
Mariah's sleep got interrupted by the sound of someone banging hysterically against her door. She struggled to come to reality for a short while before her eyes flickered open.

She found out that her surroundings were dark and she could've been unable to see anything if not for the city lights shining through her glass windows filling her room with shades of brown, blue and red lights, coming especially from the next building. She sat up on her bed and yawned.

There was nothing she loved as much as she loved the night.

Looking through the window, she could only appreciate how grandiose and magnificent the city looked. No matter how many hours she had spent looking through her large glass window, she could never get over how beautiful the city was.

The banging noise reverberated through the air once again.

Mariah groaned. She had almost forgotten about that issue.

She jumped off the bed and walked to the front door. She did not bother fixing her hair or maybe check if she drooled in her sleep, she instead abruptly opened the door, catching her guest off guard.

Her guest was Iris.

"Hi" she greeted with an uncertainty in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I was sleeping" Mariah apologized.

Iris unsure smile faltered and gave birth to a rather more appropriate and friendly smile, "it's nothing, I brought something for you"

Mariah was confused, it was only after she looked down at what Iris was holding before the realization came to her that Iris had not come empty handed.

"I made a little too much and decided to share," Iris said.

Mariah managed a small grateful smile and took the sea blue small container off Iris's hands.

"Do you want to come in?" Mariah asked politely.

"No, next time" Iris smiled before walking away.

Mariah watched her walk away until she opened the door to her apartment and was out of Mariah's peripheral.

She found it kind of shocking, the first time she ever talked to Iris was at the party and that was also the last time. She never expected that she had suddenly built a friendship with her.

Regardless, she was grateful. Mariah closed the door and kept the container inside the freezer without checking to see just what Iris had given her. Considering her level of forgetfulness, that food might as well just rot in the freezer.

Mariah walked to her bedroom to check on her phone. However before she got there, there was a knock on her door.

She walked to the door and opened it.

Henry smiled at her "hi"

Mariah's cheeks heated up "Hi"

"You mentioned this morning that you loved the night, do you want to go on a short walk with me?" Henry asked.

Mariah was speechless. She wanted to close the door and probably scream into her pillow that Henry was asking her out but she did not want to seem rude. Only just seeing him did she realize she had actually missed him when she was at school.

He was wearing a pair of ripped blue jeans and a black T-shirt, he looked very casual which was literally his usual look.

"Well, sure, but you're gonna have to give me some time to change," she replied.

"Sure" he said "can I at least come inside, I think it'll be weird standing by your door like this"

Mariah chuckled "come in" she opened the door wide enough for him to enter and when he did, she left the door open.

Henry noticed this but did not say a word.

Mariah walked to her bedroom and there the fire unleashed.

She had nothing to wear.

If he had told her beforehand, maybe she could've figured out something, but now she was standing in front of her closet going through her clothes and finding nothing that fitted the occasion.

Seeing that there wasn't a bright future to her search, she decided to fix her hair first and then she could figure out what to wear depending on the temperature outside.

She grabbed her brush from her drawers and hastily brushed her hair. She thanked God that her hair wasn't a bird's nest when she was talking to him. Though it was a bit out of place, it wasn't terrible.

Mariah decided to pull it up into a loose bun. The dark roots of her red hair made her look better than she had expected. Previously she had been thinking of dying the dark roots out but seeing this now, there was suddenly a change of heart.

When she finished with her hair, she walked over to the closet.

There was a chill in the air, at first she wanted to try on a pair of sweatpants but she decided against it. It was way too casual for the occasion, and so she settled for a long dress.

The dress had floral prints and it was so long it stopped right over her ankles, it was a sleeveless dress, but because of the cold, she was going to grab a scarf or something for it. The dress was tight around just her chest but the rest was much more loose.

Mariah looked at herself in the mirror, she was satisfied with her appearance so she walked out of her room. She saw Henry busying himself with looking over her paintings.

"You're ready to go?"