Kill The Witness

The roaring sound of a motorcycle echoed through the street, its wheels squealing every time it stopped and turned around to head a certain direction.

I watched the address and went back to the house a few blocks away from me. The bike slowed down, bringing it to a gradual halt right next to a large tree.

In one fluid movement, I hopped off of the bike and opened the box on the back seat of the motorcycle, taking out the food delivery package which contained two containers. I placed both packages onto my arms before walking to the door of the house and rang the doorbell.

Once. Twice. Thrice but there's still no answer.

I frowned and checked the address again. "It is the right house but looks like there's no one home."

I took off the helmet before taking out a phone from my pocket jacket, calling my workplace's number.

I'm sure Iris is on shift right now.

['Good afternoon and thank you for calling Utmost Diner! My name is Iris Jacqueline! What would you like to order?']

"Iris, it's me."

['Eh? Albino? Is that you?']

"I told you a thousand times. Stop calling me that."

['Lol fine. What's wrong? Did you get the wrong address?']

"No, I got it right. It's just... the owner is not at home right now and I can't just leave the packages out here."

['Hmm... alright lemme talk to the old geezer. Hold on a second.']

The line went silent for a few minutes. I waited for a moment before the electric coming from inside the house started flickering. But when I turned around, it went back to normal. Not long after that, the line was again connected.

['Hello I'm back again! Old geezer sa-... -to-.... -ack...']

I pulled my phone away and checked the screen. "Great. Now I lost the connection. What should I do now?"

I glanced at the packages, giving a second thought. I started walking and took a look around the house, searching for a back door. At least, the packages would stay hidden from other people. Luckily, this customer has already transferred the money.

That's when my eyes caught a garage, a few feet away from the house.

"No wonder there was no one in that house. The owner might be inside that garage." I made a guess.

I went closer and peeked through the gap between the tinted window, seeing a garage door in the middle with what seems to be a truck parked behind it. That was what I focused on not until I saw two people standing in front of said truck, surrounding a man on the floor, covered with blood. The sight makes my eyes widened in horror and shock.

What in the bloody hell is happening here?!


"You know, it's not my first time meeting mortals like you. Always try to resist even though you were already caught in our hands. You should have just kept quiet and followed what I said. Now you leave me no other choice."

A low and menacing voice came from the person wearing the dark green hooded coat that was covering most of their face. His right hand was holding an ax as he stepped closer to the man lying on the ground.

Although the man is on the verge of death, his lips are still moving, trying to speak. "P-Please let me go..."

The figure slowly lowered the ax, watching the man carefully who had finally managed to move his head upwards towards the hooded man.

Slowly he let out a sigh and turned to his partner beside him. "It's too late now. What are we gonna do, Two?"

"We should kill him. He already saw our face. If we let him live, everyone around the world would know about us sooner and I'm sure, you are very aware of that already."

A cold and emotionless voice belonged to the figure, also wearing the maroon colored hooded coat. By hearing that voice, anyone could tell that it's a woman.

"I don't want to waste my time. If you're not going to kill him, then..."


Everything happened in just a mere seconds. Slowly a head was thrown onto the floor with blood pouring out from its neck, leaving the body lifeless and motionless.

Unfortunately, the head rolled and stopped right in front of me, who was hiding behind the tinted window, listening to the conversation between those scary people.

I quickly shut my eyes from looking at the gruesome sight before me, covering my mouth with both hands to prevent myself from vomiting out everything inside my stomach. I can feel my breathing get faster and my heart beating uncontrollably in fear.

"Hmm... how funny. Just before I beheaded him, I could smell a very sweet scent." The woman spoke once again.

"A sweet scent?" He turned to his partner and this allowed me to see one of the killer's faces properly for the first time. There is some blood trickling on his face. The blood of the beheaded victim.

"Yes, this rose-like scent tells me that there is someone else here, hiding somewhere."

I began to sweat profusely after hearing those words.

Is she talking about me?

"Which means they saw what we were doing? Looks like we had a lot of things to 'clean' today." The man started swinging his ax.

GULP! I should probably leave, right?

The thought crossed my mind and without wasting any more time, I ran away from where I was hiding. In the midst of escaping, I took out my phone again and dialed Iris's number, however it only got through for a few seconds before the connection got interrupted again.

Suddenly, something sharp grazed on my left knee making me scream loudly and causing my body to thump hard on the ground. The phone fell from my hold along with the packages I brought earlier.


I could totally feel the pain and shock coursing through every fiber of my body. When I looked down at my left leg, there was an open cut, exposing the flesh and blood started dripping down my black pants. I knew I couldn't stop the bleeding. Instead, I tried to reach my phone but failed miserably.

My movement halted when I heard some footsteps coming from behind. Panicking, I tried to move while holding in the pain.

No matter what, I have to escape! I would rather die from losing blood than dying from being killed by those monsters!

"Where do you think you're going?"

I could feel someone pulling the back of my collar. Quietly, my hand grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it onto the man's eyes making him scream in pain.

He still wasn't letting go of my collar so I had no other choice. I swung my other hand which is holding the helmet and hit it right on his face, making him turn to the side and stumbled backward.

The hoodie that covered half of his face, fell down, showing his face even more clearly with a black and greenish strands on his ponytail. There is an old scar at the end of his left eyebrow. As a result of a relatively strong blow, his hand finally released my collar.

I limped quickly to my motorbike which still remains standing and quickly got on it. However, I could feel there's something sharp on my bare neck causing my hand to stop from turning the key engine. Sweat drenched my body when realizing the sharp object was a dagger. A weapon that can take a life with just one swift like what I witnessed earlier.

I closed my eyes tightly when the dagger point pressed the skin of my bare neck, which definitely caused mine to bleed even a little. I tried to look at the owner of the daggers through the side mirrors.

From the reflection, I saw a woman with pale skin and burgundy mid-length wavy hair. There's nothing in particular in her features except for the piercing glare in her deep blue eyes. Despite her expressionless appearance, she didn't seem to hesitate when killing that man.

As if she could read my mind, she simply said, "you won't last more minutes if you try to run away. But if you want to continue to live, I suggest you stay still, or I will make sure you won't be able to move anymore."

"W-Why should I trust you? You're still going to kill me anyways."

She scoffed lightly at that remark, looking straight into my eyes through the mirror reflection. It made me shiver slightly and looked away, feeling a bit intimidated because of the sudden coldness. I tried to calm myself down so I could think of what to do next despite being caught.

"Well... rather than letting you die in vain, how about giving your life to us? Your sacrifice would be more helpful to everyone. Isn't that better?"

At that moment, I froze. My mind was trying to process the words that came out of her mouth.

What did she just say? Was she trying to trick me to believe with her manipulation scheme? Does she think I'm going to give it all up just like that? After what she and that man did to me and the victim earlier?

"If you still refuse to give your life willingly, then I guess we will have to use force instead." She slowly removed the dagger that had already caused a small wound on my neck.

Before I could take a breath, my jaw suddenly was being pulled by someone, forcing me to turn around. A scarred man's face came to my sight while his hand was gripping onto my chin tightly. Those dark brown eyes stare into mine, sending shivers down to my spine.

"Looks like you being here was a mistake after all, kid. Don't blame this on us but blame the fate itself that forced you into our hands."

Those were the last words I heard before some black dots were dancing in my field of vision and everything around me became blurry. This caused me to lose my balance but the scar man managed to catch me from falling.

"What is this? What is happening to me?"

"You thought it was just a normal dagger, however there was poison embedded in it. Be assured that it wasn't a deadly poison. Have a sweet dream, mortal."

And everything faded to darkness.