
Without warning, a cry resonated through the air. The sound was sudden and carried with it an insurmountable amount of pleasure. The cry which was supposed to be a low cry, was not in any way in that octave. It was a rather high pitched cry.

It almost sounded like someone was grieving other than what it actually was. The sound was tremendously loud and its owner seemed to have a sizable amount of apathy towards the possibility of being heard by the neighbors.

Mariah and Thelma shared a look before bursting out into a laughing fit.

"Who could that be?" Thelma asked.

"Let's go find out" Mariah urged Thelma out of the room through the ajar door.

What they found on the hallway was all the occupants of the rooms standing by their door in a conversation with each other. The only time Mariah had seen all of them in one place was at the get together the day she moved in.

The sound was even louder as they arrived at the hallway.

Mariah looked around, and up ahead, she saw Henry casually talking to Luis and another red head boy, Mariah recognized him as Fred.

"At least he's not the one having sex" she said to herself.

"Adonis is not here".

Mariah turned her attention back to Thelma. "What did you say?"

Thelma repeated, "Adonis is not here." She lifted her head to make eye contact with Mariah.

Mariah saw tears shimmering in her eyes. Her mouth opened then closed back. She had nothing to say to Thelma at this point, she could only watch as a tear slid down her eyes.

"Does this answer your question?" Thelma walked away from her and entered the room right opposite the one the noise was coming from. Adonis' room.

Mariah could not understand how Thelma was feeling so she decided not to waste her time worrying about insignificant things, especially the possibility of Thelma being mad at her because honestly she couldn't find her fault. She offered the advice Thelma came to her for and if her question provoked Thelma it wasn't her fault.


Mariah turned to her side.

Henry had appeared there, his hand folded in front of him, a corner of his mouth curled up. His svelte body inviting risqué thoughts to Mariah's mind and the sound playing in the background fanned the flames of impure needs.

Mariah swallowed to the pulsating feeling in between her legs.

The cries of the girl Adonis was currently fucking were doing things to her.

Before she could give it a thought she said, "let's go in"

Henry's brows rose, but he followed right after her.

This time, Mariah closed the door after Henry walked in.

"You usually always leave the door open," he remarked.

"Well, only when I'm not doing impure things"

He sat on the sofa "impure things?"

Mariah chuckled knowingly "or am I the only one that those cries are doing something to?"

Right on cue, a deep cry of pleasure rang through the air. Mariah bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as she embraced the riveting feeling of the cries.

Her body was hot all over. The precipitation of her reaction to the sound of Adonis' visitor moaning was unprecedented. And she had not once thought that it would have such a sudden effect on her.

Henry's breathing hitched, he was entranced by Mariah's sudden sensual movements. Without wasting further seconds, he removed his flannel jacket and walked to where she was standing combing through her hair with her fingers.

In no time, their lips were tucked in each other's. He kissed her sloppily, leaving traces of saliva all over her face while his hands ravaged her body.

The fire burning within her directed its cause to the moaning and not to the unrhythmic and amateur caress of Henry's hands and tongue.

The pulsating feeling in between her legs subsided and the electricity flowing through her body died down.

The thought of kissing him was better than the reality of it.

Luckily for Mariah, the sound of her phone ringing could be heard. Taking that as an opportunity, she broke away from whatever Henry was doing to her.

"I have to take this" She avoided his gaze and hurried to the kitchen counter where her phone was busy ringing.

The caller ID showed Leslie.

On a normal occasion, Mariah would not have picked the call but seeing as she was sort of desperate for this whole fiasco to come to an end, she answered immediately.

"Hey Les" she greeted.

"Hey, it's Friday night and I was wondering if you'd like to go out. I have a friend who feels like going out for a drink or something, and so I thought of inviting you. You down?"

Even though she wasn't, she replied "yes, I'll be on my way, I'll see you soon".

"Did something happen?" Henry asked, concern evident in his features.

"My cousin, something came up with her, I have to leave" As she was saying, she was already making her way to her bedroom to change out of her outfit into something proper for a drinking night out.

Since they were going out for drinks, she decided to wear a short black dress that sexualized her features along with some knee high boots, she applied a little mascara and drew a thin line with an eyeliner.

All these she did in less than five minutes. In order to not appear suspicious to Henry, she draped a black long fur coat she had stolen from Tara before leaving for college. Her jewelries and lipstick she tucked in her black purse before walking out of her room.

"Wow!" Henry exclaimed. "You do not look like you're going somewhere because of a emergency"

Mariah's face heated up despite herself. "She needed help somewhere and it's at a club. I surely cannot wear my sweatpants to a club"

Mariah thought if Henry had not heard her phone ring he would've probably not believed her words.

"Anyways, I'll see you when I get back" she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek before walking to the door.

Henry followed right after her. "Maybe then we could continue from where we left off"

Mariah laughed nervously.