Tic! Toc!

"One hour to go," Nine murmured as he checked the time on his watch.

It was eleven in the morning and the sun was brightening out from behind the curtains. He then glanced at the body laying on the bed.

Seven and Doctor 90 also standing beside him, surrounding Twelve's bed like a protective shield of sorts. They are eager to find out if their theories were correct. If it is, then all that waiting for two days will be worth it. After all, they had come all this way for something to finally be confirmed.

He looked down again at the watch. "It's still a bit early and there's something I need to take care of." He looked up at the two faces staring back at him.

Doctor 90 slowly raised his hand. "Professor, I-"

"Doctor, you need to have some rest. You've been working non-stop since yesterday so you need to relax." He placed a hand on the doctor's shoulder.

Doctor 90 sighed and nodded in response.