked in the mirror fixing up her blazer to look presentable and hopefully not being looked down upon since she is a black woman which sometimes led her doing tasks, she always raised an eyebrow to.

Waiting at her desk she looked at her telephone wondering why she hadn't been asked to the meeting. She hoped her boss didn't forget as Veronica was really excited about joining the 'big dogs' as she would like to call them

Beep "Veronica please make your way to the staff meeting immediately." Veronica leapt out of her seat taking her folder with her and confidently making her way to the meeting room.

Veronica knocked on the door and let herself in as all the men glanced at her and went back to their conversation without even acknowledging her.

"Ah yes Veronica please have a seat." Her boss gestured to the seat in the middle between two men

As Veronica went to sit down, she noticed how one of the men licked their lips while smirking at her. She wanted to roll her eyes but didn't want the attention or to get into any trouble.

"Gentlemen we are here to discuss business which is why we are going to team up with Ahmad Tate the CEO of GALLINGTON ESTATE" Veronica's eyes slightly widened in realization she had her of the company before and read great reviews on how well the company benefits with their clients.

"They are looking for a new advertisement for their real estate to attract more attention and to give a friendly impression as the company itself is pretty intimidating." The men all laugh as Veronica just sat there looking through her notes

Beep "Mr. Ross, Mr. Tate is here" Veronica smiles at the recognition of Imani's voice, although she couldn't help but wonder what her boss needed her for as he hardly even acknowledged her.

"Oh, please forgive me Veronica, I forgot to mention your very important job" Veronica looked at her boss with hopeful eyes "Yes finally I'm getting the respect I deserve" she thought to herself

" I need you to be Mr. Tates' assistant for the remaining month or possibly until after the campaign."

As her boss turned towards the rest of the clients Veronica stood up from her desk and said.

" ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" she slammed her hands on the desk making everyone look at her in shock

"I've had it up to here with this fucking job" she said with venom as she lifted her hand above her height.

"I've worked my ass off and all you men see is a piece of ass and someone who should probably be cooking and cleaning your shitty drawers. None of you respect me but today you will or else I quit and you, Mr. Ross can go suck a-"

"Veronica, Veronica" Veronica jumped out of her thoughts as she then realized all eyes were on her.

"Do I bore you, Miss Calhoun." Her boss said while looking at her with his arms crossed and lifting one eyebrow at her.

She immediately shook her head clearing her thoughts of the rampage she was just into her it felt so real. "No sir I apologies it won't happen again"

Veronica wanted the ground to swallow her up and teat her at this point she wondered if anything could get worse than this.

" Mr. Tate welcome." Veronica turned her head to see the man her boss was referring to and immediately wanted to slap herself for cursing herself.

"It's a pleasure for having me and I look forward to your work and also working with you" She watched as the man and her boss shook hands before her boss pointed in her direction.

"This is Veronica Calhoun she is my best assistant and will be also helping you with the campaign" Veronica look at the man.

The same man she had spilt coffee on and also called an asshole was gonna be her new boss. She watched as the guy looked at her and also furrowed his eyebrows. He gave a very intimidating look and was quite tall and very muscular if she could estimate his height, she could roughly say around 6,6 or 6,7 either way the look he was giving her right now was enough to make her turn her head away.

"Which she gladly did so as she stood up to introduce herself. " Good morning Mr. Tate I'll be your assistant, meaning anything you want or need I'll be able to provide for you just like that" she ended with a click of her fingers to emphasize her statement.

She looked at his face trying to get an informative read on him " I'll look forward to your assistance and see how good you really are" He gave her straight eye contact as he challenged her technique

Veronica felt quite offended but didn't let it show.


After the meeting Veronica moved her belongings to the new floor lvl 17 in front of Mr. Tates' desk. She had already said her goodbye to Imani and Imani looked as if she was going to cry. Veronica rolled her eyes as she had already told her she would be only be two floors up.

After arranging her desk, she knocked on Mr. Tates door waiting for his response before she could come in. After hearing his come in she went inside his office and his eyes were already up looking at her.

Normally Veronica was particularly good at giving eye contact, never backing down. However, it seemed like Mr. Tates eye contact made her want to turn away due to how intimidating he looked.

She really hoped he didn't recognize her or even remember the encounter they had yesterday. She was praying for GOD to answer her prayers and hopefully not lose her job before it even began to start.

" Hello sir, I'm just here to make sure you are comfortable and wanted to know if you needed my assistance for anything." She patted herself on the back mentally for not messing up her sentence and for not withdrawing from eye contact.

"No, I don't need your assistance for anything yet, but I would let you know." His deep voice spoke with a hint of raspiness. You could say it was similar to a morning voice.

She nodded to leave but just as she was about to turn, she heard. " Well actually I wouldn't mind a glass of coffee." His face was so stoic as if he had no emotion

"Co-co-co-co-coffee?" In all words Veronica was stunned she had never been asked to fetch coffee for her employers, she felt quite low from his request and that's coming from an assistant herself.

"Yes coffee, would that be a problem? I thought they said you were the best." he asked with an eyebrow raised. One would think he was joking but his demeanor was saying anything but.

" Yes of course no problem, sir your coffee will be coming right up" as she turned to leave again, she heard him say something.

" Miss Calhoun please try not to trip on your way back in I don't have another replacement shirt." she froze " "He remembers!" she thought, without looking back she replied yes and made her way to the break room.
