
I stared at the hands that weren't mine, or at least I would like to think so. My tear stained cheeks averted to the two dead men that Ryson and I had killed that were carried out to the center. It was fast and instantaneous, I never expected us to end up this way. I was supposed to be in Julliard training to be the top pianist in the whole wide world, it seemed too far to reach but that was what I wanted and Rys was supposed to find a job that carried a stable life. Instead, we became killers who had anger in their hearts and trembling hands.

"Evangeline Hart and Ryson Adams." The officer called both of our names and we silently obliged. Both of us too tired to talk, I could tell the dangerous conflicts Ryson's eyes portrayed. He was thinking about what happened earlier and by the intensity of his eyes, I could tell he was mad at himself for bringing me into this.

I came in his life without a warning but that wasn't my fault nor was it a regretful decision to love each other. We both became stripped of our fathers. The panic my heartfelt was shown to the sheriff as he sent me a gentle smile, gesturing for us to take a seat in front of his desk.

"Dalton, long time no see," Rys said cold-heartedly. The officer nodded tiredly but he had to tell us our problem.

"Evangeline, sweetheart," the officer cooed at me, he probably pitied me when he noticed my devastation, "tell me what happened." He spoke to me like I was a ticking bomb but what he didn't know was that I had a hidden tantrum waiting to be exploded out to the world. I had a rush of hatred.

"Uhm-" my voice sounded cracky so I coughed and continued, "I was on the hospital bed after my dad died and then I followed Ryson when he went to his house because I-I" I wheezed out as a panic attack made me close my eyes for a second as my ribs were coated with shivers.

"Evange, calm down, take deep breaths." Rys showed me how as I tried to do the same, I felt my chest constrict and I couldn't do anything other than sit in stiffness.

"Evangeline, inhale this." The officer told me as he brought the inhaler closer to my mouth. I shut my eyes tight as the flashbacks of that afternoon.

Dad was on a stretcher with a hole in his back and a blank stare, the nurses closed their eyes as I ran and hollered.

"Dad, dad!" I kept hollering, not caring that the people would hear me. My eyes widened a second after when my dad sat up on the stretcher and turned to face me with a glare.

"I am not proud of what you did, I didn't raise no killer for a daughter." He shouted.

"No, but I had to," I confessed as dad shook his head with a scowl and deep brown eyes.

I breathed openly after the inhaler did its job. Regret filled my soul, I could never hurt a fly but how could I deceive a man enough to take his gun and shoot him without a glance? I wasn't like that.

Anger had shaped me, I became like Ryson. I stared at Ryson as he stared back at me, making sure I was not harmed.

He was so beautiful even in his drowsiest state. His amber eyes gleamed darkly to shadow the bags under his eyes, his muscles bulged out of his new white shirt clear of blood and his cherry with pink colored lips that were chapped from dehydration.

How could I become like him? I mean, he obviously didn't intend to bring me into his messed up life and actually wanted me to stay away to protect me.

It was my fault, not his. Realization hit me, I should have listened to him rather than listening to my lovestruck heart that got my dad killed.

The dawn graced us with a short run bliss as our eyes connected in an unspeakable love. Today was our fathers' funeral, I didn't care about the killer anymore, nobody deserved death and I was regretful because I wasted a soul. He could have been punished in jail and away from me.

It all happened in the rush of the moment when I saw the gun on Rys's back, I didn't want to lose anyone that time so I just let the anger get what it wants.

"Proceed, please." Officer Dalton said and I nodded, feeling a bit more confident.

"I saw the gun pointed at Ryson's back so I grabbed the small coat hanger and pushed the gun away from him to me, I was too angry for my own good so I shot him, that's it." Dalton looked shocked at my casual tone of voice.

"Officer Dalton, we really aren't killers, the man killed her dad," Ryson stated in a matter of fact tone, "and he was about to kill me with his gun so Evangeline did what any defensive person would do. Yes, you can blame me for what happened to her," he spoke as his eyes turned vulnerable, "but put the guilt on me and never her, if it weren't for me accepting our love story, she would have been with a normal great guy that could treat her way better than I could." He confessed and I was flabbergasted at the broken beautiful boy.

"Officer, you could honestly blame me, I was the cause of my dad's death," I sobbed out, "Ryson didn't have anything to do with it, I was the one who never spent as much time as I could to reveal how much I loved him, Ryson only made me feel loved again but it was a wrong timing to be involved with all of this." I finished and sniffed.

Officer Dalton smiled at both us, I guessed that he felt the sparks between us.

I sighed, it was almost my dad's funeral. Here goes everything.