
"Mommy, why is he beating you all the time?" I said, hands shivering around the thin quilt.

"Because even love is in the form of darkness." She said back with a smile as we both were locked up in the room.

"Where were you, kid?" My dad yelled as he shoved me to the couch. I laughed at his surprising question, he never asked unless he wanted me to take another blonde fuck for him.

"Walking." I hissed as my back ached from the rough push. My dad had good aim. He was always like that around me and my mom, he never loved her.

The foul smoke erupted everywhere in the small apartment. We only had one living room where dad slept and my tiny room since dad liked to spend more on prostitutes and drinks.

"You didn't make my dinner." I rolled my eyes at his accusation, it wasn't like we had anything to eat.

"Fuck you and your dinner." I stood up in rage as he clutched my shirt and dragged me to my room, he took his sweet ass off of his favorite couch just to beat me up. I laughed harder as every punch cracked my face and my dad got even more defensive. He left me alone after he realized he had spilled all my blood out for a while. I knew he didn't have the guts to kill me because he needed me for his benefit.

I didn't move from the floor as I stared up the ceiling and cried for my mom.


The blonde haired girl didn't come to school today, I hadn't seen her, not that I cared anyway.

"Wow, you took a lot of beating." The purple haired girl appeared to stand beside me as the next bell signaling for the first class was heard.

"You don't say." I snarked and went into the class, sitting as my sore face burned in pain. I was in a sour mood today due to a headache and the back pain when I passed out on the floor.

She was a no-show. I remembered our encounter yesterday, she seemed so worn out and defeated. Now, she wasn't anywhere when I searched the music room and the hallways.

Since my house was nearby like hers, I always walked to and from school, I saw her getting back to her house that was near mine. I put the frozen pea pack on my swollen cheek and jaw, but my dad's punches made it hard for me to stop throbbing in pain.

"Sorry, Mrs. Brenda." The blonde haired girl said.

"It's okay, Evannie. I know you were working hard for the winter ball, I can't wait to hear you." I scoffed lowly at the fact that the girl was the teacher's pet. Mrs. Brenda, the Biology teacher, gestured for Evannie to take a seat and she does, typically in the front row.

My eyes were on her the entire time, she wore a purple sweater with black skinny jeans that made her emerald eyes stand out. Her hair was styled in curls as it drifted to her waist, I almost howled with laughter when she tied it like she did before.

"Rys, what's the function of sperms?" I hadn't heard my name until she repeated her question and I blinked.

"Making girls pregnant." I shrugged as I laid back on the chair. The whole class laughed and Mrs. Brenda scowled at me then proceeded to ask different people, I tuned them all out.

These emerald eyes gazed at mine when she turned around to grab her bag that was clung to her chair with amusement. I was the one to break eye contact as I grabbed my bag and went out of the class.

"That was an awesome answer, dude." I stopped at my locker to see a typical brown haired player with a smirk.

"Yea, thanks." I carelessly replied. The guy rolled his eyes and introduced himself.

"Ben Davids." He held his hand out for me to shake.

"Ryson Adams." I shook his hand with unease, due to the whole stopping school, I never had friends. I was a social outcast, I could have been potentially famous here but I chose not to, these high school titles wasn't my interest.

"I'm having a party on Friday, you wanna come?" Before I could reply, he gave me a note of his address with a thumbs up before dashing to his next class.

As I was passing to my next class, the soft familiar melodies were heaven to my ears, how could such sounds come from an instrument with strong emotions? I had no idea. I looked at the door window as Evannie played with tears coming down her eyes, she wiped them with the back of her hand as she stopped. I didn't know what was I doing when I opened the door and she turned to stare at me.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her like I had known her for a long time. She frowned at me with her red nose and dried cheeks.

"Why do you care?" She questioned back in a hushed tone. Grabbing her bag, she stood up and faced me. Her emerald eyes searching for something from my amber eyes.

"I don't, I was just curious." I snapped, she continued to stare at the silence wrapped around us.

"Then I have to go." She said with finality in her voice, my arm shot out to her as she stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"You didn't answer me," I stated.

"It's nothing." She blinked as she gave me a final glance and walked out. I had to figure her out in some way, I didn't know someone's life could be as similar to mine. She was suffering like I was, I had known it when her eyes met mine.


The bell finally saved the students as they rushed for the cafeteria, I was in Michigan school but I stopped it for a while since my parents couldn't afford it when I was in fifth grade, I had to be homeschooled till eleventh. I was a senior student here because they accepted my homeschooled certificates. I didn't particularly care about studying but I would look into a book once in a while.

Michigan school was like a shelter away from dad when he used to be angry and would beat me all the time, it started from kindergarten until senior year. It had changed a lot, they upgraded it from the grey hallways to white polished ones, the rooms were bigger than the usual tiny rooms I had grown used to.

I went to the bathroom as the jock came out of the cubicle to wash his hands, I heard that he was called the king of pranks, it was pathetic.

With light green eyes that recognized me, we both were silent because we didn't want to go into another detention.

"Are you fucking Evangeline?" He asked me out of nowhere. I hadn't expected a better question since he was the jock. I was biased about jocks like him, the only things in their minds were attracting girls and sleeping with them, not for the love of the sport.

"None of your business." I didn't know that name. It sounded familiar.

"The piano freak and the silent boy, how cute." He stressed the last word and I resisted the urge to punch him. He meant Evannie, maybe it was a shortcut to her long name.

"You know what's cute? Your dripped jeans, you need to learn how to potty train." I sniggered as I walked out, he saw the stain on his jeans and gave me a glare.