Chapter 30: A state of moral collapse

(3RD person POV)

"This is a state of moral collapse. If JJ Vanderbilt mates with Ravine Canella, the Vanderbilt legacy will be disgraced and dishonored to the supreme level. What will this teach our children? We have to stop this abomination from happening." Nick said, erupting cheers and applauds from so many pack members gathered in front of the Vanderbilt mansion.

"Do we want a Fag alpha?" He said through his megaphone.

"No!" Ignorant pack members screamed with their anti-gay posters and signs.

For beating him senseless in the locker room, Nick is now out to get JJ and he is out for blood. He made it his mission to make JJ and Ravine's life a living hell. He outed Ravine in Waldorf and now, he is rallying against the future coronation of the Alpha to be by spreading hate.

Ned, the omega friend of JJ, attempted to put a stop to the situation.

"What the hell are you doing, Nick?" He confronted him, face to face.

"What does it look like? I am saving the Vanderbilt pack from moral collapse."

"More like tarnishing it! You have to stop this insanity, this is too much." Ned screamed.

"I am not going to let JJ and his fag get off easily. JJ has to pay for what he did to me."

"You hateful prick! The truth finally comes out. You're not doing this because you care for the Vanderbilt pack, you are doing this to get back at JJ for beating the crap out of you. Well, guess what! You are not going to succeed. There's still a lot of us who will love and accept JJ for who he is." Ned lashed out.

"A lot of you? Where?" Nick mocked.

Ned took the megaphone from Nick and began to speak.

"Everyone! Listen! This pathetic shell of a man is rallying against our future Alpha just because of the fact that he is bitter and jealous." Ned said while pointing to Nick.

Some gasped due to his brutal and straightforward statement.

"JJ Vanderbilt will be a good Alpha because he is a good friend and a good man overall. He is very responsible, he is currently learning his way but most of all, he never discriminates. As you all know, I am an omega but I cannot remember a time wherein he treated me differently. He didn't. He still kept me as a friend even though I am way beneath him. He didn't judge me based on my rank and social status. We remained friends from childhood until now and he was always there for me. That's the kind of man he is but what are you all doing right now? You are all judging him and dictating what his lifestyle should be. One thing he never ever did is dictate people's lives because he believes that his future pack members should be able to live their lives fully and freely without receiving any looks of disdain from other pack members." Ned spoke passionately.

And now, there's a long moment of silence.

"Years later, JJ found out that his mate is a boy. Surprise! Our beloved future Alpha is gay. Why is that supposed to change our perception of him? It's just love, people! What's so bad about love?! If you don't believe in that kind of lifestyle, then keep it to yourself. You don't have to impose your beliefs on someone. It's not your life, it's his. Mind your own damn business. I'm so sick and tired that we still have to talk about this insignificant issue to this day. It doesn't make any sense."

Ned was now fuming at this point.

"I know that you are all afraid that this might take something away from you or it's going to tarnish the reputation of the pack but I guarantee you it won't. The union between JJ and Ravine might be unconventional and unorthodox but it is never going to change our values and principles. The values and principles we hold as members of the Vanderbilt pack will always remain intact and will always be untouched."

The stunned crowd finally came to their senses and suddenly, everything that Ned said makes sense.

Some are still unconvinced, however.

The outraged Nick glared at Ned for managing to convert some pack members. It is now up to Ned to figure out how to undo this huge mess that Nick has done and convert the remaining unconvinced ones.