Chapter 3 "The friendship of the little maiden and the little prince of the bows"

Little Abdelion had to go between weeks to Seraphine's house for his mother who was watching his progress with the wounds.

At that time Seraphine was curious so she knew it would not be difficult to talk to him as he was very social.

Seraphine:- "Hello, a pleasure, I am Seraphine, you know my mother since she heals and takes care of you", she said with her sweet voice looking at the boy who was waiting for the girl's mother to arrive to attend him.

Abdelion:- "Nice to meet you, I am Abdelion"- He looked at the girl younger than him with some nerves-.

It was quite common that the boy only lived with women that he had in his family, not external he had a slight blush, that made Seraphine put her hands on the cheeks of the boy.

Seraphine:-"You are slightly red, are you getting a cold?"- the girl began to measure his temperature with her hands-.

Abdelion, who could only look away from her nervous face, his care that watched the scene could not help but let out silent laughter, it was childish but tender at the same time.

At that moment a door opened, the girl moved away from the boy, who took advantage of the moment to calm down, that's when he looked at Seraphine's mother hugging her.

Madeline:-"How are you feeling little one, you haven't been practicing, have you? otherwise your shoulder won't get better"- said the older one with sweetness in her words but with warning at the same time-.

Abdelion:-"No no, I haven't used the bow, I want to improve my shoulder, so I can use my bow much better. exclaimed the boy with confidence and happiness at being able to express himself a little.

At that Madeline, lowered a little the part of the boy's shirt to be able to check his shoulder, to see how the progress of the medicine she sent him and made him take was going.

Madeline:-"I'm glad, he seems to be improving quite well, that's very good"-she said to stop checking and congratulate him a bit for not straining himself with some things like workouts and things with strength.

Abdelion:-"Thank you very much to you also for wanting to help me ma'am", said the little one with happiness but above all gratitude since he was healing faster than when he was treated at home.

Madeline:-"I'll be right back, I'll bring what you always have to take, Seraphine take care of him for a moment when I come back", she caressed her daughter's hair to see her nodding enthusiastically to leave the room to look for the vials.

Seraphine;-" and how old are you?" -while looking curiously at the boy, who was a little taller than her.

Abdelion:-"I am 13 years old, I will be 14 very soon and how old are you?" -now he was the one who was looking at her with curiosity when she smiled.

Seraphine:-"I'm 10 years old, I'll be 11 in a few months, so I'm helping my mom a lot so that when that day comes, I can go to my favorite place.

While the prince only opened his eyes a little, she was younger than him by 3 years and already knew advanced things about healing, it was something surprising but the girl seemed quite happy to help her mother so she did not say anything else.

when the girl's mother arrived and gave her medicine to her caregiver so that they would not get lost or broken.

They said goodbye to both the older and younger girl, and left on the two horses that were there.

The girl on the other hand had liked the boy, knowing that he has been coming for weeks she receives him when his mother does not arrive and takes care of him while his mother goes to get the medicine, she put aside her thoughts to take the book and go to the meadow near her house to sit down and read.

On the other hand, the boy, still confused if he liked the girl or if he found her mysterious with some things but kind and funny at the same time, let out a small sigh a little frustrated but there was nothing he could do.

With time it will be said that it comes out of there, a good friendship is forming, time will tell everything, so we will have to wait just a little longer, just a little bit.

[Forgive me for not having updated but I was busy with a lot of things but now I am back but forgive my absence, in the next chapter of "All for a glance", Chapter 4 "The Blossoming of A Friendship].