Behind The Death II

"Um... Professor..."

The doctor swallowed hard before continuing to speak. "I don't think we could keep this matter  to ourselves."

Nine turned to his back. Now he understood the reason for Doctor 90 to perspire in fear. He looked at the doctor who stood there shaking nervously before turning to look at the three people standing behind the poor doctor. "When did you guys get here?"

"Just a little bit ago." Four answers. "And we have heard your entire conversation."

Seven nodded, agreeing with what Four said, while Eleven remained in silence.

Nine sighed heavily before nodding.

"Very well. As long as we keep this quiet from the two I mentioned before, then it should be fine." He spoke, looking back towards the unconscious male.

"For now, let's take him to the infirmary."

Doctor 90 watched the boy for a moment before a realization hit him.