
Vedd stared at him for a few seconds then Velverd just sighed.

I turned towards Velverd and said-

"Deal with the swarms? Thrown to death? May you explained"

Velverd spoke-

"Don't worry, it'll be a safe mission.

Moreover, you don't really have to accept it, we'll explain the details later"

- "Oh yeah wings come first"

Vadd looked at me then looked at the woman and said-

"Rava, bring the wing roots, and the~ the thing that we put before the root"

She took a second then walked towards a shelf with a lot of flat plates of metal, they were pairs of metal plates.

one side flat with a protruding connecting base for something else, the protruding was rather thin.

I saw the other side as Rava brought a pair, the other side had multiple needle like spikes connected to the plate, most of them are only two centimeters in length with about seven of them.

The man grabbed the two plates to inspect them while Rava went to bring "the~ the thing..."

Anyway, I walked towards the grand anvil and watched with him... it didn't look very advanced when I got closer, the simple design didn't look different up close, it was as dull as a piece of metal.

Velverd was just watching in silence.

I spoke-

"Is that the basə of the wing?

Where is the wing??

Do you have anesthesia?"

Vadd looked at me with a sarcasticly bothered expression, then he said-

"You'll see"

A few seconds later Rava came with a jar filled with a green substance and placing it at the grand anvil, Vadd looked at the jar then at me... then he smiled- "it's time"

In the middle of a spacious room filled with weapons and tools, an orange hue radiating from a furnace.

A man sitting on a chair, his back bare and a few marked points with a weird primitive pen, marking seven dots over each side as if targeting different points of his lungs.

Then Vadd opened the jar took a small amount of the green supplement, Vadd was careful to cover every marked dot.

After that he brought one of the metal plates and aligned every mark with every needle that was protruding from the metal plate... then he grabbed the hammer and before I could react, he hammer the metal plate piercing my flesh and maybe even my lungs.

With a sudden piercing pain tearing through my nerves, I jumped with a scream, after buckling to the ground the pain somehow disappeared... I looked at Vadd who giggled with pure dark happiness.

I stood up with a frown and said-

"I can't complain about the efficiəncy, can I? Not too bad"

With a smirk Vadd replied-

"Don't worry, it'll be worth it"

I smirked with irritation-

"Oh really! Would you do it again?"

He stopped smiling, then said-

"... if I get to fly higher"

*sigh* he found a good compromise, damn it'.

I sat back on the chair, And after a minute or so I was standing and stretched my hands.

Vadd spoke-

"It's time for the wings"

- "Don't tell me it'll be filled with sharp needles!"

- "Oh, no. Actually, you are already wearing the wings, in a way..."

I looked at him with "obviously confused" written on my face, Vadd resumed his talk-

"Well, to activate your wings, all you have to do is to channel air in-to the wing-root"

I looked at him with confusion... then I got an idea, I exhaled then I Inhaled... and kept inhaling... until my chest was full, I couldn't Inhale anymore no matter how much I tried.

I glanced at Vadd who slapped his face for some reason.

Vadd Inhaled then sighed, he then said-

"To... to do it, Inhale then close your mouth and nose, then exhale... in the beginning nothing will happen but then you'll start to feel the air in your lungs disappear.

That's how the wings form, they are made of air"

... I already inhaled quite a lot and so I just closed my mouth and nose, and forced my lungs to exhale... but nothing happened, it felt like trying to press on a piece of metal... futile.

I kept trying until suddenly, I felt relief.

From the two pieces of metal on my back which they are called 'root'

Long and transparent wings were connected to me, they were weightless and they were very very thin and sharp.

Extending a great distance with each wing being as long as I 'tall', the wings and even with every feather still had no width at all.

The wings move however I desire with a great reaction time to my commands, almost instantly.

After a while I just exhaled as much as I could, emptying my lungs then I closed my mouth and nose and Inhaled.

At the start nothing happened, but after a few seconds my lungs were filled with air and the wings disappeared.


Vadd and Rava stared at me with confusion, especially Rava who was at the verge of slapping her face.

Vadd spoke-

"... you could... just command the wing to disappear"

I stared at him for a few seconds and then I just acted as if nothing happened, completely ignoring what I just did.

- "By the way, is that the whole thing or is there more that I need to know or whatever extra parts and pieces..."

Vadd replied-

"That's all... just don't let something get stuck in the root"

I extended an eyebrow, Velverd then said-

"It's time to fly, you'll have to learn that before the mission"




A few minutes later we were at the protruding platform of the front gate of the Cave Colony...