With Strength I Am Invincible

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time Ender hadn't made any moves secretly biding his time.

With nothing to do Ender dealt with the paperwork and minor issues but just doing that for so long was very exhausting.

The accumulated fatigue caused his head to be slightly dizzy and to deal with this problem he stopped working and rotated his chair 180 degrees, facing the window.

The golden sun gently embraced the earth like an emperor in bad with his concubine. With the emergence of the golden rays, the darkness disappeared as quickly as it had emerged.

Ender rose from his sit and placed his fair hand which resembled that of a maiden on the thick glass and basked in sunlight.

Underneath the ant-like people below left their houses in droves rushing towards their jobs causing traffic to accumulate.

This was the difference in their status, although they were all living being the difference in them was like the difference between heaven and earth.

Ender's status allowed him to stand above them like a god watching them from above while they chased after their meager salaries like dogs chasing a bone.

Ender didn't display a hint of arrogance as he watched this scene but even if he didn't show it the power he held did make some changes to his personality causing him to view the praises and disdain of civilians like pieces of garbage on the road, it was up to him whether he chooses to pick them up or walk past.

This was the temperament of a king, it's something that can't be faked or taught. Some possess it while others don't. Even some ancient kings in history did not possess it despite their titles leading to them being used and discarded by other forces.


Just as Ender was deep in thought his burner phone started vibrating in his pocket and attracted his attention.

It should be known that Ender had two phones specifically an old burner phone and one of the latest model smartphones so if someone was contacting him through the burner phone that meant that they were being cautious against eavesdroppers.

Ender picked up the burner phone and placed it against his ear," Who is it?"

Ender's voice was firm with a hint of seriousness but the other party on the opposite end of the call sneakered and casually replied," It's Nick"

Hearing who it was Ender's voice softened and the corner of his lips curled up slightly," Oh! So it's you. Tell me that you're done or almost done because the number of funds that I gave you is astronomical and the country can't bare it for much longer."

"Heh heh heh! relax~ you'll suffer a heart attack if you keep being so tense, and yeah regarding that matter it's already complete you can come to see for yourself. I'm moving to phase two."

"Idiot, how can you move on to phase two when phase one had not even been completed. How will you explain it if all the funds go to waste."

"Hmph, with my understanding of you I know that you won't admit defeat no matter what. Plus with those old bags eating off the palm of your hand who can even dare to stand up to you? The prime minister? Or the rest of those fat old geezers? I'm just waiting for the good news."

"Hehe, in that case, I'll be there in 30 minutes"

30 minutes later

A black vehicle stopped before a giant and from the driver's seat exited a young blond man wearing a black suit. The young man circled the car and stopped before the black door and opened it. from the backseat emerged a young man who was slightly older than the other young man but was terribly behind when it came to comparing physiques.

The two young men were naturally Ender and Torres. Before them, stood a large glass and concrete building. The concrete was painted white and the people entering and exiting all wore white coats as well giving it a peculiar aura.

By the door stood a brown-haired young man dawning a white lab coat. When the young man's gaze fell upon the pair heading towards the building his expression brighten and walked up to receive them with a smile.

The young man's pale skin and green eyes paired with the white lab coat made him resemble a ghost.

Although others may be startled upon seeing him Ender had known him for so long that he had long since gotten used to him.

"I see you made it here in exactly 30 minutes just like you said." Nicolas peaked at his wristwatch and said with a teasing tone.

"Hmph! When have I ever failed to keep my word?" Ender raised his nose in self-praise.

Seeing this Nicolas rolled his eyes and led the two inside. Torres followed quietly behind, if one didn't pay attention they would even forget that he was present.

The trio walked deeper inside the building and took an elevator going a dozen stories underground and arrived at an off-limit underground lab.

With Nicolas's authority as the head of Endogen Biotic Corp they could go anywhere they wanted unrestrained.

The underground lab was extremely large almost the size of three football fields.

The elevator doors opened and a seemingly endless spread of white entered the trios' eyes as if they were before the gates of heaven.

The large lab was split into three sections of various sizes. The first section was the smallest and consisted of a single messy office, the second section was a large empty space with only a large object covered in a white sheet in the middle, and the last section was the largest and contained dozens of machines that were busy constructing something.

Nicolas smiled proudly as he led Ender and Torres past his office into the second section. The pairs' pupil's shrunk to the size of needles.

The eyes of the pair were drawn in by the large white sheet.

the two couldn't help being in awe before the majesty of what they were looking at.

Before the giant object, they were nothing but toys to be grabbed and stepped on. Ender quickly rained in his shock as a grin took its place.

While the two's minds were still comprehending what they were gazing upon, Nicolas went back to his office to retrieve a wristwatch.

The wristwatch looked very high tech and on its glass screen wasn't the time but a straight blue line and a speaker on the side.

"This is the portable control watch and it can remotely control this giant beauty using sound waves but it will only work when it hears the voice of the person that it's programmed to follow and that person is you, Ender."

Ender received the watch and wore it.

When the watch made contact with his skin the rubber bands automatically wrapped around his wrist and wouldn't come off unless he commanded them to.

With this, he was done waiting and he had his trump card and with It, he was going to force the entire political system to kneel before him.

With strength, one was invincible, who cares about connections and human relationships with a single command no matter how many connections one had how could one survive being stomped to meat paste.

Thinking about this reminded him of a story he learned in school. A wise man known as Adolf Hitler wanted the best for his people but since he alone couldn't overcome the forces that suppressed them he used human connection to rise to power.

For a brief moment he tasted victory but those same relationships that rose him to power were the cause of his downfall. Thinking of this he wondered if he was in his position would he have made the same choices that he did.

This thought troubled Ender for a brief moment but then he shook his head and said," I don't need human relationships just strength. With strength who would dare to oppose me."