
Sigh, empty box huh, how irritating.

My hand turned into a mutated abomination just for nothing, well 'shit'.

I grabbed the box and threw it at the wooden wall, I obviously was angry why wouldn't I, huh?

The night is just getting closer and darker, it's already an hour after sunset.

I looked at my right hand with sorrow and agitation, it already gone too unrecognizable, far too deformed and transformed.

resting my back at the wall, I gazed at my hand even more, for moments after moments.

I tried to use will power to forcefully make my hand move yet it was to no use.

I kept trying and trying and no matter how close I felt to finally do something, it just didn't work.




I opened my eyes and flinched, when did I.. sleep!? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, as long as I am still alive.

While my only fear is Cerberus then as long as am still alive, it's okay.

But... Cerberus isn't far, so why still not attacking, what does Cerberus wait for?

The light of the windows falls on my face forcing my eyes to close, and another day without hearing the sound of a single (living) bird, "just great".

I stood up shielding my eyes with my hand...! Wait what!?

I flinched and looked at my stretched right hand, it looked normal !!

How? When? ...well, thank God, I won't even question it.

I kept looking at my hand moving it touching it, and I kept trying to just have my moment with my NORMAL hand.

My eyes widened slightl, on the palm of my hand, a straight line of ink steadily imprinted across my palm horizontally.

... As long as my hand is normal now, but I already now that it'll turn back deformed when night comes, it's just how ghosts and spirits are.

After a sigh I walked towards the door, I lingered for a second then I opened it.

The same woods met my gaze, and as usual the woods gazed back at me, am used to it though.

Ever since I saw what Ciphr can do, I avoided even thinking about him, the horrifying image doesn't leave my head it's imprinted to deep, even though I only saw it for mere seconds.

It was truly an image of hell, remembering it is enough to do damage to my mind making it seem more like a virus than an image.

My head is already trying it's hardest to erase it but only getting one result, it's brain damage.

Sigh I don't want to do this but I'll try, I then said with a weak tone-

"I know that Cerberus is here, why didn't he attack yet? And when will Cerberus attack?"

I was only met by continues silence, thus I repeated my words but with a more firm tone.

After a few moments I furrowed my eyebrows, but then a cold whisper from hell echoed in my ears-

"How annoyıng~.. the answer ıs sımple, Cerberus ıs playıng wıth hıs food, he'll attack tonıght~ heheha"

The whispers never lost their horror, their effects are as stark as ever.

I never got used to the whispers, I only got used to the feeling of horror and fear.

I sighed, well now I'll have to prepare for the attack then, my biggest problem is that Cerberus will attack at night and that's a problem because of my hand.

Moreover I don't really have enough time to do much, I'll obviously prepare some weapons traps and a beginner shield just in case.

And that's not all, Cerberus is smart so it's a giving that Cerberus is watching me, so it'll be hard to trick him.

Moreover it is possible that Cerberus will come with company, how many? Who knows.

I'll have to do a lot in one day but... I have a good fuel, it is fear, utter fear.

I still remember how fast it was for Cerberus to kill the armed group, he even played with his food a little just for fun.

I must find a way to pierce through his skin, that solid armor of his is very strong, capable of taking bullets.

Cerberus is a problem, but he has the under side of his body which isn't as solid, that's a glimpse I remember from the vision, I suspect that it's a weak spot... but how weak?

More over I could use his eyes as a weak spot.

After that I went around the woods preparing some stuff, gathering some stuff and checking the area and memorizing it.

As much as I can.

The closer the night got the faster I got, trying my hardest to prepare everything I could.

I used wood and cloth to prepare an armor, covering weak places of my body with wood.

It was the best I could make and it looked like a hockey suit.

As night got closer my hand turned red, thar didn't make sense for so many reasons but I had to ignore it, a slight pain rushed through my hand not from the palm but from the for arm, still I just ignored it as weird as it is.

I also prepared multiple traps, most of them are just a few sharp sticks in the ground in a whole, hidden by bushes, and I obviously put marks that I can recognize.

And I scattered multiple weapons that I can just lift off the ground and use if I need.

...unfortunately all these preparations are primitive as it gets, but I can't do much with my knowledge and experience, moreover I had one day.

After all these stuff, the day already settled, about to disappeared, I then went to the old house ready to... whatever.

At least as ready as I could get.