
The man stared at me in Ryson's arms and I felt terrible chills climbing up my spine like a horror movie. He had bad vibes to him, his eyes were snake-like and he was a burly man with a dirty stench to his ragged clothes. Ryson was stiff and his arms tightened around me.

"Dad." He said and I widened my eyes, well, that was indeed my bad impression about Rys's father. They were so different from each other, the man had black hair that revealed a slight empty patch in the middle while Ryson's hair had thick curls. I remembered what he had done to Ryson's back and I grew madder than before.

"What do you want from him?" I hotly snapped. Ryson looked down at me with a tight-lipped frown, oops, I said a bad thing. I tried to sound hostile but it ended up sounding like a pitiful small kitten.

"More like," he licked his lower lip as he continued with a nearly seductive face, "what I want from you."

"That's enough," my back vibrated when Rys shouted at his dad, "you will never touch her, ever." He swore under his breath when the group of nurses barged in with the security guard.

"Dear, it isn't over." He promised and I felt more disgusted at the sound of his voice and his words. Thankfully, the guards took him out.

The blooming flowers were shown out from the window beside the hospital bed where we both laid together earlier. I was so scared of losing him, that I crazily straddled him and looked into his closed lids until he woke up again. I never wanted to look back on what happened before.

"Evangeline," his voice made me turn my head to meet his beautiful amber gems, "you have to stay away from me for a couple of weeks until I sort this out." His words shattered each chamber of my heart. His eyes held pain, danger, and warning. Suck it up and stop acting like a clingy girl. My conscious said and I agreed. Besides, it was only for a couple of weeks.

"If you want to," I replied with sadness laced into my voice, he sensed my disappointment and pecked my forehead.

"I promise, I will clean up my mess and come back to you," he tried to console me, "and besides, you have piano training for Julliard."

Shit, I forgot about Julliard. The meeting was supposed to be an hour before.

Ryson narrowed his eyes at me when he sensed my panic. My hands trembled in his and I freaked out.

"What's wrong?" He asked as his eyes widened like mine.

"Nothing, I just skipped school for the first time." I lied and his eyes searched mine as if he was checking that I was telling the truth. I didn't want to tell him because he would think it was his fault.

"I guess I'm giving you a bad influence." His amber eyes shined jokingly.

"I guess that I don't mind that." I joked back. He smiled down at me due to our height difference and kissed my cheek where a blush formed after.

Curiosity swirled in my mind as I tried to think of why this happened to him. I knew that If I asked him, he would either give me the silent treatment or brush it off.

What if it happens to him again and again?

Fear mixed in with my curiosity, I watched him as he stood up and walked to the bathroom to get ready to get back home.

I tried to think deeper into this and I realized that my answer was under my nose the whole time. Who would want Rys to be hurt?

His dad. My blood ran cold and I gnawed my lower lip in thought but my moment was cut short when Rys got out of the bathroom. His broad back showed as he bent down to grab the shirt under the couch, his abs flexed and his shoulders hunched, I stared far too long for him to catch me.

"Take a picture, baby." He said with a smirk. Moments like these made me feel hope that we had a chance in life

Together. The nurse got in before I replied to him, she looked young with short blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Ryson, you need to sign the sick leave papers." She said as she took glances at his chest. My jealousy got the best of me so I walked and stopped in front of him facing her.

"He will be out in a minute." She gave me a glare when I informed her and went out. His arms wrapped around my waist as he bent down to whisper in my ear.

"I really like this side of you." I shivered at the intimate contact when he kissed the spot behind my ear.

It was so funny how situations change, one moment we were screaming and crying, one moment we were laughing and talking on the bed.

We walked out and I still remembered how I saw him being carried out by the police on a stretcher.

"Rys, what happened?" I hollered as people stopped to see what happened. The dried blood on his chest made me more hysterical, "let me in." I shouted at the nurses beside him inside the ambulance but they only shut the doors and drove off.

"He was in a pool of blood for ten hours." A random teenage stated and I cried even more. He was injured for ten freaking hours.

Please God, don't make me lose him.

I hurried off to the medical center, I didn't care that I pushed the people away or I scared them off, all I cared about was inside the CR fighting for his life.

I waited for far too long to the point where I couldn't feel my body anymore, I was numb to the expectations of life. I wanted him to be okay.

The doctor came out and I didn't miss a second, I quickly blocked his way.

"Please doctor, tell me his condition." I pleaded with teary eyes.

"He died," my heart stopped beating and the world spun around me at these two fatal words until he continued, "but a miracle happened." He walked away with a similar shock on his face.

I couldn't help but think that his mom could be the miracle that saved his life.