By any means necessary

The man standing before me is an absolute warrior. He seems to be as tall as me, let's say around 6ft, Moreover, the dude is definitely built like a tank. Wide shoulders with a lean physique and vascularity for days. A body built purely for the sake of power, agility and efficiency. He is also wearing a golden championship belt around his waist with the words UFC written on them, which instantly brings out strong covetous feelings within me. I cannot exactly make out a face as there is this random beam of light much just like the terrible censorship in some of those ecchi anime, covering portions of his face.

Regardless, of that absurd sight I just gulp in trepidation.

'This is absolutely ridiculous…why the hell does the 'original' get a fancy finale of a karate tournament, while I have to take out a man who could likely rip my head out'. I rage to myself silently.

I proceed to then quickly question myself and then come to a conclusion. 'Is it because my dreams are different? I do want to reach the absolute pinnacle in the fighting world and once I reach the peak…I could possibly get into action movies or possibly the WWE and be set for life…'

I calm down quick after that thought because I realize that there is no point in panicking as that would not help me out at this moment and try to plan how to get out this situation alive as I believe that if I am defeated in combat I would likely die, and there is no way I am letting that happen whatsoever.

I look around myself hoping to get some confidence from my coach or manager or agent and quickly realize that I don't actually have one of those.

'I am so fucked.' My heart starts racing a mile a moment and then I witness the referee calling the both of us fighters to the center of the ring.

"I want a nice clean fight here for this championship bout boys. Follow my instruction at all times during the fight. Now touch gloves." The man states with some authority.

I initially wanted ignore the whole 'touching gloves' part and go to my corner. But then an idea forms in my mind and I decide to just go along with everything for the moment. I move to my corner and take a deep breath and realize what I do next will not be liked by the fans, but honestly why do I have to care about some fans in my own head when my life is on the line.

The bell rings and the referee call us out to fight. I quickly move out of my corner and move towards my opponent and raise my left arm forward with the intention of touching gloves for the sake of my façade. My opponent does the same just as I hoped and before we could actually touch gloves I instantly dash towards his chest and punch out with my right hand towards his solar plexus or at least where I believe his solar plexus is located. I manage to hit the shot just like I wanted, however the shot doesn't seem to wind him. I realize with growing horror that I may have either hit the wrong location or this man cannot be winded, both conclusions not comforting me in any way.

I immediately decide to dip because it is quite clear that I have successfully pissed this beast of man off. He comes right after me absolutely livid and rightfully so as I just keep backing off with me thoroughly keeping track of my surroundings as much as possible.

He tries a couple a feints and then a couple of jabs and low kicks, luckily my constant movement has helped me evade them. I was aware that I am not capable of keeping up this continuous movement as already I can feel myself getting breathless and its barely been around two minutes as far as I am concerned. I know that I should strike back maybe with a couple of reverse punches or the various karate kicks in my arsenal but I am terrified of my opponent countering and taking me down to the ground as the groundwork I know is completely non-existent.

'I should avoid being taken down at all costs…it is an instant game over if I do' I consider silently. The feeling of desperation lights up the cage. Even through the desperation I am proud to admit that I'm able to keep a cool head, I quickly come to a conclusion that I have to absolutely pull something out of the bag before my opponent calms down from my initial cheap shot, if my opponent manages to calm down then I am pretty sure he will be able to see through any of the antics I pull and I will lose and fuckin die. I absolutely refuse to let such a thing happen.

I look close at my opponent and realize that the fellow doesn't actually use much kicks in his arsenal and the fact that he is kind of slow which weird at this stage of the sport. 'his legs are his weakness…but what do I do with that.' I think to myself. A few seconds of distraction nearly took my head off my shoulders by a vicious looking uppercut. I get my head back in the game quickly make some more distance further frustrating my opponent. 'Good!!...that'll make it difficult for him to calm down' I muse to myself.

With lesser than a minute remaining of the first round I realize that this would be the only round that I could possibly have a chance to win. By the time the second round begins my opponent would have been talked to by his coach and he will most definitely calm down, moreover, I can't even consider the round after that as I can feel myself closing in on exhaustion. I look towards my opponent's legs again and come up with quite a sinister plan that makes me hesitate just for a second which then leads to me hear a voice in my ears say, "Some people have it good…while others have to fight for every inch of what's ours."

I feel like I have been smacked in face and then reinforce the fact that I am fighting for my life here in this fucked up fever dream…If I truly wish to live I will have to take that shiny golden belt that represents my new life with my own hands through any means necessary.

The clock strikes the 30 seconds warning for this round. This might be the last 30 seconds of my new life before it even began. I resolve myself, take a breath to calm my nerves and feel my body bathe in the rush of adrenaline running through my system as my exhaustion disappears in an instant.

I position myself such that the referee doesn't get a good look in what's coming up next. When done, I instantly rush at my opponent with my first quick step and it completely takes him off guard as throughout the fight other that my initial sneak attack I had been constantly on defensive evasive measures. I initially feint an attack to his face which I believe made him make the rookie mistake of closing his eyes for a second. The very next instant I go into a standard take down position that I have seen on the internet multiple times but instead of doing it correctly I aim for his knees which then leads to an awkward landing…

I instantly hear a sickening pop sound out from the man's knee and then quickly position myself on a mounting position. Before the man could let out a scream in anguish I begin mauling him into the ground in a blood filled frenzy. I can feel the excitement of the fans as they start cheering ferociously as they witness one man beat another man into unconsciousness.

Before I know it I am being pulled off my nemesis. I notice the referee waving his arm denoting the end of the fight. I realize that for the time being no one else has realized what exactly happened and it will stay like that after all this is just a realistic figment of my imagination. I smirk as my evil plan has come to fruition. The medics then come inside the cage and carry my opponent out on a stretcher.

I hear the announcer speak, "Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Here is your winner by knockout…your new Undisputed UFC Middleweight champion of the world Miguel 'The King Cobra' Diiiiiaaaaazzzz!!!!."

I feel an npc wrap the belt around my waist. I immediately remove it myself and hold it close to my chest in relief….

"I have won…and I will live."

In a certain hospital located in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. An annoying beeping sound is heard as it continues to speed up. A few nurses and a doctor enter the room in order to make sure everything is alright. Finally, after nearly 2 weeks of being in a coma, Miguel Diaz has woken up, and he is awake with an incorruptible resolve to reach the top.