[]Lake's reṣident

ugh! I was digging my fingers through the wet soil unable to anchor my body.

I can feel my leg being stretched and pulled to the water, splashing of water fell on me as I was resisting the pull.

but to no avail, my head was already under water.

I can feel my body traveling through the water to an unwanted depths.

I grabbed the knife that was in a secure pocket.

without seeing what I am attacking I just swung my knife to wherever I expect the unknown ropes tying my leg.

I struck a nerve!! it felt like I cut through flesh, it immediately let loos of my leg and I rushed swimming to the shore, taking a breath with water in my lungs, I coughed at least five times.

I kept taking steps away from the water as I was taking a breath in.

then I felt something wrapping around my hand.

it seems the beast is too stubborn pulling Mr towards the lake, but before I reached the water I've managed to cut it again but harder, cutting all the way through tender flesh.

I severed a limb, I saw something that was invisible started to fade into my vision, seeing it was as disgusting as you would expect.

the blood was as red as a dead rose, and the limb looks like a lizard tail although it was obvious that it belongs to an octopus... a big one.

after two injuries did the beast finally leave me alone?

after few seconds of nothing but the calm waves sliding through the shore I stood up and started backing away.

maybe it was my instinct or I just was scared but...

seconds later I felt five "ropes" wrapped around my limbs and neck, but it didn't pull me, this time it was wrapped tightly trying to squeeze my ly limbs and neck as hard as it could.

I used all my power to cut the one wrapped around my neck before I die.

compressing my hand and putting as much tension as I could to reach the neck area... and slice.

it didn't cut it but it made an injury.

the beast loosened the one wrapped around my neck for a second, and I just had adrenaline soaking my brain. I bit the limb as hard as I could, the already injured limb immediately pulled off of my neck.

and with taking a good deep breath I got enough energy to slice another tentacle.

and as sliced the one wrapping around my left hand all the other one let loose, now I don't know where they are since it's invisible.

I turned around looking at the direction where I got some hints to the beast resistance, but instead of water it was on land... no it was on sand, and what worse (for the beast) is that it was making clear markingson the sand.

I rushed forward towards the beast




somehow the rest was just too easy, I've slain an invisible octopus.

as my knife was deep through the octopus's head, it finally showed itself.

it's color is normal but what isn't normal is that it has only one eye, moreover it's limbs are at least 20 meters in length.

as I was looking at the beast eye it didn't seem... like an eye, is looks just like a pearl or jewel, it doesn't even has a pupil.

impressed by the shiny peerl I reached out to touch it, It was... as solid as a peerl. I grabbed it and pulled it off of the octopus. it was quite easy to pull off.

the second I held it in my hand I felt a shiver run across my skin. my body my skin turned invisible even the peerl.

shocked I instinctively let go of the peerl, as it fell to the ground my skin turned back visible...