Magic Show

"To make our magic show even more interesting, first things first, I would like to invite one of you to be my partner?"

"Me! Me!"

A few of them raised their hands, seemingly excited to anticipate being his partner. Five moving his gaze around before his eyes caught someone, which brought a smile on his lips.

"How about you, young gentleman? Would you like to be my partner-in-crime?"

Carl blinked, didn't expect the magician would choose them when Carl didn't even raise their hand. Nevertheless, Carl nodded and walked up to the front, beside Five.

"Wonderful! What should I call you?"

"Just call me Carl without formalities."

Five raised an eyebrow. "Alright, Carl. Your job is to guess a few objects from my hand. If you're able to guess all five correctly, then I will give you a small present as your reward. Not that hard, right?"