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But of course, Ray continued to allow her to pull him along.

He couldn't help but be curious to know what their exact plan for him was, considering how she tightened her hands around his wrist in a death grip, while throwing multiple glances at his face, the way one would stay at a gold note they picked up on the floor.

"I promise to look after you as long as you do what I say," 

Hopefully my luck continues to be this good. Who would have thought I would find someone with such a face still alive in the building, she thought energetically pulling the girl she had found behind her, unwilling to let go for even a second.

Surprisingly they didn't have to walk for a very long time, when the finally stopped in front of a barely completed building.

"Why aren't we going to the Judge station, I'm sure they'll find a suitable place for us," Ray whispered lightly to the young woman clasping his wrist like her life depended on it.