The pack doctor came to us in a white lab coat and a bag of supplies in his hand, he appeared quite old with grey-white hair and a beard.

"Hello, Alpha and Luna." We greeted back as he got to work, he took a sample of the dazed girl's saliva to spot the traces of the pill that went down her throat and examined it with eyes squinted.

I felt shy because I was still on his lap when we got back from the jail to take the sample, Alpha teased me when he tightened his arms around me, preventing me from standing up.

"It's silver mixed with a type of sedative, it results in loss of memory and blocks out feelings and that makes her severely depressed." We both breathed heavily at the new information, I fidgeted in fear for my sister, she didn't even know half of the things she did when in this state.

"Doctor, is there any solution?" The grim expression on his face said something worse.

"Death." He answered and I shook my head with tears in my eyes. "No, that can't only be that." I further argued as Alpha tried to calm me down by rubbing my back.

"So that means that the people who kill from Alpha Raden's pack don't remember or feel?" The Alpha questioned and the doctor nodded at him.

"Your sister wouldn't turn sane, she would die from the overdose Alpha Raden gave us." I grew bothered even more as I stood up and growled, I was about to run and kill that cruel Alpha but my mate stopped me.

"Calm down, Destalia, I will come with you but right now, let's think because it could be a trap." He advised and I listened, taking a deep breath before exhaling.

"We need to kill him, now." My voice strained hard and he agreed with me since both of his close people died because of him.

How could Raden, my sister's mate do that to her? He was very heartless. He needed to be murdered by my hands only.

Calm down, Dracula and get your pretty head out of that twisted gutter. Lace scolded me and I closed my eyes to rid of the anger.

"Me and Alpha Raden grew way back," he explained when the doctor walked away and back to his laboratory. "He was my best friend and my Beta but he got in rogues to destroy this pack, this was why we had to hide until we got back our powers and get stronger." The shock that Raden used to be his Beta was unexpected. That was what his sister meant about trust for a Beta, he wasn't going to go through this never-ending circle because he had been betrayed once.

"So these rogues were the start of his pack?" He nodded tiredly.

"Rogues that their mates died." I expected that because Alpha Raden was strict when it came to training unmated warriors because he didn't want dramatics and separating mates. At least, he had a bit of moral.

"Let's go have lunch and then pay the Alpha a very nice visit." He hissed and we stood up to take a silent walk to our mansion.

We both had immense hatred for the killer Alpha, we decided to forget that for a while when we ate and talked about our plans after. The clock read 3 pm and we had to get going.

Alpha told the guards to take care o the pack since we were going to get that Alpha. He seemed stressed so I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as he let out a small smile at me.

"Ah, what a great pleasure." The Alpha smiled at us and I stood like a rock with a dead look in my eyes.

"We know about the pills you have been giving to your pack members," I shouted out and we both shifted. Alpha Raden shifted too, we circled him on the grass ground of his territory. Rogues made a grand appearance but I was confident of my ability.

I managed to bite the Alpha on his leg as he was too busy fighting my mate, the three rogues attacked us but with my ability, they all died when I clawed them before biting Raden's hind legs.

We need to help our mate. Lace said but that was taken care of as he snatched a chunk of Alpha Raden's neck and he shifted to human, writhing in pain.

"Your mission isn't to kill me, your mission is to find those pills but you won't ever find them." As he took his last breath and his eyes closed, I knew that Moonlight has ended.

We both shifted with battle scars before they healed. Fully clothed, we came hand in hand with big smiles on our faces, all we had to do was find the pills.

Alpha had managed to shelter the Moonlight pack since he didn't want them to turn rogue.

I went to the pack doctor so he could see what kind of abilities my wolf possessed but he only pulled back in shock when he checked my wolf. After I put on my clothes in the small bathroom of the small hospital, I came out.

"You are the Moon Goddess's curse." He gasped out and I blinked in surprise.

"Excuse me, what?" I sputtered.

"You may kill and you also have the ability to heal and battle but the curse stated that everybody will be killed if you don't die."

"What do you mean?" I frantically rushed my words out.

"It means you either live without a purpose or die in order to protect the pack because you are born with a curse."

"What's the curse?" I asked.

"Killing people."