My blue-grayish eyes saw red the moment I spotted the Alpha, I wanted him dead even if he was my mate. He was merciless.

I stood with my sore eyes and shaky hands, I was in pain because he was able to torture me without caring about me, no mate should go through that abuse. He swiftly walked in front of me and I just stood there, not moving at all, void of any emotion as my wolf inside howled in disappointment.

"Learnt your lesson?" My body wanted to beat him up but who knows what he would do if I did that. I wasn't ready to go back into that room.

"Yes, I did," I calmly said, my body no longer fighting and my wolf no longer nagging.

"Good." He one worded me and sat behind his computer, his hair was messed up and he had a little lipstick smudge on his chin.

He was sleeping with a woman when he left me to the torment.

My heart tightened at how oblivious he was to my pain. Tears slipped once again but I held them back in, I wasn't going to cry, I was going to escape from this deadly Alpha and focus on the plan. I was going to be courageous and no longer pathetic to him.

"Do you need anything?" He analyzed me as he looked up, he was skeptical of me but he replied.

"No, go back to your room." I closed the door, wanting so much to bang it and give him a piece of my mind but I was too into my emotions to do so.

The line of women that went into his office after I got out were like needles to my skin; the fiery feeling of sadness tortured me even more. He was worse than Alpha Raden.

I went into my room, I hated wearing the same thing but I didn't have much choice. The girl from before came in with a tray of food and water. She had stunning straight auburn hair and emerald eyes, she was a kind werewolf, I could sense that.

"Thank you," my voice cracked since that was the first thing that someone ever did for me in a long time, "can I please borrow some of your clothes?" I asked weakly.

"What happened to your clothes?" She questioned back as she put the tray on a small table in front of me when I remained seated on the bed. She was a normal wolf, she didn't have Beta or Omega blood, she wore a casual pink shirt with jeans.

"I didn't get some because the Alpha said I had to use the mistresses' clothes." She cringed at me, knowing that his mistresses were vile.

"Okay, I will get you the clothes that I don't wear and you can keep them." I picked on my fingernail as I say a quick thank you, receiving a smile back as she went out the door.

I ate all the food on the tray because I was hungry after a two-hour run and the punishment. Too many events happened and it was barely my first day here. I just missed my family too much that it hurts.

Hope was gone; it was unrealistic for me to have a true good mate for myself and my family beside me. I started thinking that this was my fate, I was to stay away from my mate and have nobody in my life or else they would leave too.

The kind girl came back and gave me the bag filled with clothes and undergarments. I thanked her so much that she laughed and introduced herself as Kayla Everdeen. We chatted for a bit until she had to go tend to other duties.

The clock beside my bed ticked to four pm and I was dozing on and off from how bored I was, I already had formed a plan and there was nothing to do.

A whistle sounded from downstairs and I peeked into the locked window. They were training to fight the pack I was in before. I slapped my forehead at the fact that I didn't know what my current pack name was. I had to ask later.

The wind picked up speed and there were millions of trainers and wolf fights that I almost forgot to keep my door locked.

The chest made contact with my back as he whispered in my ear, "see what Sterlight pack could do." My heart stopped and I clogged in my place with jitters.

"Mommy, look!" A five-year-old me said and the mom wanted to take her daughter away from the window at the terror-filled sight of wolves dying and others ripping each other apart.

"Go into the basement and lock yourself now." She sternly alerted and I widened my eyes.

"But why?" My mom huffed but she explained anyway.

"The Sterlight pack is a haunted pack with a very deadly Alpha so go down and don't go until I say so." She warned and I nodded with eyes wide open.

I heard the shattered screams and tugging of the basement doors, they wanted me and with a flash, everything went peacefully.

Mom opened the door with scratches on her face and she limped carrying a five-year-old me who cried horrified.

"It's okay, darling, we got rid of them." She soothed me and I remained in her arms.

"But how? Your pack was supposed to be dead." He didn't look offended as the rumors started about his pack.

"Nope, it was hidden but we came back here from Australia." I wanted to calm myself down but to no avail.

"I am...I am the Luna of Sterlight pack, the haunted pack?" My eyes widened as I attempted to breathe. I couldn't anymore.

The only thing blurry was his face as the last memory of my mom faded into my mind, she wasn't there anymore to protect me.