
The morning brought with it new hope and a chance to right the wrongs of yesterday, the opportunity to live every minute as the best person you could be. A time to feel the courage that existed in all humans. The morning brought with itself life.

Life which was considered overrated by the redhead girl lying eyes wide open on her bed.

There was really not a point to life. It was an endless circle of the same old routine that every human, like it or not, had been forced to do. This decision was made by two sexually driven people who felt the need to curse their offsprings to live a life harder than the one they both lived, because with the birth of a new generation, blossomed the complexity of old problems.

A human is expected to be born without their permission and be forced to breathe, to learn, to strive, to suffer, to love –which often ends in a tragedy– to work, to breed and then to die.

No matter what one achieved, the money they accrued, the mansions they built, there was only one certainty of their lives– death was their end. Be it a philanthropist, a beggar, a prude, a prideful person, a scumbag, they were all going to die. Whether or not you lived as a good person or a terrible human, there was only one end.

Who even invented the distinction between good and bad? Who made it so that charity was good and stealing was a bad thing. The two of them were things one did not work for but were given or taken. Even a thief does more work than the people at the receiving ends of the charity.

The obvious difference is that those people in need of charity were born with problems, problems that you did not cause them, but as a rich person the world expects you to give charity, why? Why the guilt trip?

A thief wouldn't stoop so low to guilt trip you, no, they would not bother to play with your feelings, they'd rather work towards robbing you than deriving pleasure from your disheartenment.

Maybe all along, humans have been living life the wrong way, maybe all we see to be the right thing to do is actually the wrong one.

Life is regarded as hard or complex but it is assumed to be simple.

Mariah could only find one word to describe the society– stupid.

She turned around in her bed lazily before she dragged herself off the bed to have her bath in the bathroom and prepare for school.

"School, a topic for another day" she thought out loud.

The rest of the week passed by in a blur, too fast for Mariah to hold a moment and live in it. She had planned to avoid Henry at all cost, it was obvious her mind was not as strong as she had thought, but it was as if he also was avoiding her.

After that night they almost kissed, Mariah did not see him for days. She knew he was around, he lived in the building, she heard his voice but she just never saw his face and he did not see hers.

One time Adonis tried to bring up the topic of what he saw but Mariah left his question unanswered and downright called him an idiot for bringing it up.

Although she barely knew him, she was fed up with his stupidity.

She was starting to see just his flaws, dismissing his strengths. Though his mentality needed to be addressed, his looks were top tier. However, Mariah did not see that, she only recognized downright stupidity.

This day, Mariah was simply getting ready to have sliced apples for dinner and thereafter going to bed. It was Friday night, there were a number of things she could decide to do like finally take Leslie on that invite to her place and maybe finally see the city. No, instead she decided to slice some apples and collapse on her bed.

No movie plans, no parties, just Mariah, her bed and her pillow in a holy matrimony.

While slicing the apples, two knocks came from her door. She groaned lazily before dropping the knife and dragging her feet to the door to answer whoever was knocking.

It was Thelma.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she pushed her way into Mariah's apartment.

Mariah watched her strut into the kitchen from the door, her face was too lazy to hold any expression, she walked away from the door and joined Thelma in the kitchen.

Mariah chuckled "what are you doing?"

Thelma raised her head from the bowl of sliced apples where she had picked one "I was bored and decided to stop by"

Mariah forced out a smile, trying to cover up her displeasure. "I was already preparing to go to bed"

Thelma walked away from the counter and walked to the sink. Her bearing was heavy like she has something on her mind. Mariah could literally see her skepticism but paid no mind to it.

It was not her place to ask.

Thelma was not her frie–

"I think I like Adonis".