"Where should I kiss you today?" The Alpha asked me thoughtfully as I howled in laughter at his hands tickling me while he was on top of me on his bed.

Kiss me down there. Lace dirtily thought and I gasped at her shameful words.

Lace, if you don't stop- I blushed harder than Donald Trump's orange fake tanned face when Alpha knew about my slutty side of my wolf.

He burst out in laughter as I squirmed in embarrassment. He continued to tease me as he pressed soft kisses on my nose and cheeks, down to the side of my mouth. I pushed his lips where it belonged to, my lips as I enjoyed the warmth of his lips against mine in pure ecstasy.

I wished we could do this forever without some old curse or his past and his cursed name. I wished we would live happily and create a family. I managed to block him out of my thoughts but not for long.

"You want to create a family with me?" He looked at me in awe that it made want to cuddle him so bad. His beautiful hurricane colored eyes looked into my aqua mixed with grey one in a poetic way, I was a goner for him, I knew that the moment he connected my soul to his like strings on the guitar; if one string doesn't work, the other has no purpose. That was what I felt like when he gave me his genuine smile.

"Yes," I whispered as his lips took their original place against mine. After the interaction with the Moon Goddess, I got back to see the worried expression of the Alpha as I explained that I fainted to a sunstroke. Thankfully, he believed my pathetic excuse. I could tell he still had suspicious thoughts about the doctor meeting I had but he knew when to stop pestering me about it.

It was six pm and I was contently happy with his kisses on his very comfortable bed. I was shy when I told him I wanted to create a family with him but we both knew we had a job to get done before that.

"Don't you have training?" I asked him as I laid on his chest after the heavy make-out session we had, he stroked my hair as he looked down at me.

"Took the day off for my beautiful mate." I blushed and slapped his chest as he playfully twirled my hair around his fingers. It was the night that I craved for, peace and calm. It was all I wanted until the screams echoed in his room and he stormed out to find out.

I also decided to wear a robe and go down to see the commotion.

Dead bodies laid everywhere in front of our mansion, the pack members we took in were all covered in black blood and broken pills. They had killed themselves.

"Guards, let's go to the Moonlight pack and search for the pills before it's too late." The Alpha said stressfully as he gave me a quick kiss and told me to stay here and take care of the pack.

I turned around once our mate went and saw the horror-stricken faces as I clapped my hands and told them to help me clean up the field, I was used to dead bodies because in Moonlight, we had so many wars and I took part in nursing.

I still didn't know what Alpha Raden wanted from my mate. Maybe, he had the pill too. It was an apocalypse of destruction and I was a mix of both healing and killing.

We had managed to clean up half of the field where blood puddles were swept and taken care of, we still had the other half and the time indicated it was eight pm, I was sweating crazily from the amount of effort I put in.

My stomach hurt me as I attempted to rub it to soothe the ache of working hard but I had to stay strong for the pack, I ignored it as I got to work but the pain was still there, cracking down every wall I built as I took a seat and called in the pack doctor.

Before the doctor arrived, the same blonde lady that helped me, came up to me.

"Congratulations, Luna." She said with a cheerful smile, I stood up confused at her sudden behavior.

She crossed her arms as the doctor arrived and told me to sit down to check me. He was tired of all the problems that came in attached to me. I was a very dark wolf with a heavy curse baggage with me.

My happy thoughts went to my Alpha and the mate that I managed to crack his tough exterior, he was amazing, irritating but still amazing.

I bet it's my eight packs that did the job. Alpha linked me as I laughed.

Did you find anything? I asked through the link as tingles coursed my body at the cold gel on my stomach.

Nope, still searching, I will see you when I get home. He said and I cut off the link.

"No, that can't be." The doctor said, horrified.

"What?" The deep feeling in my stomach where a little heartbeat was heard by my powerful hearing ability and the tears that rushed down my cheeks told me.

"You are pregnant." The lady confirmed as I cried into my palms, wishing darkness could take me.