Congratulations II

I stood outside of the ICU room while listening to the conversation between Four and Six inside. They seemed to be having a good talk, and Six looks like she feels a lot better after hearing that Four will always be there to support her. As much as I dislike her personality, I guess someone strong and loyal like her would also need support from people she loves.

I turned to look at Nine and a guy in a hoodie next to him. I think his name is Three.

"You can go inside whenever you are ready. I have something important to do, so I have to go now." Nine spoke while giving me the box with donuts inside it.

I took the box and nodded my head.

Then he turned towards Three. "And you, come with me."

Although the back of his hoodie is being pulled by Nine, Three is still not moving from his spot. His black eyes keep staring at the box in my arms. It took a few seconds until Nine sighed.