Lightning Strikes

The carriage pulled up in front of a set of mansions that were placed in front of a castle. Based on his memories, he was in the least favorable house. It seems Hero had a lot of anger towards his parents about how he was put in the last house near the branch families despite being a part of the main family. Of course, this didn't bother 003 too much. He enjoyed that he was not near the main house as it meant he could train a lot easier. Due to Hero's resentment of the home, it was practically in shambles. The outside had waist-high weeds, the stone pathway was cracked and the doors were hanging on by loose hinges. A dragonkin came out of the front door in a butler outfit, this was both his knight and his personal attendant, Joseria. His one loyal subservient. He has been in charge of Hero since he was a young baby and would fight loyally for him. Hero was even sure that he was the reason that many of the branch families couldn't target him. Joseria had bright yellow hair with streaks of orange and large menacing red eyes that only turned loving at Hero. Joseria wouldn't dare to say it out loud but he considered Hero to be one of his kin, albeit a very weak kin.

"Young Master, welcome home." The dragonkin bowed slightly

003 simply nodded at the dragonkin "Start the repairs around this house. I want the front yard cleared by tomorrow evening. I want my home in top shape now that I'll be living here for the next few months. What is my current budget?"

"Yes Sir. I will bring the spending guide to you however you have not used any money from your father since you turned 8 and you still have the savings from your investments."

003 tried to look at the memories coursing through him before pressing his fingers to his temples. "Good, use that to pay the staff that will be repairing my home. I want it updated and modern. I'll leave papers as to what I'm looking for."

"Yes, Young Master." The dragonkin kneeled

"Where are the maids?" He looked around

"Only Livia stayed behind, sir." His head stayed down in repentance for not keeping the maids in the home. The dragonkin couldn't force anyone to service under the young master, nobody wanted a pitiful man to serve so most of them went to the many other households. Even some of the branch families.

"Hire more, make sure they're up to my standards and trustworthy." 003 shook his head before opening the door that almost flew off the hinges.

"Yes Sir."

"I'm going to rest now. I'll be up tomorrow for training." Hero shut the door behind him, leaving the dragonkin and nurse looking shocked and confused. All this thinking had him exhausted. After all, he was just basing everything he was saying on an anime he had seen. He wasn't sure what all he needed since the Order in his last life provided it for him. It had suddenly dawned on him that he didn't know how to cook, clean, let alone take care of anything he needed in this life. His body was more underdeveloped than it was in his previous life and he had so many impurities he wasn't sure what he could do at this point. He was truly the useless trash the system claimed he was.

003 wandered around the mansion for a while familiarizing himself with the various rooms. Some of them looked like they were out of ancient times with wooden frames and straw beds. Others looked like they were from the future, with the metal frames and plush mattresses. He found a training room full of gear, alchemy rooms and even a room with a large mana stone in the middle. 003 was even more mad at the one named Hero because he had all this opportunity to train and grow stronger and instead he would make money working at a bakery while teaching young people to read and write. He made his way towards a large metal room that had magical arrays all over it. He knew his mother installed this should he ever decide to pick up magic or swordsmanship again.

'I need to know my limits before I can start training' he thought as he picked up a small weight of 5kg. He couldn't even get it off the ground as he kicked it in a frustrated manner. With his toes aching he tried doing martial arts and failed miserably once again. Even running had exhausted him to the point of wanting to faint. He lay on the mat, breathing heavily from the small amount of exercise 'How in the fuck am I supposed to get my stats up?'

[IO has generated a repeatable quest]

[Path to the Denouement of the Gods]

You are about as weak as they come, passing neither as a main family let alone a branch family member. In order to aid in the quest !Destruction of God! The system has granted Path to the Denouement of the Gods as a means to grow stronger. Completing this daily task will allow you to catch up to those in your age range within 1 year, all you have to do is:

0/300 push ups

0/300 sit ups

0/200 minutes of breathing exercises

0/200 minutes of sword master training

0/200 minutes of weight lifting

0/8KM Run

If you are to fail, you will be electrocuted to the point of fainting. Should you not pass out, you will instead be rewarded as a quest clear for the day.

[Rewards: +0.3 AGI, +0.3 HP, +0.3 STA, +0.4 STR, +0.5 MP, +0.3 PER, +0.2 INT]

[Time Limit: 24HRS]

'You're telling me if I get electrocuted I can pass as a daily quest while waiting for all of my original stats to go up? Hey System, can you show me what my stats would've been as 003?'

[… I guess]

HP: 0/300

MP: 0/0

Strength: 48.9

Agility: 50.1

Stamina: 73.4

Perception: 53.2

Intelligence: 67.3

'Why didn't my intelligence at least transfer, system? I just realized I'm thinking far slower than normal'

[The System can only give you the hosts stats, the system has given a path for Hero to get to 003's stats. The System suggests you take it instead of giving the System an attitude.]

'Shit, sorry. Can we skip the quest and just try the electrocution?' He pondered

[…sigh; The System has started the process of electrocution]

Soon small currents ran all throughout his body, zapping him in small volts like one would experience after rubbing their feet on the floor and touching something metallic afterwards. They were more annoying than painful. 003 took this chance to position his feet apart and start pooling energy in his core like the wise man had said once. Since this was something Hero had practiced in his past life, it came as second nature to 003. He knew he wouldn't be fast enough to redirect it if it were to suddenly strike at him but he needed a quick way to at least be able to do the bare minimum. The electricity grew stronger as the hair on every inch of his body stood straight. 003 braced himself and began searching for the energy of the lightning to redirect, larger bolts struck him in different spots but he remained trying to flow the energy in his body. A large bang erupted as muffled scream left the training room. 003 lay in a pool of blood, fried hair and pieces of his flesh. His body ached with a new pain that he couldn't quite get a hold of. He barely withstood the one second attack of violent lightning that coursed from the top of his body to his feet. If he hadn't taken off his shoes, placing his feet on the rubber floor, he was sure it would've been many times worse. It hurt him to breath, let alone move. 'You son of a bitch system, you did that on purpose didn't you?' 003 shouted in his head as he coughed up blood. His body was twitching as small bouts of electricity still ran through his body. The pungent smell filled the air as smoke billowed off of his chest where the largest lightning bolt hit.

[The System chooses not to answer]

'I'm never doing this shit again. Daily quest it is!' 003 angrily thought as he clenched his jaw. The pain began to radiate even more causing small tears to leak from his eyes.

[The System has provided your rewards, IO has rounded all stats +10 for surviving angry systems attack!]

HP: 5/110 (1300/1300)

MP: 3/110 (450/450)

Strength: 14 (80)

Agility: 13 (85)

Stamina: 14 (80)

Perception: 17 (100)

Intelligence: 18 (120)

[New Skill: Asklepios Healing Touch]

[Rank: Legendary - partially locked]

[Activating - Repairing 1 HP every 30 seconds]

[New Skill: Black Lightning]

[Rank: Novice]


The banging on the door told 003 that soldiers had arrived but the arrays that Hero had set were keeping them out. 003 closed his eyes tightly as he tried to breathe through the pain that illuminated every fiber of his being. He tried pooling the energy at the places were his skin was fried, boiling up from the electricity. He tried to move his arms and was hit with unimaginable pain. He looked up at the ceiling, exhaustion overwhelming him. His wounds slowly rebuilding and regenerating his new body.