Between Predator and Hunter

"Looks like the battle has ended a bit earlier than we expected."

Eight, who was holding her tears while being comforted by Nine, lifted her head when hearing Seven's speech. She looked at the monitor carefully before letting out a relief sigh.

As long as both of them are safe and alright, she's more than glad…

Eight began typing on the keyboards with flawless movement before pushing the 'enter' button.

After the battle between Six and I ended, our surroundings changed back into a portal room. There is no longer forest and the baby bear, although Six maintained her position, still sobbing softly. That animal's death must have been traumatic for her.


Suddenly something moving in a quick speed from the corner of my eyes, caught me off guard. If I moved a bit, that thing must have already hit right at my back head. My finger immediately touched my cheeks that appeared wounded before looking down at the object that had landed in front of me.

An arrow?