[]Night rocķ

"dwellers of the..." ?? *sigh* it doesn't matter, not as weird as words appearing out of nowhere, nor as weird as the beast.

still if you see my face you'll see a pale shocked expression.

things are getting weirder and weirder in my life...

from black uniformed armed group to a lunar-eclipse.

wait am I in another world?

*I chuckled* at my thoughts, trying not to get frightened to death.

I then prepare myself to sleep.

I am a very fast sleeper so the second I opened my eyes again I found the morning sunrise shining through the woods.

a pale mist, a silent morning.

I took my bag and started walking through the woods.

each step I take feels like walking on high altitude robe.

it's a feeling of unease.

*meh* I shrugged

although I just noticed, the berch trees scattered in between the oak woods.

those trees didn't seem normal almost like eyes were drawn on them, after walking for a while I finally saw a bird.

seeing a bird here is like seeing light.

here I never even heard their sounds let alone seeing one.

I stared at it for a little too long... but it never moved !!

I got a little closer, after two steps the white-marked raven twisted it's head to gaze at me... those eyes were dead!

I flinched, taking few steps back.

after few seconds of staring the bird did nothing else.

feeling confident I chose to walk forward, a decision that...ehm.

step one by one felt like walking on mud, the air itself started to feel heavy, reminds me of being in the same room as a smoker something I'm used to since I work in a company.

after getting far away from the raven I noticed a new creature!

it was a deer, same as the last one it wasn't moving.

but I noticed something about the deer, there was blood flowing down the deer's leg.

after one other step, without lifting its head off the ground, the deer turned it's head towards me.

I stayed still but my heart was racing, telling me to run away.

the thing is, I was too considerate on the deer that I didn't realize what's behind it nor what's ubove.

after few seconds, I noticed something... 10 no 12 other deers were behind that one, far enough not to be noticed.

some of them... had their belly ripped of with minimal blood flowing down.

I noticed in the middle of the crowd a small statue holding a crimson gem.

I only looked at it for one second just for all those deers to start screaming, their screaming sounds like a deer being tortured.

I immediately started running as soon as the deers started running towards me. unfortunately foe those deers I now am good at running away...

twenty minutes later I found myself on a cliff, neat me is a massive black rock.

i lost the deers long ago but I just kept running away.


I've already made a camp here brought food and even prepared a makeshift bed.

on the horizon in the distance not too far away, slightly above the taller trees, I saw a mob of multiple bird? no those are way bigger.

the weirdest thing about those flying things is that their shape resemble a bug, a massive grasshopper, is just my guess of what I can see.

I opened the weird book again as I was ready to sleep, I opened the page of the eclipse, most of what was written is things I realized after the short "meeting".

except for one thing...

(the dwellers are avenging souls, meaning that they only appear to take revenge. specifically if they got killed for no reason, or that their body didn't get eaten or berried)

hmm okay.


