Second Battle I

A small circle-shaped camera lens floating in the mid air, recording everything both Six and Twelve did throughout the battle happening inside the forest.

The rest of the Infinities who are watching this unfold, were shocked and astonished at what they were witnessing right now. All their eyes were glued to the screen as though they were watching the live footage of an actual live confrontation, unable to move even a muscle since their attention was fixed on what was happening inside that average room.

"I can't believe it. How did he know Six will ambush him?" Nine asked himself, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"That's impossible. He's just a human, right?" Seven added, still processing the whole thing that happened in front of him.

One chuckled slightly. "But all of you have witnessed the real thing, right? It seems like we should not doubt him anymore. Anyways, you will soon get to know if he does have an Instinct or not. But I pray that he hasn't."

Ten blinked. "Why would you hope for something like that, Leader?"

One smiled at the boy's question. "If he has an Instinct, that will only make Six's accusation as the proof. It would be impossible for him to try killing Four without any abilities and if he does, then he must be the real killer."

His answers caused Ten to swallow hard, meanwhile Eight on her seat, felt a knot forming in her chest. She literally forgot about that, and now the only thing she's hoping right now is Twelve himself.

Please... don't reveal your Instinct, Twelve! I don't want to believe that you're the killer!

["Just how? How is that even possible? You're human, aren't you?"]

Six's voice coming from the monitor made her flinch. Eight looked back when Nine's trembling finger pointed at the screen.

"He- He can do telepathy too?! How can that be?!"

"WOW! MARVELOUS!" Five exclaimed loudly while standing up and clapping. Ten is already screaming excitedly while swinging Three's arm from side to side. Three quickly hugged his snacks from falling on the ground.

One keeps smiling, listening to his surroundings. For a moment, his short conversation with Six appeared to him.

'You're not someone to let a mortal be involved in this matter. So, I guess you must have had a plan in your mind or should I say, Master Zero was the one who ordered you to give the permission?' Asked Six while pushing the man in the wheelchair towards the elevator.

'Even if the master himself didn't give any order yet, I would still allow you to have a spar with him.'

Six frowned. 'What? But why?'

' 'Why'? Were you really asking for a reason because you were doubting that he might be the killer? Weren't you the one who suspected him first and insisted he's the real deal?'

Six stayed silent, looking down while the elevator's door opened. One's PAD was already waiting inside, holding the door opened.

'Forget what I said. But if I do win, I want you to kick him out of this premise.'

One nodded. 'And if he's still alive, he will become one of us and surely, you don't have any choice but to accept your leader's decision, am I right?'

Six tried to argue but no words came out. Finally, she could only sighs in defeat. 'Fine, you're right. What choice do I have anyways?'

One smiled as the PAD pulled his wheelchair inside the elevator. 'But there's one thing you need to find out about Twelve.'

Six frowned. 'You also called that killer using that name? He's not even one of us.'

'Not yet. Also, what I want you to do during that battle, unleash all your Instincts. Who knows, you might find out a bit of the truth about him.'

'Wait! Has he told you what kind of reward he wants?'

'He has and I think it's better if you ask him yourself. Honestly, I didn't expect that answer coming from him.'



Six moved the flute from her mouth and heightened her sense of hearing. When she stopped playing the tune, the animals under her control would also move freely.

She doesn't want to admit it but she also couldn't deny the fact that the albino boy could hold out from her attack for almost an hour. Usually, if it was a normal human, they would give up in under a minute. But not Twelve. If anything, he seemed to be getting stronger with each passing second.

'Now, let's see how much longer you can continue hiding your true colors behind those barriers!' Six thought to herself as she closed both her eyes, trying to concentrate every bit of energy she had inside her body.

Today, she has decided to show her true Instinct which she hides from others except Four. That man was the one who helped her in training to use such a difficult ability and now, she wanted to pay him back for all the lessons he gave her.

The sound of bushes can be heard but Six pretends to ignore it, instead she stays in her position. Waiting for Twelve's presence.

Not long after that, the sound of someone stepping onto the grass coming from in front, filled her ears. With her right hand gripping tightly onto the flute's neck, she started blowing the instrument once again.

The wind blew calmly before finally turning into strong winds. The clear sky covered with dark clouds, followed by the lightning flashes illuminating all the area around. The strong wind caused the trees to shake violently. The dry leaves and sands dancing like crazy in every direction.

The Infinities who watched this phenomenon couldn't help their surprise as they stared at the screen, showing one of the famous natural disasters created by Six herself.

Eight slowly stood up from her chair. "Is that... A tornado?"

"Hold on a second. So, she's not only able to control animals but she can also control the freaking wind?!" Nine almost got his mind blown. He had so much surprise today that he started to feel a headache.

"Looks like Six went all out. She is really determined to kill that boy." Seven crossed both his arms across his chest.

Five smiled. "Now, how is he going to defeat Six's powerful Curse Instinct?"

While all of them were being noisy in front, only one person at the back kept watching everything in silence.

Eleven leaning onto the wall while his blue eyes focusing onto the screen, which shows Twelve's face. His glare became colder than usual. One word came out from his mouth.



Six opened one eye and she could see clearly the tornado which was controlled by her, moving towards Twelve who is still standing with his head hung low, not even sparing her a glance. He didn't even make any slight movement. This caused Six to frown.

What is this guy doing? Has he given up already? He should have done something by now! Is his pride too low to accept defeat? Or does he just think I was playing around and never wanted to kill him? Hah! Quite an arrogant one, isn't he?

She only looked at the tornado that closed to the boy in just a few feet left without any ounce of guilt because deep down inside she knew that he was completely defeated already and she had taken advantage of it.

Whereas Eight and Ten had different reactions towards what they were seeing. Ten was already hiding his face onto Three's arm, couldn't dare to watch any more further while Eight was approaching their leader.

"One! Tell Six to stop all of this madness! She's trying to kill him! Please! You must stop her!" Eight shouted with a panicked tone to One.

Nine took a step forward and tried to pull her back but she ignored him. The only thing in her mind right now is begging for Twelve's life.

One could only sigh at her words. "Forgive me, Eight but that can only be decided by both of them. If Six has decided to end his life then she won't hesitate. And if that boy decides to fight it, it will be his fortune to be able to live. Other than that, I couldn't intervene because Six was the one who gave that condition."

Again, One lied by adding the last sentences although Six never gave any conditions.

However, Eight wasn't having any of it. She glared at him on his wheelchair.

"So, you're saying we should just sit back and watch him die?! We don't have enough time for that and Six definitely wants his life too badly. Please One! I have enough regrets from the past and I don't want to add another one. It hurts too much! I won't allow this!" She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes but she tried hard to contain them. She didn't want to cry in front of them.

This is her first time begging and being a stubborn one for that matter. Because of Twelve, she wouldn't hesitate to kneel but Nine held her back from doing that. When she turned to that man, he shook his head at her.

"It's too late now."

Eight stunned before looking at the screen. In the end, tears fell down her cheeks as she sat back on her chair.

'I'm sorry, I couldn't save you again... Twelve.'