
I walked back as the night settled and the wind was soothing my heartache. I never thought in my whole life that I could ever love somebody so much after my parents. I thought I would never have the change to love someone so deeply. Then Rys happened, the bad boy, changed my entire gravity. I was no longer walking on the ground, I was flying up too high, it could be heavenly but at the same time, it could be risky to love someone that much.

If you fly too high, you could fall back down even harder. I didn't think that Rys would ever do that to me. He cared and loved me when I had nobody but my aching soul. It was more of a miracle, we both had similar lives, we had dark coals in our hearts.

Too poetic to the point where you sound like a lovestruck fool. I reminded myself as I laughed a little louder and smiled a little wider than before. It was like a magic makeup; I glowed without a highlight whenever he was around, the blush on my cheeks formed without an actual blusher at the mention of his name and my eyes gleamed without contact lenses.

I whistled along the chirps of the birds on the bench beside me. Even though we had to leave each other, I knew that our love would light up the dark coals in our hearts to bring us warmth.

I couldn't help but wonder about the dark side of Rys that I briefly knew about before. Would it cause collateral damage to us? Would he change up on me whenever I talk to him? Would he have tantrums around me and I get to witness it for the first time?

I wasn't worried about him. Time was by our side, I could hear his past stories later but what was I concerned about was that he could get hurt by his own anger that has been inside his heart all along.

The police sirens reached my ear and my wide grin disappeared, along with the thoughts about my loverboy as they placed dad on the stretcher.

"No, this isn't happening," I laughed as I whispered, "it's a prank, God doesn't hurt me in this way." I closed my eyes as I tried to block the sound of the sirens but to no avail.

"No!" I sobbed when my feet pushed harder forward to reach my dad, "no, dad, it's not the time to join mom yet." I hysterically cried as I grasped his hand and I moved with the nurses to the van. My heart in frantic heartbeats at each cry for my dad.

"What happened?" I screeched at a nurse and she gasped at my sudden burst.

"Uhm-your dad was shot in his back." She stuttered when she saw my mania episode I was currently in.

"Please, God, I will do anything," my tears joined my prayers as I cried even harder and looked at the white ceiling of the van, "please," I sniffed as the new rivers burst down again, "please, just let him stay with me, that's all I ask."

I never hated white so much when my dad's hand slumped and when his heartbeat stopped.

"Dad," I screamed as the nurses pumped his heart with electric handles, "dad, stop dying!" I scratched my forehead as my heart violently tried to take breaths. We were still on the way to the hospital.

The nurses lost hope and my heart stopped working, leaving my chest bare to the sight of my dad with a hole in his stomach. My eyes looked up when a nurse shouted my name. Red rimmed eyes, heavy soul, and a dead dad.

I was joining him, dying with him in a white van and no sign of life could ever bring me back.

I'm sorry, Rys...I wish I didn't save you so you could be with me, my parents and your parents too with a grand black piano with the angels around us.


The tears hit my cheeks as I opened my cracked eyelids and found myself in a hospital bed with chapped lips.

They weren't my tears this time.

Ryson's red-rimmed eyes met mine and his breath calmed me down a little bit until I remembered it all like a due disorder. I screamed as I tried to move against the bed's seatbelts.

"My dad, my dad." I sobbed as I repeated and Rys shed a lot of tears at my sight. Yes, I became crazy and that was bound to happen when you lose a gem in your life.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized as he took my hand in his and kissed it, "Evange, I will never let you go." He sobbed and I cried with him.

We were supposed to be a new happy couple but look at us now with red eyes and trembling mouths.

"You-you did this!" I yelled at him as his eyes widened when the seat belts ripped at my fury, "the man who tried to kill you killed my dad." I had known it when they said it was a man with a mask. It was his dad's fault and I couldn't help but blame Rys.

He was the one that brought me into his sick dad's picture.

"Evan-" he started and I jumped on his lap, clutching his hair in anger.

"It's you, it's you who did this." I sobbed and whimpered as I kept shaking his head by clawing his hair. He took both of my hands and kissed me furiously. I didn't kiss back and pulled away at his swollen lips.

"Evange, I love you and I never wanted to see you like this." He said as a stream of tears went down from his eyes and his amber eyes darkened.

"It's too late." I whimpered as my hand wiped my own tears.