Portal Room


I turned around to look at Eight. She stood there, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. It seemed like she didn't know how to continue her sentence. Beside her, was standing the spectacles guy who I believed his name was Nine.

Her expression held concern. However, after looking away for a moment, Eight regained her composure and continued talking. "If you don't want to continue this, there is still time to reconsider your decision."

I kept silent for a moment. "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'? You're going to get yourself killed! Six is not someone you can underestimate with one glance and that's why I'm trying to stop you now! Moreover, she's not in her right mind because she was too absorbed with her revenge."

"That's not the reason I'm asking."

It seems like this question took her by surprise. "What are you..."

"Why are you worried about me? I'm sure we didn't know each other that well. After all, if I were to really get killed, it won't be your problem. Isn't that why I died in the first place?"

"...Twelve..." The girl sighed and rubbed her forehead. When she looked at me directly, her gaze was so sincere. I couldn't help but feel some warm sensation spreading through my whole body.

"I understand what you're trying to say but I'm not that ignorant. Even though you may not know it, seeing you here gives me a bit of hope. The hope that I almost lost."

A small smile formed on her face when she remembered our first encounter. "But compared to Six's anger, what we have done to you was way worse. There's one thing I'm curious about, why didn't you say or do anything last night if you remember everything we have done to you?"

A short pause followed her question before I replied.

"Because you reminded me of someone I know. Someone who's precious to me and whom I wish that I would never see again. I won't be able to face her if she knew the truth about me."

The corners of her mouth tugged downward into a sad smile. She then lowered her gaze and continued staring down at the floor, deep in thoughts. "I can only imagine how painful that must have been. She is very lucky to have you."

I didn't give any response. Her words got me thinking. Has that girl ever felt lucky to have someone like me as her friend?

"By the way, there is someone who wants to meet you."

Eight moved to the side, revealing Ten who's looking at me with curiosity written all over his face. A small smile formed on his face when he noticed me staring back at him. He extended his hand towards me.

I was surprised to realize he was offering me a handshake. For a second I thought he would have the same reaction like those two; Six and Eleven. But it looks like my assumptions were wrong.

I hesitated before slowly taking his hand in mine. It felt familiar, maybe because I also did the same thing with Eight.

"Hello and nice to meet you. My name is Ten. What about you?"

His turquoise eyes shone under the sunlight shining through the windows. It was beautiful.

"My name is... Twelve."

He gave me a cheerful smile as he released my hand from his. "I'm really sorry for what Six has said to you before. Six is actually a very nice person, and she always tries to be fair in everything. But sometimes, she gets carried away and gets too angry."

His apologetic expression changed into a playful one. "Then you need to defeat her first so you can win back her forgiveness."

The corner of my lips twitch slightly upon hearing his words. "Looking forward to it."


"One, what is your real purpose for agreeing with Six's request? You seem like you're rather enjoying this despite knowing that boy was a former subject. What if he's still a normal human?" asked Seven. He sounded genuinely confused.

"Calm down. Yes, I'm aware of that fact but I believe there must be some part of him that is no longer a human. Don't worry, Sev. We will find out whether he's still a normal person or not eventually." Replied One in a confident tone. His smile was wide, revealing his pearly teeth.

"Hmm... The battle between the Infinity member ranked sixth and the former subject with unknown Instinct. This is what you called an interesting battle. I wonder how the outcome will be."

Five rubbing his chin thoughtfully while staring down at the glass wall in front of him. Behind those glass walls, there is an empty humongous room filled with white walls and white ceiling tiles. There aren't any windows in there.

Seeing One nodded once, Eight let out a long sigh. She couldn't contain her heart from beating fast as fear spread through her entire being. She could feel Nine on her side holding her shoulder gently, giving her reassuring squeeze every now and then.

Whereas Ten at behind, also felt the same that he even held onto Three's arm. The hooded guy ignored him and continued eating his snacks.

Eight index fingers pushed the average-sized red button on the control panel next to her desk. The two doors from both sides slid up automatically, revealing two people standing inside.

On the right side, Six was walking confidently with her hair tied into a half-up style and her posture as straight as ever. In her right hand, there was a black flute. Meanwhile on the left, Twelve was standing in a Penguin onesie, completely silent and obedient with a calm expression on his face.

Seeing him, both Eight and Ten face-palmed themselves. This is the exact moment in which they realized they have gotten a huge headache. They totally forgot to ask Twelve to change his outfit. Not to mention, they could feel the rest of the Infinities who are also inside the control room, staring at them.

Eight smiled with embarrassment. "Well, since both sides are here, why don't we begin now?"

She looked back at Twelve and shook her head lightly as she tried to conceal her laugh. Then, she turned on the intercom.


'Six, since you're the one who requested this battle in the first place, I guess I better comply with your wishes. Where do you want to go?'

Eight's voice coming from the huge speakers, can be heard echoing inside of the large empty room.

I turned around in confusion. What does that even mean?

Six must have realized the puzzled looks that appeared on my face, smirking arrogantly. "That's the main reason why I'm the first person to ask for a request. Because I know, I would be in more advantage to choose the places I wanted to go."

I stared back at her blankly before asking back. "Where are you heading to, then?"

She looked down on the floor for a moment, seemingly contemplating something. Before she spoke again, her eyes met mine. "Well, where else should I go, if not my own lair."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Lair?

'Are you kidding me, Six?! You're really being unfair. This is supposed to be a battle, not a game!'

"Hey!" Six looked up at the CCTV. "It's my battle anyways, so just sit back and do as I asked."

A sigh sounded from the speaker again. 'Alright, fine.'

A few seconds later, I looked down when the white tiles started changing colors. I became speechless when the room was slowly replaced by different scenery. A scenery that looks like a... forest?

I observed my surroundings closely. The trees surrounding us are thick. Each of their limbs is covered by leaves and branches, creating a complete shelter.

And what shocked me even more is that I could hear the sounds of insects, birds and other animals singing all around us. Everything seemed so natural, almost as if it came from a fairy tale. From time to time the wind blew past my nose causing me to inhale deeply the fresh air. I closed my eyes for a moment.

It feels like it has been ages since I've last experienced such an atmosphere. The tranquilness of nature and the pure silence made me calm. Even though it's hard to believe, I admit it. I am inside the world of green-natures.

But strangely enough, how did that room turn into a forest? This doesn't make any sense, does it?

"The room from before was known as the Portal Room. That room was made by using some sort of rare materials like the latest new technologies which connected to only certain places. This room has been created long enough by the previous Scientologists and it's a perfect training ground for our abilities called Instincts."

I looked back at Six who's standing a few feets away from me. There are no longer any signs of amusement or smugness on her expression, instead, she looked serious and focused. She raised her hand with the flute and pointed at me.

"Now watch carefully. Once I start playing the tune, be prepared to dodge anything that might come your way. Or else, you're as good as dead, Twelve."