1[]Vision of Çerberus

Stunned unable to think of what to do, I just was staring at the absolute monster who severed the head of a captain in literally less than a second.

We couldn't even sense his presence nor his approaching sound.

The beast even stood in front of us showing us his crushing abilities.

The Cerberus looks just like the book description but way more horrifying.

Somehow the beast appeared with smocky dark aura, his presence was ripping through its surroundings as if an image that got a piece of it cut off or erased in a messy way.

I couldn't even see Cerberus's face... both faces.

The beast was as big as a tiger if not bigger, with six limps only using four to walk, and holding the head of the dead captain in the other two.

The beast had no furr, it had a very thick skin like a rhino.

It's muscles were pronounced but infused in bundles.

The beast has sharp claws as will as long sharp curved teeth.

The tail ends with another head.

Then after the beast showed off for a second, it was enough to give the soldiers the chance to open fire.

But as the soldiers threw all their ammo, the beast already disappeared.

...Then as the soldiers started looking around in horror as they reloaded their weapons, one by one, their heads were getting severed without giving them the chance to even swallow the fear that fell on them.

Until... well, i lost signal, or more precisely the man died.

One of the things I remember taking a glimpse of is the underside of Cerberus, it seemed a little.. different.

I woke up and looked at my feet, surprisingly it was working, but after just one second, extreme pain flowed through the bones of my legs.

It took it more than ten minutes to cool down, By that time I was already on my feet getting as far from this place as possible.

It was hard to walk on these legs, as well as being very slow... 'slow?' Hmmm.

Well, that would be just crazy don't think of doing "that", but... hmm just maybe it'll...sigh.

Hmmm, I'll just check, am not going to do it, I mean, who would attach a beast's legs to his body.

Those rabbits were fast even an injured one was faster than I was.

Still, it's a crazy.

I thought of asking Ciphr but I already know his answer. He is crazy.

Now then I was walking towards the spot where I left the dead body of that humanoid rabbit.

The trip won't take long, and as I thought a while later I reached the spot.

I saw the dead body in front of me still where it was, great.. or is it?

I approached the corpse and started thinking everything over, is it a good idea.. obviously not.

After pondering for a while, I guess living in these woods made me crazy enough to do something as psychopathic as this.

Cutting his legs, the bones were rather way more solid and harder to cut than the human bones.

After an hour of cutting through hard muscles and solid bones I was finally finished.

But before I detached my legs to put new ones, I pondered for a while, thinking it through one last time.

Sigh, I knew I am going insane, I used my knife to detached my legs and it was very much painful.

Finally detaching both legs, I reached out to the beast legs, and as was attaching them a cold horrifying breeze carried menacing chuckles, it was enough to freeze my nerves.

But I just went and attached the legs

I felt deep pain piercing the my flesh and bones, but as it seems those legs held no memories.

The feeling of those lege was as alian as it can be, the sensation was natural.

After that it took half an hour for the pain to fade, and an hour until I managed to stand up, and two hours until I started walking.

I started Unconsciously angling my knees to accommodate my new and different legs.

Surprisingly I was managing to get comfortable walking on them pretty fast, but running was still out of reach.

Now that I have legs, there is one way to go, to go away.

That's what I was hoping for but, sounds of footsteps already surrounded me.