My eyelids fluttered as the breeze tickled my nose, I was sweaty and it was already lunchtime, the clock read 4:00 pm so I untangled myself from the drowsy Alpha that was still sleeping with a strong arm over his forehead as his face contorted peacefully, he was intriguing to my eyes and so amazing to look at.

You sound like a creep and for God's sake, go take a shower. Lace bashed me with her insults and I laughed at the spunky wolf.

I padded to my bathroom as I took off my clothes, I noticed my bump had gotten bigger and my breasts grew larger than before, probably because I didn't wear a bra when I sleep most of the time, they were very uncomfortable to sleep in.

I stepped into the hot shower as I lathered myself with soap and relieved my tight shoulder muscles and my back from the tension of the previous events. We had to focus on finding the damage to the loss of the pill, we needed to find as fast as we could so more people couldn't be harmed and especially from our pack.

There might be someone who's delivering these pills to the pack. Lace observed and I joined in.

Yes, we needed to find the disloyal traitors and hold them captive to question them and investigate. Odd events were slowly occurring and we had to put a stop limit on them.

I sighed as I stopped my train of thoughts, wrapping a towel around me as the steam stuck to the mirror and I made sure to grip the sink so I didn't slip and choke my baby.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" The Alpha jokefully whined after I went out of the bathroom and closed it so I could sweep it later. His hair was messed up in all directions and his hurricane eyes took my state in as his shorts hung low on his V line and his torso glistened from sweat since our mating radiated heat most of the times we embrace while we sleep.

"Because you looked cute when you sleep." I rolled my eyes as he nagged on me then his arms wrapped around my back as he pushed me flush against his body as he leaned down to kiss my neck.

"You should know by now that I am not cute, I am sexy." He objected as he trailed kisses from my neck to my jaw to my lips. I lightly traced his back as we kissed, my wolf jumped in joy. Lace was very dirty minded.

"Go take a shower and we can get to our duties," I told him when we pulled away, he was still holding me tight against him since I was short compared to his tall figure.

"How is our baby?" He said, looking down at my stomach as one arm stroked my bump, I smiled softly down at his touch.

"It's growing, I have to go to the checkup though." I reminded myself aloud and he gazed into my eyes.

"Then wait up for me, we will go together." My eyes brightened up as I cheered to myself, it was always a comfort being with him.

"Okay," I replied as he groaned at the heated attraction between us and smashed his lips roughly against mine as I gasped when he lifted me and I kissed him back just as intensely.

"I love you so much." He said as his lips were swollen and red when he pulled away, just like mine.

"I love you too, so much," I admitted back as our eyes connected to a hazy love state. We were clung to each other in such a way that was too beautiful for words.

I ruffled his hair and giggled as my hair went in my face when he twirled me around, he, then, set me down and gave me a quick kiss as he went in to take a shower.

I sat down with a big smile on my face and the tiny heartbeat went as rhythmic as mine, I touched my big bump as it kicked, I was dying to know the sex of the baby.

I dressed up in a blue blouse with red shorts that went above my knees a bit. Alpha looked very sexy when he came out dressed in a white polo shirt and light brown pants with converse, he looked younger than twenty-five. We mentioned our age in the library that other day.

"You look so beautiful." He complimented me as I blushed and had my hair in a ponytail.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said playfully as he kissed my cheek and held my hand, we went downstairs and strolled to the doctor for the checkup.

"It's definitely a boy." The doctor checked and revealed to us, Alpha was happy since he wanted an heir next in line to take care of Sterlight pack. It was an early birthday surprise for me and knowing it was a healthy strong boy made me euphoric.

"We're having a baby boy." He exclaimed as he hugged me and twirled me in happiness as I let out a few emotional tears. It went very fast since it was almost two weeks, the doctor told us it was normal because my curse sped the pregnancy up and the bloodline we had, it was abnormally quick to deliver but the baby was fully developed and kicking like a horse.

He wiped my tears and I wiped one tear that slipped when the doctor turned away for the papers of the check-up, he came up to us and gave me the ultrasound pictures.

Kaden's eyes looked at us with a smile and on top of his forehead was a symbol, it was blurry and uncertain. I teared up at how beautiful he was, just like our mate.