The Dynasties


It seems like Jeanne was expecting that question coming out from Adam's mouth. Her cheerful expression immediately turned into a frown, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What? You didn't seem like you're happy to see me."

Seeing Jeanne's sudden frown, Adam nervously let out a dry laugh.

"Haha... No, that's not true. I just feel a bit surprised to be honest."

"Really? So you are happy to see me?" Jeanne grinned broadly as she stepped closer towards Adam and extended her hand toward him. "Then come along and have a seat. I'm sure you have so many questions, right? You can ask me anything you want since you can be considered as one of the people on this premise."

Adam blinked his eyes a few times while hesitating on taking Jeanne's hand. After hesitantly giving her hand a small squeeze, Adam sat down on one of the two tables that were placed inside a nearby room, staring at Jeanne. He was still hesitant to ask her a question.