Kaden was a pure joy with soft blonde hair and grey eyes with his father's deceiving smirk. As I held him against my chest, I realized that babies were God's blessings to all of the people nationwide.

"Hey, baby," Kaden's chubby finger touched my jaw as his eyes were wider and rounder, he had my eyes and his dad's features. Alpha went to the pack to announce the news about our baby since I couldn't move from the dreary aftermath of the injection and birth. It was just me and my baby.

He's so cute. Lace gushed with me as I rocked the sleepy Kaden, he had a really big power, I could feel it igniting inside of his soul.

The symbol shone in happiness as the little baby's eyes closed as he breathed in and out, I kissed the symbol, grateful that God granted me the wish of having an angel.

With a cover on top of him, I placed him in the new crib that the guards set up when we were on our way back, we decided on living in the same Alpha's bedroom and turning mine to a playroom for the new Alpha.

Crystal came in when I finished and gave me a comforting hug, one I really craved since the Alpha was buzzed with excitement but had to go settle things down.

"Kaden is such a cutie, don't blame me for my over gushiness when I hold him tomorrow." Crystal joked as I sent her a glowy smile with my tired eyes and sticky hair, I looked like a mess and my mate's sister seemed to realize so.

"I will go downstairs to prepare dinner for you and Alpha when he comes back so we could have a proper ceremonial dinner for the blessing that came upon us." Her eyes cheerfully gazed at my sleeping baby boy and she hugged me once more before disappearing to make dinner.

Getting into the bathtub filled with lavender scents and flowers around me, I relaxed slightly and planned to go for a run so Lace could enjoy too.

Hell yeah. Lace cheered on and I chuckled.

After a while, I wrapped the navy towel around my body and dried my hair, making the blonde beach waves tumble down my shoulders as my grey eyes were calming on the reflecting mirror.

I heard the door unlock and I panicked, thinking it was someone who wanted to steal Kaden so I ran out of the bathroom, almost slipping on the wet floor.

"Relax, baby, it's just me." He lowly chuckled, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby.

I sighed against his covered chest as he wrapped his arms around my body. "I can't help but be so overprotective of him," I confessed as he hummed in approval as he stroked my hair.

"It's normal, Desti, Kaden is super powerful so he can protect himself and he has the symbol of protection. He'll be fine." Alpha said. Knowing he was right, we stayed in our embrace and he almost pulled my towel away from my body but I gripped it, my cheeks tinted pink.

"We don't want to traumatize Kaden with our sounds." He groaned at my lame excuse as he picked me up with his arms and onto the silk sheets of his bed.

"We didn't make love for so long and I miss you." I giggled at his desperate toned voice as he kissed the top of my breasts, I wrapped my legs around him as we kissed.


"Why were you so late?" Crystal demanded as I blushed and the Alpha glared at his blunt sister. I was dressed in a blue modest dress that reached the knees with lace full sleeves. Alpha, as usual, looked very handsome in a rolled up and buttoned up black shirt with jeans, his hair was slicked back and his hurricane eyes seemed so distressed and laid back from the shower we had after we made love.

My hand was still in his and I had my baby small monitor to check up on him as well as guards took care of him inside the Alpha's room. It was nearing nine pm as we both stood in the reception that was situated in the middle of the mansion in the hall room.

"We had things to do," I replied as Crystal sniggered at my excuse.

"I won't be surprised if the whole pack heard your loud moans and my brother's groans." We both were embarrassed but laughed at the suggestive Crystal.

The pack didn't forget the ordeal that happened to the young blonde lady so we didn't have a party, it was just a get together for the announcement aftermath of Kaden, everyone wanted to congratulate us.

Everyone stood silently as we prayed for her soul next in the wide fancy room filled with vintage carpets on the ground they walked on.

"We will get to the bottom of this, I searched and I won't stop until we all are safe and thank you for the support you gave us for our new baby and the Alpha next in line." Alpha ended with his husky deep voice as he came back to join me, Crystal went away with her mate after she introduced me to him, he was a charming man that fitted exquisitely with his sister, his name was Peter Hughs.

Everyone cheered and a few jealous girls got jealous of me since the Alpha was basically the hot shot of the year. We held hands as we walked to converse with other packs that joined to help us.

There was a very doubtful man, he seemed really dark with his almost beady blue eyes and sharp texture of a stance. He wore a blue suit with a white tie, he was the Alpha of Wildcrest, the friend of my mate.

I sense his dark mysterious aura, there is something behind him. Lace confirmed my thoughts.