Her Past Self

(Please read chapter 'Calm Before The Storm' first since the chapters are not organized in order way. I'm sorry for the inconveniences)

"I absolutely have no clue what the heck is going on inside Two's head. I know she's a bit eccentric but this... This is completely something else!" Six's voice can be heard echoing throughout the dining room, making both Eight and Nine who just arrived to have lunch pause in the doorway to stare at her in bewilderment.

Ten, who's sitting beside Six, has an exasperated look plastered on his face with wide eyes that seem to beg for someone to tell him what is going on. He still has no clue of what actually happened to Twelve earlier today.

Eight could only show a sympathetic smile to the clueless boy as she shook her head. "Did anything happen that caused her to act like that?" She asked gently, trying to not aggravate Six anymore than she already did.